
Character summoning system in the shinobi world(Naruto)

A young man suddenly finds himself in the body of the Uchiha patriarch during the nine tails invasion. Aware of the tragic fate awaiting himself and his clan. Fugaku unwilling to wait for death, suddenly awakens his system. Can he change the fate awaiting his clan or will it be a useless struggle. Find out in the next episode of dragon b—— oops wrong one.. Also some thing might be different from the original show, they may be a few subtle differences and a few major differences. Most things will stay the same or there might be some minor changes from the butterfly effect. I guess it’s right to address this novel as an AU Updates: whenever i feel like it… might not complete

covestar · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Anguish + System awakening

A/N— Tyler Sky. K would not be addressed as his previous name any longer and would now be addressed as Fugaku as he is now in his body, the only time he would be addressed as Tyler Sky K would be when I am writing about his previous life.


Ch 2


After Fugaku sorted out his memories he reprimanded the root and anbu for attacking him with mental attacks. He said he was going to ignore it this time due to the attack going on in the village. Fugaku already knows of the hostility of the uchiha and the rest of konoha. He could only agree to help the villagers because the uchiha with him are not stronger than both the anbu and root and if he disobeyed orders, the collective Anbu would not hesitate to cut them down.

Who did not know of the hostility of Konoha against the Uchiha? Couldn't the hokage only send one or two anbu to tell his orders, why are there twenty anbu and thirty root ninja here? Even if anbu is here, why the heck are you root also here? Shouldn't they help out the fourth? And why is hiruzen still in control of the the anbu and not the fourth hokage (Minato Namikaze)? Should the anbu and root not be helping out the villagers as well as do damage control? Why are they watching us like hawks?

As the uchiha were helping out the villagers, the radicals group of uchiha couldn't help but sneer at Fugaku for being so passive, but them also knowing what was going on did not pursue fault any further, the only reason they can chastise was to do anything to make Fugaku lose power. Fugaku ignored the sneers of the radicals and the argument going on with the conservative Uchiha and the radicals

On the surface Fugaku was helping out the civilians, but mentally, his mind was a mess. He figured out that he was now in the world of Naruto and he was the Uchiha patriarch, he knew how after a few years, his son would kill the Uchiha clan together with Obito and Root, living his youngest son Sasuke Uchiha alone and alive on the path of revenge. Fugaku was unwilling to die, while his mind was in a state of anguish, he heard a loud *ding* sound followed up with the sound of an alarm bell. This went on for about a minute and all sound stopped. He heard a robotic male voice in his head that said to him. <Congratulation to host for awakening the Character summoning system>

Fugaku was shocked, he then became happy, then he was angry for being scared like a little b**** just a while ago. He then became shocked again, then he became elated. As he was going through his mood swings, the system voice continued speaking in his head.. [the system has given the host a free Custom Characting Creation that host can create and summon].

Wait, wait, wait… slow down a second, what is this character creation system? How can I use the system? Since It is a character summoning system, does that mean that I cannot grow stronger? Do I get a Newbie pack like those other novels that I read? I hope I'm not a system slave!!. [Calm down host! I will answer your questions one at a time]. Fugaku was not sure but he imagined that the system spoke to him in a sassy and fed up tone, like those young masters that thought they were on top of the world, he was not sure if that was the tone the system was speaking to him in so he decided to not say anything and let the system continue.

[The character summoning system was given to the host by the creator, you cannot ask about the creator until you are qualified. The character summoning system is a system that can help the host to summon character from other worlds and host can create a custom character and summon it. We will go more on that topic if you wish later on. The character system can make host summoning characters that are living, host can create and/or summon characters like sprites, spirits, or characters from other worlds. You can custom create a sprite that can turn into a sword, or a custom nine tails fix if you wished].

[To summon a character, host has to pose in a meditative position, host must tap him forehead with his index and middle finger like he is going to perform an instant transmission technique from dragon ball then slap both hands together in a prayer form. A transparent blue screen would appear in front of host and a keyboard only visible and tangible to the host would appear in front of host. Host can type what character he want if it has already been created from other worlds in host's memories, so it is possible to summon host family if he wished. All characters character points will cause points(C.P) due to their worth determined by the system wether custom or pre created. Since it is the first use of the system the host has been given a free character creation that can be used by the host. The host can give this character template to the system and if character reaches over a certain level of worth, the character that host chooses would be denied. For the first time use, host can create 3 free characters at the kage level. If character created exceeds Kage level host would lose a chance for a free summon. After the host uses his three free summons, Host can use CP to summon or create a character]. In reality Fugaku had already started thinking of ways he can utilize the system and was already thinking of the three free character that he can create and summon, then a uchiha clansman came up to him. 'Fugaku sama!! Is everything alright?'…. 'Yes Sanada, everything is fine, don't worry about me, continue helping out the uchiha and regroup with other Uchiha', Fugaku said this as he walked away. Fugaku continued helping out the villagers and when they were finished, he made sure the uchiha regrouped and made them go back home. Since the uchiha clansmen were in the outskirts of the village, their houses were all safe and everyone could go back home without any problems.