

Meet Marwa Kabeer Hassan: A rude, narcissistic, audacious, and dramatic lady. She looks very innocent, beautiful, and nice but she has that no-nonsense aura that radiates off her like a flame, no one dares to mess with her. She hates royalty and every small thing related to royalty, especially the royals. The only set of people she tolerates is her family and they are people below middle-class. And Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad: The eldest son of king Harith Baghdad and also the crown prince of Kano state. One look at the breathtaking guy, a person will fall in love with his handsome traits obtained from his mother who is an Arabian. He is the CEO of a successful real estate business and also the ambassador of Nigeria to Saudi Arabia. He is known for his unwavering fierceness, ruthlessness, and viciousness. His aura is domineering which makes him unapproachable. He can have anything he wants with just a snap of his fingers so no one dares to go against his words. As they say, "Two wrongs cannot make a right". But what if one is willing to change for the other? Join me as I unravel the love story of Marwa Kabeer Hassan and Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad.

Fatima_Danraka · 都市
14 Chs


<p>OMNISCIENT<br/><br/>Many people watched a vehement Marwa, she was walking in a very unladylike way. Thankfully, Khayr did the honours of showing her around the hospital so she knew the way to her destination. Her fast strides were filled with confidence, the girl was determined to get out of the goddamn hospital today.<br/><br/>She made her way into the cardiology department, letting the sound of her new golden sneakers bounce in the air, Hamma Fawzan saved her life with those expensive shoes. Doctors and patients gazed at the unfamiliar face, her face was etched in a deep frown that nobody dared to block her way.<br/><br/>"Dr Marwa, what are you doing in our department? You look furious, did something happen?" Khayr stopped her with a flummoxed expression on her face.<br/><br/>"No, I just need to meet the owner of this hospital," Marwa uttered, she couldn't hide the bored expression on her face. <br/><br/>"What? Why do you want to see the prince?" Now, Khayr was alarmed because she was scared for her new friend.<br/><br/>"I will tell you later, right now I want to fix something," Marwa yanked her hands away from Khayr's grasp and matched towards the hallway that leads to Turad's office, the place is also called the no-go area because nobody has ever entered the prince's main office, he has a special consultation room where all his files and personal documents are kept. Whenever there is an emergency, the secretary informs him through the intercom.<br/><br/>"Marwa nobody has ever entered the prince's territory before, please come back. I don't want anything bad to happen to you," Khayr shouted, but a ferocious Marwa was too infuriated to hear her friend as she passed the corridor. <br/><br/>Currently, she is standing face to face with two huge guards who are dressed up in white from head to toe. One look at them will make a person wish for death rather than facing them but she is Marwa Kabeer Hassan, the female hooligan who fights men and teaches them a lesson. Nobody knows why, but Marwa never fears anyone, the girl is the most dauntless creature you will ever meet, and Nafisa is sometimes scared for her daughter because she acts without caring about the consequences. <br/><br/>"Move it, you little brat," One of them ordered, even his voice was enough to make a person run for his dear life. <br/><br/>"Ever heard of something called rule-breaking?" Before they could process her question, she kicked both of them in the groin and barged into Turad's office, laughing at the men who were rolling on the floor and groaning in pain.<br/><br/>"Cowards," She laughed. At least, she had fun for a bit. <br/><br/>Everything in the office was white, ranging from the furniture, expensive lab coats neatly hung on the wall and the big refrigerator that sat at the far end of the room alongside the curtains. Even the man in the office was dressed in white clothes and he looked breathtaking which made Marwa want to stain those clothes of his, knowing fully well how expensive they must be.<br/><br/>"Who are you and how dare you barge into my office? Did the guards not try to stop you?" Turad spoke calmly, only the royals could be calm in situations like this, he closed his laptop and looked at Marwa who had a shocked expression on her face.<br/><br/>"You look like someone I know, Mr Prince. And yes, your guards might need medical attention now," She smirked evilly, not the least intimidated by his authoritative voice. <br/><br/>Marwa went as far as sitting on the office chair opposite him. Not only that, she also dared to place her short legs on the prince's spotless white table and even crossed them, her sneakers boosting her confidence once again. Just how much is she craving for her death?<br/><br/>"Do you know who you are dealing with, Woman?" He gave her a scrutinizing gaze.<br/><br/>"Prince Turad Ibn Harith Baghdad, isn't it? Let's get straight to the point. I want you to write a transfer letter for me. I don't have the intention of working under a royal," She took a bite of the apple she picked from the fruit bowl on his table.<br/><br/>"Who are you?" He repeated himself, completely irritated by the arrogant brat in front of him.<br/><br/>"I am sometimes called the female hooligan or tomboy but the name is Marwa Kabeer Hassan," She took another bite and moaned, watching as Turad leaned on his adjustable white office chair and smiled widely.<br/><br/>"I should have known," He chortled.<br/><br/>"What do you mean?" Marwa zoomed back to her senses and sat upright. She despises the man in front of her and the fact that he is reminding her so much of a certain someone made her want to decapitate his head off. The way they looked alike really scared her big time.<br/><br/>"That you will approach me before I do, turned out you couldn't wait. So let's talk about your transfer, what hospital do you want to go back to?" He sprayed sanitiser on the table before resting his hands on it.<br/><br/>There is one thing all the royals have in common, they hate dirt. Any little dirt on either their clothes, furniture or even utensils, all sets will be changed immediately and brand new ones will be bought. That is for Zafeer. <br/><br/>"Just get me out of this fucking hospital," She seethed, hating the way he acted proudly. He is a royal, after all, pride and arrogance run in their blood.<br/><br/>"Let me see... Do you want Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital where you will earn only five thousand Naira per month which is not even guaranteed or Bigcare Hospital where you work a thirty-six-hour shift with neither an office nor salary nor maybe you want to be posted to any of the local government areas around here where no villager will even give you attention because you are a psychotherapi--" He grinned triumphantly, watching how Marwa's confidence turned into fear.<br/><br/>"Stop it," She screamed.<br/><br/>"Do you still want the transfer or--" He trailed off with a smirk.<br/><br/>"I don't care," She rolled her eyes, another way of objecting. <br/><br/>Only a fool will leave a world-class hospital that accepts only two interns each year and pays them fifty-five thousand Naira for another hospital where they suffer for charity purposes. Marwa wants to do that but with her family's financial status, she is in dire need of the money.<br/><br/>"I guess that makes you a member of this hospital. Arrogant, short girl," He couldn't help but laugh at his words.<br/><br/>"First of all, I am not short and second, the royals are the epitome of arrogance. All they want is to gain power, they don't even care about the people below them, and yet they dare to call themselves good leaders? Good leaders my foot!" She scoffed.<br/><br/>Marwa was too busy blustering her heart out to even remember that a royal was in front of her. As for Turad, he was watching the cute chubby girl with an amused smile, only one thought running through his head. It is the way she acts like a certain someone, he could not bring himself to pinpoint who the girl is.<br/><br/>"No wonder Ya Zafeer likes you, you guys think the same way about power," He smirked, knowing that the girl was going to be a good influence on his brother, and the guy would finally learn to stop holding grudges. <br/><br/>"Are you badmouthing us? Ms. Marwa, don't you think you are playing with fire?" He cocked a perfectly arched eyebrow.<br/><br/>"Whether I am playing with the devil himself, I do not give a damn. The worst you can do is behead me and ask your guards to throw me away in the dungeon, then that is the end because of your status in this state," She defiantly looked at him.<br/><br/>Turad was astonished, he couldn't believe what he just heard. When he looked into her eyes, trying to gouge some emotions, nothing was in there. It was like the eyes without orbs, just white and empty. No, Prince Turad Ibn Harith Baghdad does not judge people based on what they say which is why he wasn't angry but still, Marwa is a very special person. If it were anyone else, that person would have been six feet underground.<br/><br/>"Is that really what you think of the royals? Some set of narrow-minded people who do not care about people's lives?" He questioned, feeling pathetic that someone was judging them based on what she heard.<br/><br/>"Yes, and you can't change that," She determinedly folded her arms.<br/><br/>"Three days," He uttered in a clipped tone.<br/><br/>"What?" She questioned.<br/><br/>"Give me three days to clear your mind of that unhealthy thought. But I have a condition," <br/><br/>"A very impossible task. But what is your condition?" She laughed lightly. <br/><br/>"If I change your mind, you will be my friend," He gave her a lopsided grin.<br/><br/>"Hell no! A whole me, a friend of a prince? Never," She disagreed, letting her strong dislike for them take over her. <br/><br/>"Stop holding so much grudge Marwa, let everything go and start afresh," He is not the one to give advice but today, Marwa has him wrapped around her little finger and she's completely unaware of that.<br/><br/>"I am not holding a grudge against anyone, Prince," She defended herself.<br/><br/>"Prove it then," Turad retorted.<br/><br/>"How?" She asked.<br/><br/>"Allow me to change your ill thoughts on the royals and be my friend. If I don't pull off the task in three days, you can say anything you want to about us," He bargained.<br/><br/>"Hmm... That sounds fair," She pulled her cheeks and he laughed.<br/><br/>"Okay, a deal it is then?" He asked.<br/><br/>"Yup!" She answered, determined not to be intimidated by his height and well-built physique when he stood up.<br/><br/>"Let's get going, it is lunch break," He didn't even wait for her to protest before dragging her out of the spacious office, ignoring the pain of Marwa's pinches.<br/><br/>*<br/><br/>Zafeer was sitting in the general living room after coming back from the throne room, he was tired and bored already. Sabreen and Junaid were trying their best to cheer him up but all in vain, the guy was one step away from exploding so they left him to be lost in his world. <br/><br/>"... they forget to think of the people under them," Marwa's last statement got to him, the guy hasn't found peace since the day he angrily left her office. It made him want to prove to her that he is nothing like his father, he will do everything in his power to ensure his subjects live a good life but the main problem is that he doesn't even know how to start.<br/><br/>"Ya Junaid, Sabreena," A high-pitched voice cut him off from his reverie, it was that a female clad in a black turtle neck shirt and mustard palazzo, her head was covered with a mustard veil and she didn't even remove her black Louboutin peep-toe heels before coming in, and that too, without a notice.<br/><br/>"Hello, dear cousin," Junaid and Sabreen hugged her back.<br/><br/>"Eshaal and Zayn, where the heck are you two?" She shouted with so much enthusiasm and removed her Lacoste metal-rimmed sunglasses.<br/><br/>"I was about to win that FIFA but you ruined everything Ya Nawal," Eshaal complained and hugged her. <br/><br/>"It's a lie, you can't even use the controller rightly," Zayn laughed.<br/><br/>"Alright you guys, that is enough. Here, I brought your favourite chocolates," She shrieked happily and was about to hand them a box containing different types of chocolate when her eyes spotted Zafeer who didn't even acknowledge her presence. <br/><br/>"Holly Molly! Who is that demigod?" Nawal quickly realized that she voiced her thoughts when the other family members laughed.<br/><br/>"That is Ya --" Before Eshaal could finish introducing her brother with a grin, Hamida beat her to it.<br/><br/>"Crown Prince Zafeer, my nephew. He does not talk much but you can introduce yourself to him," Hamida said with a smile, she was trying so hard to act like those nice aunties who feel like they know everything about a person. As for Zafeer whose eyes were filled with enigma, he couldn't help but let out a scoff.<br/><br/>All the occupants of the room tensed up, excluding Nawal who was still awestruck by the handsome specimen in front of her. They knew Zafeer was the coldest person alive, the guy would not hesitate to kill her if the need arose.<br/><br/>"Hello handsome, I am Nawal Ishaq Makama, the governor's daughter," She smiled widely, her intense gaze was fixated on him, more like eye-raping him.<br/><br/>Nawal Ishaq Makama, the Kano state governor's only child is Siyam's Innovation Brand top model. The girl is famous and extremely beautiful with a body to kill, she has been over-pampered by her parents which is why she always has her way. She is very nice to her cousins who secretly hate her but because they respect their mother, they have to act nice too.<br/><br/>Several proposals have been made to seek her hand in marriage but she rejected them all, claiming they were not up to her expectations. Standing in front of Zafeer made her want to eat him alive, she had never felt the need to be with someone before but now, she has found somebody for herself.<br/><br/>Zafeer did not even raise his head to look at her, one would say she was not there because of the way he acted. The guy has been diagnosed with autism for crying out loud, he doesn't like people and crowds, they make him uncomfortable.<br/><br/>"Zafeer, my niece is talking to you," Hamida felt heavy saying those words, she was very intimidated by his unblinking black orbs.<br/><br/>"And how does that concern me? She is your niece after all," The moment he opened his mouth, Nawal didn't even know she knelt at the sound of his voice. It was her first time seeing the guy but she was already obsessed. The deep, throaty voice had her craving for more, she wanted him to talk.<br/><br/>"N-Nawal, don't worry about him, he will warm up to you later," Hamida stuttered and went to drag her bewitched niece who couldn't keep her eyes off the prince. Zafeer felt disgusted by her presence, she was irritating him to the core and he may snap any minute from now.<br/><br/>"Eshaal and Zayn, come and take Ya Nawal to the king," Hamida said and the two of them did as they were ordered, secretly laughing that someone would deal with that snob and finish her, once and for all.<br/><br/>"Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad, I must win your heart at all costs," Nawal thought with so much determination before following her aunt, cousin, and Eshaal.<br/><br/>"I can't stand that girl for more than three minutes, thanks man," Junaid grinned.<br/><br/>"I'm just remembering the way she knelt, what in the world did you do, Ya Zafeer?" Sabreen laughed. <br/><br/>"Just placing her where she belongs," He calmly replied and laid in a supine position, his once stoic face now changed into a carefree one.<br/><br/>If he thinks his life is bad, then it is about to get worse because a typhoon of problems would visit him soon, one that would put him in a spot between the devil and the deep blue sea.<br/></p>