
[Weekly Bonus Chapter 2/2] Scorching Rain

A loud explosion shook the forest. The size of the blast told what kind of havoc had consumed the goblins within. 



"Keee! Human monster! Run!"

The journey to the next settlement was quicker than expected and more interesting. Instead of goblins, the trio had found a settlement housing hobgoblins, and there were quite a lot of them. 

Since hobgoblins were the next stage in the evolution of goblins, they were capable of interspecies communication. It was fun to see them howl, claiming Sophia was a monster, but being called such by a literal monster only angered her more, prompting her to cause more chaos.

'Giving her the Shaman's staff was a good idea,' Adrian thought, watching them from a distance. 'Not only does it reduce the charging time for her spells, it also amplifies it. A perfect item for her.'
