
Chaos War

In an alternate universe that is filled with paranormal beings like sorcerers, werewolves, vampires, phantoms, hybrids, demons, and others. Hunter is a teenage sprite with the ability to see ghosts, he uses his abilities to go around and exorcise ghosts for a price. One day, Hunter is presented with the opportunity to join a school to learn more about his powers and abilities, he accepts with hopes of meeting others like himself only for things to go sideways in his first week, drawing the unwanted attention of various powers of the supernatural world, most of whom call for his immediate execution.

Rebel_King_Rebel · ファンタジー
169 Chs



The submarine is slowly lowered into a chamber in the ship and the water that came with opening the hatch is filtered back into the ocean.

The chamber then moved into the ship's shuttle bay and Olivia exited the submarine and took a good look at the shuttle bay. "Olivia, what a surprise," said Camille.

Olivia turned to Camille who was the only person there to welcome her. "Is this what a full dive is like?" She asked.


Olivia started out of the shuttle bay with Camille following closely behind her. "You do know the point of a full dive is that we don't get any visitors from outside and we don't contact those outside, right?"

Olivia takes a look at Camille.





"... And this is the university's very own park. Feel free to visit anytime you like."

"We will," Diana said with a smile on her face.

"One more thing: I am ... Bending the rules a little by letting you both attend classes without having seen your secondary school certificate --"

"I am aware of that, Mr. Vice Chancellor, and I am very grateful. I'll make sure the papers will be on your desk first thing by Monday," said Diana.

"Thank you, Lady Diana." He bowed a little. "It is an honor to have you here," he added before walking out of the garden.

"So?" Diana started. "Are you going to tell me how you knew Olivia was headed to Sector 5?" She asked.

Hunter sighs before sitting on a bench in the park. "I'm not sure Olivia is headed there ... I just didn't want to take any chances. You remember the watchtower thing I helped you and Camille with, right?"

"Yes, what about it?" Diana asked.

"Well long before that, while Jade and I were chasing some guy called the Soul Snatcher, we figured out the existence of a fifth kind of energy; soul energy."

Diana sits next to the sprite. "I've heard of the Soul Snatcher but I've never heard of this Soul energy."

"It's a strange energy ... The energy in our souls," Hunter revealed. "Anyway, I learned to manifest this soul energy and during the watchtower incident, I fought three mercenaries. I killed one of them when I accidentally took her soul while we fought," he explained.

"You fought three Red College mercenaries?" Diana asked.

"Yeah ..."


"What is it?"

"That day, when we had secured the harbor, Camille asked me to go to the Watchtower with a few others to arrest those who were inside."


"We swept the place from top to bottom, There were only two people and they were very much alive."

"Wait ... That means --"





Kilian sat patiently in the back of an SUV. The door is slowly opened and an elderly man with white hair joins the beige-eyed man in the back. "Uncle Karl, pleasure having you back at home. How was your vacation?"


"Perhaps you should go on another after all this is over."

"I intend to," said Karl.

"While you were gone, Jason has been --"

"Forget about Jason," the white-haired man dismissed the topic about his son. "Any updates with Subject 661?" He asked.

"Nothing new. She reacts well to dark magic but is still unable to manifest it well," he stated. "She's also been getting harder to control."

"I hope that's where we're headed?" Karl asked.

"Yes, uncle."

They continued the drive in silence, Karl glancing out the window until they arrived at the location.

Karl was the first to exit the vehicle, the older Archaeon was in a hurry to see the captive, rushing through the building where the guards at the front bowed as he walked past them.

Kilian made sure to remain close to the white-haired man, following him into the elevator and down to the basement.

To non-mystics, the building was a cancer research center. To mystics, it was a hospital for injured mystics. In reality, however, The Archaeon used the building in their quest to create 'the ultimate weapon'.

There is a small 'ding' as the elevator reaches the lowest floor underground, the door slides open and the duo walked towards the cell holding subject 661.

They passed several cell blocks and researchers on their way there. The cell held hairy beasts, giant insects, and some even held beings with a mixture of both.

Karl knew where he was headed so he didn't stop until he was in front of the cell that housed 661. He punched a code in a panel on the door and it slid open. One of the men wearing a lab coat swiftly rushed toward the two Archaeons before they could enter the cell. "Lord Karl she's not stable," he said.

Kilian turned to the man surprised. "Did you start the procedure already?" He asked.

"We haven't started the new experiment on her as per Lord Karl's instruction but we did expose her to large waves of dark energy," he explained. "She tried to attack some of my colleagues and even tried to break out of confinement," he added.

Kilian turned to Karl. "Uncle ..."

"Move aside, I want to see her myself."

"But --" Kilian placed his hand on the man's shoulder and gave him a small nod. He sighed before moving aside, making way for the Archaeons who walked into the cell.

Subject 661 was lying on the bed with a blanket covering her from head to toe, she did not move when the Archaeon entered. "661," he called but she did not respond. "661!" He called again but to the same result.

The man wearing a lab coat took out a tablet from his pocket and used his finger to slide rightward on the screen. "What are you doing?" Kilian asked.

"Every subject has a collar on their neck which has multiple purposes, one of them includes inducing electric shock which is what I am doing to her right now," he stated.

"Stop that, now!" Karl ordered.

"Yes sir."

Karl continued towards 661 but soon stopped when he noticed an energy grid between himself and the subject. He looked down to see a redline on the ground.

"Going beyond that line is dangerous," the doctor warned.

"Lower it."

The doctor sighed before using his tablet to turn off the grid. When the doctor did, Karl continued towards the bed but just as both his feet crossed the line, the blanket flew up and 661 one leaped from the bed towards the older Archaeon wielding a small knife-looking weapon in her right.

It happened so fast but Kilian was faster, moving between his uncle and the subject and blasting her backwards with an energy wave. "My name is Sophia Summers you --" Before she finished, the blue-skinned girl fainted. Kilian turned to the doctor who shrugged. "I used the collar ... She was dangerous and unstable."

Karl's eyes were fixed on the red-haired who lay knocked out on the floor. "Sophia Summers," he started. "You will become the ultimate weapon."
