
The Beginning Of Time

in the void, the is a dot. no one know how it came to be nor what it is. it just exist there, still in silence, not moving nor living. it just exist.

it stay in that void for so long, no one know how long because the concept of time is still not exist then. but now there is a changes in it. and because of this changes it can no longer exist like before. this so called change is the first for it and will also be the last because with this changes its purpose to exist come to and end then it explode.

the explosion is so great that the void shatter with it because it can no longer contain the power of the explosion and void cease to exist. this is the beginning, the beginning of countless world that would form from the debris of the dot that explode.

but why did the dot explode? what trigger the changes? if someone want to ask this question then of course no one can answer it because there is no living thing that exist back then. then why? will this question have an answer?

later on there is all kind of theory about the forming of the world what trigger it, but there is one theory that other find the most believable. that was the world begin to exist because time begin to exist. the dot explode because time for the first time since it exist begin to move and the dot that always exist in the void in stillness also began to move and change. just like it was there just for this moment and then gone forever after it see that time have come to take over.

This is the beginning of time that start everything.

this is my first novel that i write so pls help me if there is a mistake that i made so i can corected it thx :D

djacreators' thoughts