
Chrysanthemum of Love

Jaynee Jill was a girl that really loves chrysanthemums flower. Her dreams were to have her own shop flower. Besides that, she has the ability to make perfume. She uses her favorite flower to make her own perfume. Jaynee Jill was a lovely girl that always have joy and a simple person. She only has a mother and her two siblings name Jerald and Joyce. They always support her whatever she wants to do in her life. They believe someday Jaynee will achieve her own dream. One day, she going to a big city to find a job. She actually applies to some companies that produce perfume. At there, she lived with her best friend's name Louisa for a while. She really feels grateful to have her friend help her from start. From the beginning, her life was liked as whats she planned. Until that day, she meets with Louisa's brother that she long time didn't meet. Louisa's brother's name was Lewis Simon. He works as a doctor. Jaynee's life gonna change after she knows Lewis was has a crushed to her for a long time. She didn't know that Lewis will fall in love with her. She at first didn't have feelings for Lewis until someday she knows what her heart wants and what really her feelings to Lewis. But, there was something that happened when she wants to accept Lewis into her life. One day, she knows that she suffering from kidney disease. She really feels sad and heartbroken. She didn't want to make troublesome to anyone. From the beginning, she didn't know what to do about her life. She feels lonely and feels sad inside her heart, even though she has her friends, family, and Lewis who always with her to through it all. Will Jaynee survive with her disease?? Will Jaynee still accepts Lewis's love? Will her love and Lewis gonna be together forever or just go in their own way?? Will their love gonna be like the chrysanthemum of a flower that means for the devotion of their lives?

refinnej_iaru93 · 都市
8 Chs


The next day, Jaynee wake up early. She is ready to move out her stuff to her new place. That morning, she waiting for the lorry to taking out her stuff. Then, her friend Louisa calls her.

''Good morning Jen! I'm sorry cannot help you to move out there.'' Louisa said to her as she can't help her there because she needs to take care of her father at the hospital.

''Good morning Li! It's okay! I know...just take care of your dad carefully okay. Actually, my things also not too much. I can handle it by myself.'' Jaynee said to her as she doesn't want her friend to worry about her.

''Okay, friend! Be careful ya!'' Louisa said to her.

''Yeah! I will!'' Jaynee said to her back.

''Actually, Jen..my brother gonna help you there later! He already on his way to go there.'' Louisa said to her while tried to hold her smiling to her friend.

''What?? Are you kidding me??'' Jaynee was nervous to hear that from Louisa.

''Yeah! I'm not kidding! Okay, we talk later ya! Bye!'' Louisa said to her and ended their call as possible before Jaynee scolds her more.

''Hey! Li!'' Jaynee was feeling angry. 'Argh! Why must he come here?!'

After half an hour, Jaynee finished moving out of all her things. When she wants to go out of that house, suddenly a car coming closer to her. 'What? Lewis cars!' She feels nervous and scared.

Then Lewis comes out from his car and coming towards Jaynee.

''Let's go...I send you to your house.'' Lewis said to her.

''Err...I can go on my own. I don't want to disturb you. You must be busy with your work and your dad right?'' Jaynee said to her while lowering her head. She was not too brave to see Lewis by face.

''Louisa and my mom already there with my dad and today I'm on leave!'' Lewis said to her while looking at Jaynee's faces.

''Ah...I see! Actually, I already called grab car...'' Jaynee said to him as she wants to avoid Lewis from helping her.

''Just cancel it! I take you there. Come!'' Lewis said to her firmly.

''But I...'' Jaynee still wants to give him excuses.

''I said...I take you. Please get in the car!'' Lewis said to her for the last time as he makes a serious face at Jaynee.

''Okay!'' Jaynee quickly go in the car as she saw Lewis's angry face.

On their way, both of them just stay silent. Jaynee didn't know how to start their conversation. She looks that Lewis just focuses on his driving. Then, suddenly Lewis talked to her first.

''Did you have breakfast yet?'' Lewis asks her.

''Emm...not yet!'' Jaynee answered him back.

''We went to breakfast near your house first. I know some cafes there.'' Lewis said to her.

''Oh...okay.'' Jaynee just agree with him.

After half an hour, they arrived at the cafe name Big smile Cafe's. They walk together into the cafe and suddenly Jaynee surprised to see a woman coming to welcome them and hug Lewis.

''Wow! Doctor Lewis! Finally, you come here?'' That woman said to Lewis happily and hug him tightly.

''I'm sorry Mary! I totally busy when I arrived in Malaysia here. But today I made it!'' Lewis said to her friend name Mary.

Jaynee speaks in her mind while making a sharp glare at both of them. 'Wow! You two happy to see each other and me?? Did two see me here too??!'

''Hey! So who did you bring here? Your girlfriend??'' Mary asks Lewis while teasing him.

Jaynee just give her smiling to Mary and waited what will be Lewis answered to her.

''She Jaynee..! She is my sister's friend...and Jaynee..she Mary, my high school friend..'' Lewis didn't finish his words when Mary cut him.

''What?? Jaynee?? Jaynee Jill?? Are you serious Lew?'' Mary was surprised and at the same time, she shows happily faces to Lewis. Lewis just calmly nodding his head and asks her to just keep quiet. Jaynee noticed something that they try to hide up from her.

''Err...anything wrong??'' Jaynee tries to ask both of them curiously.

''Nothing Jill! Come we sat down here.'' Lewis quickly pulls Jaynee to sat down and glare at Mary to just keep her words.

''Okay... I got something to do in the kitchen. You two just ordered your foods here okay. Lew, we talk later! and Jaynee, nice to meet you, dear!'' Mary just left them there.

''Okay, Thanks!'' Lewis said to Mary while he takes a glance to see Jaynee's face.

After a few minutes, Lewis noticed that Jaynee just eating and just stay silent without asking or talking to him. Jaynee just keeps eating and at that time she keeps thinking over and over herself many things about all people around Lewis. She can feel that if she wants to be with Lewis, she not compatible with him.

''Jill...'' Lewis call her gently but Jaynee still didn't hear him.

''Jill...Jill...!'' Lewis keep call her.

''Yes! I mean..yeah...I'm sorry! I just think of other things.

Lewis just staring at her and give her question faces.

''I'm sorry!'' Jaynee said to her gently.

''Wait! Did you just call me Jill??'' Jaynee asks him curiously.

''Yes! Why? Was that your name also right?'' Lewis said to her.

''Err...yeah! Exactly..but...'' Jaynee tried to continue her words.

''I can call you whatever I want to call you! Come, let's go! We going to your house.'' Lewis said to her while giving his mischievous smile to Jaynee. Jaynee just follows Lewis at back while just giving a firm glare at him.

After coming back from breakfast, they arrived at Jaynee's new rent house.

At that time, Lewis helping Jaynee to arrange her things there. Jaynee actually wants to ask Lewis to go back but Lewis still insists to help her there.

''Lewis...actually I can do my things here by myself. You can go back.'' Jaynee said to him nicely.

''It's okay, I can help you here. Didn't I say today I on my leave? So I have time to help you.'' Lewis said to her.

''But still...rather than you helping me here, why don't you just give yourself a rest? After all, I know before this you too busy and you didn't have your own time to rest.''Jaynee said to her as she worried about him.

Lewis just stops doing his things and coming closer to Jaynee. Jaynee was surprised to see Lewis behind her back with closer.

''What??'' Jaynee ask Lewis while her heart beating faster to be close with Lewis there.

''You worried about me??'' Lewis asks her.

''Yeah! Of course!'' Jaynee answered her spontaneously.

''Why??'' Lewis asks her while staring into her eyes.

Jaynee was feeling nervous at that time and she suddenly didn't know what to say to Lewis. But luckily, Lewis's phone ringing! Jaynee finally can feel at ease. 'Phew! Thank god!'

''Hello!'' Lewis answered his phone.

''Hello, doc! We need you here urgently! Doctor Ella needs your helps to lead her with her operation.'' Someone from the hospital calling him.

''Okay! I'm coming now. Just tell Ella to prepared the other things first.'' Lewis talks to his staff.

Jaynee heard about that conversation suddenly feels sulk and makes a gloomy face after Lewis mention Ella's name.

''Jill...I...'' Lewis didn't finish his words as Jaynee cut him.

''It's okay! You can just go!'' Jaynee just let him go and she didn't even look into Lewis back.

''I'm sorry! I meet you later okay? Bye!'' Lewis quickly going out from there and went to the hospital.

Jaynee just replies to his words inside her heart. ' Bye Lewis! I know you must care about your patient...I didn't know why I must feel jealous when you say other girl names. Hrmmm....'

Jaynee just sat down at her sofa and then she just laying there as she keeps thinking about her own life.

In that night, she rested in the living room because of the fatigue of arranging her things all day. 'Argh! Tomorrow work! I need to present my own perfume also tomorrow! Oh no! Jaynee suddenly stands up and going inside her room.'

Jaynee actually has prepared her own recipe for her own perfume. She really has the interest to do a thing related to flower and then produce her own scent for perfume. She really hopes tomorrow her boss will like her idea about her own scent of perfume and everything will go on like the plan.

When Jaynee wants to go sleep, she got a call phone from Lewis.

''Hello...Jill..are you asleep?'' Lewis calls her in a sweet voice.

''Hello...emm..not yet...why?'' Jaynee answered his call with a nervous feeling.

''Oh..nope! I just want to hear your voice...'' Lewis said to her gently.

''Oh...did you finish with your operation?'' Jaynee asks him casually as to hiding her nervous feeling.

''Yeah! Just now...I'm so tired now...hrmm..Just let me stay like this for a minute..'' Lewis said to Jaynee weakly. Jaynee can hear Lewis breathing gently from the phone. She really wants to be at Lewis's side at that time but..she knows that will be impossible.

After several minutes they just stay silent on their phone, suddenly Jaynee hears someone call Lewis urgently. There must have an emergency from his patients.

''Doctor Lewis! You need to come to see this patient!''

''Okay! I'm coming!'' Lewis hurriedly goes to his patient.

''Jill, I call you back later!'' Lewis said to Jaynee and ended their conversation on phone quickly.

Jaynee just only saying goodbye to Lewis in her heart. She knows Lewis as a doctor must have a busy all the time. While thinking about Lewis in her bed laying there...she finally fell asleep...

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