

Meet Marwa Kabeer Hassan: A rude, narcissistic, audacious, and dramatic lady. She looks very innocent, beautiful, and nice but she has that no-nonsense aura that radiates off her like a flame, no one dares to mess with her. She hates royalty and every small thing related to royalty, especially the royals. The only set of people she tolerates is her family and they are people below middle-class. And Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad: The eldest son of king Harith Baghdad and also the crown prince of Kano state. One look at the breathtaking guy, a person will fall in love with his handsome traits obtained from his mother who is an Arabian. He is the CEO of a successful real estate business and also the ambassador of Nigeria to Saudi Arabia. He is known for his unwavering fierceness, ruthlessness, and viciousness. His aura is domineering which makes him unapproachable. He can have anything he wants with just a snap of his fingers so no one dares to go against his words. As they say, "Two wrongs cannot make a right". But what if one is willing to change for the other? Join me as I unravel the love story of Marwa Kabeer Hassan and Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad.

Fatima_Danraka · 都市
14 Chs


<p>OMNISCIENT<br/><br/>"Mami, I'll get going then," Zafeer let out a strained but genuine smile. <br/><br/>He arrived over an hour ago and Marwa had not returned yet. Zafeer cleared his busy schedule for the day just to meet with Marwa, even his appointment with the investors. He stayed back and had a chat with Nafisa and Marwa's younger sister, Hidayah. They were teaching him how to speak Fulfulde when he said he wanted to learn, the mother and daughter kept laughing at the way he used his British-Arabian accent to pronounce the words. <br/><br/>When she came out of her small room and saw an unfamiliar handsome person who did not look like a Nigerian, she mistakenly dropped the metal cup she was holding which made the two people in the living room laugh out loud. <br/><br/>"Y-you look like those models from a magazine, even more handsome," That was the first thing she uttered when her eyes landed on Zafeer, Hidayah could swear that her heart missed a beat. <br/><br/>"Can't you greet our guest, Hidayah?" Her mother scolded.<br/><br/>"Good afternoon..." She trailed off, not knowing his name. <br/><br/>"Murad," He gave her a genuine smile and adjusted the cufflinks of his coffee-brown kaftan. <br/><br/>"Hamma Murad," She smiled shyly.<br/><br/>"He is your sister's guest, go and bring some refreshments for him," Nafisa spoke, she did as her mother said.<br/><br/>After that, they sat down to entertain the said guest. Hidayah kept telling him more and more about Marwa, even the time when she went to her school and posed as her mother, Zafeer laughed so hard that moment, it sounded so foreign to his ears but at the same time, he felt celestial.<br/><br/>Snapping back to reality, he stood up and made his way out after gifting Hidayah a bundle of one thousand Naira notes like those brothers-in-law or visitors do. The girl was too shy to collect but she did nonetheless, if Marwa finds out one way or the other, she should consider herself dead.<br/><br/>Zafeer was disappointed and furious when he went out, he gave Marwa twenty calls and the careless girl didn't even pick up. That was when he saw a silver car driving towards Marwa's, the moment he saw Marwa looking like a deer caught in a headlight, the anger in him proliferated and he punched his car. His heart burned with the desire to kill the driver of the car even though he couldn't see his face.<br/><br/>"How dare she keep me waiting? Who the hell has that audacity and authority to go out with her?" He silently seethed, his eyes narrowing into slits. He assured himself that he was not jealous because of a mere commoner, she didn't have the superpower to make the Crown Prince Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad jealous, or so he thought.<br/><br/>Marwa alighted the car with an apathetic expression, the stubbornness and arrogance in her wouldn't allow her to show him that she was afraid. She silently walked to where he was standing, not knowing that Junaid was following behind. He knew that Zafeer was jealous and angry, the guy hated waiting for someone, and seeing Marwa with another man just gave rise to a new feeling in him.<br/><br/>"I stopped at the --" She didn't get to finish explaining before he cut her off.<br/><br/>"You stopped at the classy restaurant for a quick date with your boyfriend while I was here waiting for you? Seriously Marwa, what the hell is your problem? You could have told me that you wouldn't make it, do you hate me that much and you want me to suffer?" He ranted all in one breath, his deep, angry voice sending shivers down her spine, she had fallen in love with that unique voice since the first day she met him.<br/><br/>"Now you listen to me. I don't care what you think of me but don't you dare talk to me like that ever again, okay? I won't even explain myself to you, you better get rid of that toxicity of judging people based on what you see," She angrily retorted, both of them had reached the climax of their anger.<br/><br/>"All of you, calm down. My sister here wanted to say that on her way back from the hospital, she went to buy something at the convenience store where she bumped into me, your twin brother, Rayan Shakur," Junaid winked so that Zafeer would know about their fake twin relationship and his newly formed name.<br/><br/>Zafeer raised his head, and that was when he saw Junaid and realized that his anger was useless, he behaved foolishly and let his emotions get the best of him. It didn't take long before he figured out what Junaid meant, he was now his fake twin brother, Rayan Shakur.<br/><br/>"Way to go Zafeer, your anger ruined everything again," The Crown Prince scolded himself. He then glanced at Junaid who was busy mouthing for him to apologize. Marwa didn't feel intimidated by the two men even though she was short, the girl was hotly glaring at Zafeer.<br/><br/>"I am extremely sorry, my anger got the best of me and I didn't think twice before saying those words. Marwa is not the relationship type, I should have trusted you and waited for your explanation but instead, I messed everything up," He sincerely apologized even though the words felt too heavy for him. Zafeer was never the one to apologize even if he was at fault but at that time, a tomboy below the middle class just made him do that twice!<br/><br/>Junaid stood mouth agape, he couldn't believe that the most arrogant person alive just sincerely admitted that he was in the wrong and apologized, to a female! Wow, Marwa is surely a life changer. He decided to help his brother out of the situation because the said man was impatiently waiting for her to say something but she never did.<br/><br/>"Sis, forgive this brother of mine, please. He is sorry, I can see it. He will mend his ways next time, I promise you," Junaid whispered to Marwa who felt her rage dissipating into thin air after looking at an uncomfortable Zafeer awkwardly fiddling with his fingers.<br/><br/>"Anger management!" She exclaimed.<br/><br/>"Huh?" Zafeer widened his eyes in confusion.<br/><br/>"That will be the topic we'll tackle on Monday and yes, wait for me to change," She screamed like a mad person and sprinted away with three paper bags in her hands. He was too good-looking for her not to resist, her heart was beating so fast when she looked into his black orbs, it was the same type of feeling she had with someone she did not want to remember or even talk about.<br/><br/>"Catching feelings so soon, Brother?" Junaid teased Zafeer who looked lost in a world of his own, he was imagining impossible things.<br/><br/>"Feelings are for people with hearts and anyway, who will even catch feelings for the devil's sister?" Zafeer laughed to avoid his inner voice that was in denial.<br/><br/>"Believe me or not, you have a heart, Bro. It will just take some little effort for you to admit it," Junaid grinned cockily.<br/><br/>"If you don't keep quiet, I will behead you," He threatened in all seriousness, but his best friend knew better.<br/><br/>"Sorry, Crown Prince," Junaid Haroon Baghdad bowed dramatically. <br/><br/>Inside the house, Nafisa and Hidayah were busy rummaging through Marwa's old wooden wardrobe, the girl's clothes were mostly oversized hoodies and sweatpants which made it hard for them to find something presentable. It was on short notice, if not, Shukra would have come over with some clothes for her best friend, as usual. Hidayah's clothes were too small for her.<br/><br/>"Mami, I can wear a baggy hoodie with oversized sweatpants and top it with a big hijab," Marwa shrugged as though she didn't invite war upon herself.<br/><br/>"Are you a barbarian? I don't even who you inherited your horrible fashion sense from," Nafisa hissed and kept rummaging through the clothes.<br/><br/>"Here! Found something," Hidayah squealed and raised a beautiful maroon abaya with a matching veil, it was embellished with golden stones and had a v-neckline with regular extension sleeves. Omar Hassan bought it for her two years ago when he went to Qatar.<br/><br/>"Good job, my girl. Hurry up and change immediately," Nafisa threw the set of clothes to Marwa who groaned before standing up. They went out after bringing out a black handmade flat shoe for her. She has never worn heels in her life, she creeps out whenever she sees her friends wearing heels because of how the structure of the shoe looks.<br/><br/>Shortly after, Marwa came out of the room wearing the cloth that was picked out for her, she draped the veil around her head in the hijabi way. Her face was void of any makeup except for the lipgloss she applied.<br/><br/>"I didn't know that I have such a beautiful sister," Hidayah gushed<br/><br/>"This is so uncomfortable, the sleeves are too long," Marwa complained with a cute frown.<br/><br/>"You look so much like him," Nafisa sniffled sadly, something she says whenever Marwa dresses up like a well-behaved person.<br/><br/>"I am daddy's girl, after all. We love you, Daddy," Marwa cheered sadly, knowing that her father would be proud seeing that she is now changing for the better.<br/><br/>"Alright, go now. And please, inform Murad's brother to come to see me. I want to thank him for all these things," Nafisa smiled and sprayed perfume all over Marwa before ushering her out of the house. Yes, she told them everything that transpired between her and Rayan Shakur earlier but her mother made sure that Hidayah didn't spill the beans about the one hundred thousand Naira they were given on such a good day. Marwa would have given Zafeer a piece of her mind. <br/><br/>"Hamma Rayan, Mami said I should call you, she wants to thank you," Marwa came out of the house while clutching her iPhone 6 as though her dear life depended on it. Fawzan bought it for her during her sixteenth birthday as a way of making up for her. He didn't come to her birthday due to the nature of his work and she was furious, so he made it up to her.<br/><br/>Zafeer galvanized, even amongst the Arab girls, he had never seen someone that captivated his attention like Marwa did, not that he even took time to look at them. He was busy thanking the sole architect who was capable of creating such a beauty that he did not even know Junaid left.<br/><br/>Marwa felt his intense gaze on her, it made her cheeks crimson in shyness. Marwa and shyness! Worst combination because she couldn't let it take over, that tomboy habit of hers must always get in the way.<br/><br/>"Can you stop looking at me now? You are making me feel like a small, tiny, short ant," She grunted.<br/><br/>"So you're comparing yourself to an ant?" He chuckled with an amused expression.<br/><br/>"Just shut up," Marwa grumbled and adjusted her uncrinkled abaya. <br/><br/>"You may be small, chubby, and short but you are not an ant, Marwa. You are beautiful," He blurted without knowing, it was the first time he ever said that to a woman.<br/><br/>Marwa blushed, this time around, she didn't hold the feelings back. They came rushing like an avalanche, the butterflies in her tummy made her feel something familiar, a feeling of longing for someone. For the first time, someone called her beautiful and it felt so genuine and good.<br/><br/>"Thank you," She isn't good with compliments, it was the best thing she could mumble at that moment. Both of them unexpectedly met each other's awkward gazes, Zafeer read a flash of unfamiliar emotions in her eyes but he could see right through her, the emotions were hollow, and she felt forlorn.<br/><br/>He decided not to dig deeper into that topic, believing that one day she would trust and tell him whatever it was that caused it. Not that he didn't know some parts, Nafisa told him what she knew which was the reason why he was being gentle with her, Marwa is fragile but she acts like the strongest woman on earth which earned huge respect for her in Zafeer's eyes.<br/><br/>"Marwa," He called gently. Currently, they are in Zafeer's black 2021 G-wagon that was filled with his expensive cologne, she begged the guy to stop coming with flashy cars because their neighbours had started gossiping already but that was the least he could find in his collection of cars.<br/><br/>"Yes," She looked up but quickly cascaded down her head when she saw him gazing straight into her eyes. No matter how confident Marwa was, she simply could not maintain eye contact with the man in front of her because he was too domineering.<br/><br/>"Can I ask you something?" His deep voice echoed through the car.<br/><br/>"Ask away," She retorted, letting herself admire the interior of the car. Everything was black, including his iPhone 13 pro max that she saw on the dashboard alongside the latest Google Pixel 4. The guy must be filthy rich!<br/><br/>"That day before I stormed out of your office, you said something about the royals not caring about the people below them. It aroused my curiosity and didn't allow me to have a good night's sleep, what do you mean?" He questioned, no matter how many times he tried to think of any possible outcome, he could not do it.<br/><br/>"Woah! Why are you so curious? Now, I am starting to think you are a very close relative of them," She snickered bitterly.<br/><br/>"Calm down woman, I was just curious, that is all," He laughed nervously, she eyed him for a moment before talking.<br/><br/>"In a population of over two million people comprising of juveniles, teenagers, the middle-aged and old people, there are only about three hundred of them who are capable of fending for themselves. And among those three hundred, less than a quarter of them are above high-class, the rest are just trying to live through daily life. If three hundred are the only ones capable of taking care of themselves, what about the rest?" She had no idea that she was panting until Zafeer passed her a bottle of water, he was busy calculating and analyzing everything in his head.<br/><br/>"This is exactly what is happening in this state, the president tried his hardest to sign the budgeted amount into the state's account but it always ends up getting stuck between the governor and those selfish, high-class people, which, of course, the royals are among. Where do they get those riches from? It is from the government's money, you need to see something, just drive the car," She drank from the bottle of water as he revved the engine to life and sped off with numerous thoughts running through his mind. <br/><br/>She directed him to places that he never knew existed, not that he knew his way around Kano. He saw the almajiris looking cotton-mouthed and malnourished. Sympathy surged through his veins and he parked the car, he quickly got down and brought out a bundle of one thousand Naira notes then started sharing it for them, one by one. Marwa, who was behind him, smiled. She was awestruck by his generosity. Zafeer felt happy, knowing that somehow, he was the reason for their exhilaration that fateful cloudy day.<br/><br/>He also blessed the homeless with cash. When they went to the orphanage, the children jumped when they instantly recognized Marwa as the girl who regularly brought them sweets. Zafeer talked to the orphanage caretaker, the place needed some serious renovation, the kids there don't even go to school, and the donations made always end up on food.<br/><br/>"Aunt Marwa, who is that with you?" A small girl of about five years old asked and pointed at Zafeer who was examining the place they sleep in. No mattresses, talk-less of beds, the roof was left half-closed, and even the walls of the place were mostly covered with rags.<br/><br/>"That is Uncle Murad, greet him," She smiled and the children went to Zafeer, he crouched down to their level and carried the small girl.<br/><br/>"You are very handsome, Uncle Murad," The girl used her hand to touch his face and he giggled due to the ticklish sensation.<br/><br/>"Thank you," He smirked.<br/><br/>"Are you Aunt Marwa's boyfriend? You look good together," A boy of roughly ten years talked, and all the others nodded their heads. Marwa and Zafeer were both galvanized, they dared not to look at each other. The two of them? Dating? No way in hell that would occur, no freaking way!<br/><br/>"Kids, it is time for your evening games, let's go to the garden now," The caretaker, a medieval, bailed them out of the awkward moment.<br/><br/>"Aunt Marwa and Uncle Zafeer, bye-bye," They waved and ran out after he dropped the cute girl.<br/><br/>"Thank you so much for your help, Sir. We look forward to seeing you again," She smiled.<br/><br/>He made sure to give a bundle of one thousand Naira notes to her. At least, before he thinks of what to do next. Earlier, he told her his real identity and how he intended to make the place better. She was truly amazed because she never thought he was a Nigerian and that too, a good-hearted one.<br/><br/>"You said this place is a governmental organization?" He asked again just to be sure he heard right.<br/><br/>"Yes, Sir," She responded,<br/><br/>"Alright," Zafeer retorted.<br/><br/>"See you again, Marwa. Come with full gist about how you got yourself such an adonis," The caretaker, Laurat, whispered the last part and winked. <br/><br/>"No, it's not--" She started before the said adonis cut her off.<br/><br/>"Marwa, let's get going," He said in a gentle tone, Marwa nodded and hugged Laurat one more time before they sauntered out.<br/><br/>She took him to the retirement home where the oldies there warmly welcomed them. Zafeer managed to gather a bit of information there, he wanted to collect as much information as possible. The five hundred thousand Naira cash he kept in his pockets had long finished, he gifted all out, not that he minded.<br/><br/>When he brought her back home as it was already dark, none of them talked, both of them lost in their worlds. <br/><br/>"You blessed many people out there, thank you, Murad," Marwa smiled, still flabbergasted at how the guy kept giving without a care in the world, it made her wonder how rich he was.<br/><br/>"Stop thanking me. Givers never lack and anyway, I am delighted that I helped," He smiled.<br/><br/>"The thing that bothers me the most is that you blessed them today. Who will do it tomorrow and the next? How will they survive?" She sniffled.<br/><br/>"God will help them Marwa, don't feel guilty about everything. Let go of the grief in your heart," He comforted and she smiled.<br/><br/>"Sometimes, I wish I had more than enough to give out but as it is, I am struggling to make my family happy too. Good night, Murad," She sadly waved and alighted the car before he could process what she said. Marwa hates it when a person looks at her with sympathy, it makes her feel weak and vulnerable when she is anything but that!<br/><br/>"Maybe this is how I should test my leadership skills and end corruption once and for all," Zafeer muttered to himself, determined as ever.<br/><br/>He could swear on his life that his father is not corrupt, the man is so rich that he doesn't even know what to do with more than half of his money. It also means that all the good things that the king does to his subjects are with his wealth. So that implies one thing, the governor is the one dwelling in the money meant to help the poor and make Kano state a better place. <br/><br/>"Governor Ishaq Makama, start bidding adieu to your post," He angrily clenched the steering wheel and zoomed off at high speed. The governor is certainly in for it, the sleeping lion has awoken and is on the hunt for fresh meat. <br/><br/>*<br/><br/>"He looked really angry when I showed him those places," Marwa replied to her mother. She missed fifteen calls from Shukrah so she made a mental note to call the girl later, thinking it was just her best friend trying to tell her that she had a new boyfriend.<br/><br/>When she entered the house, she saw that Hidayah and her mother were about to open the suya Hidayah bought for them. When she asked where the money came from, her mother said it was the profit from her skincare products business. Marwa being Marwa, dug in without waiting for them.<br/><br/>"He must be, I feel sorry for him," Nafisa sighed, instantly knowing that Zafeer would take action. Their knight has come, he is the voice of the poor.<br/><br/>"Hamma Murad is a kind-hearted person but Adda Marwa is always playing hard to get," Hidayah finished the suya as Marwa hotly glared at her.<br/><br/>"Girls!" Their mother called, trying to hide the agony in her tone and eyes but Marwa saw right through her, no emotion goes unnoticed by a psychologist. She felt her stomach churning as if something that would shatter her was about to happen.<br/><br/>"Yes, Mami," They chorused.<br/><br/>"I am about to announce something to you two, but don't overreact, especially you, Marwa," Nafisa uttered and Marwa nodded after gulping, both their hearts beating faster than usual.<br/><br/>"I won't," Marwa retorted and sighed.<br/><br/>"Okay good. Well, the thing is, your uncle Omar and I will be getting married," <br/></p>