
Chaos War

In an alternate universe that is filled with paranormal beings like sorcerers, werewolves, vampires, phantoms, hybrids, demons, and others. Hunter is a teenage sprite with the ability to see ghosts, he uses his abilities to go around and exorcise ghosts for a price. One day, Hunter is presented with the opportunity to join a school to learn more about his powers and abilities, he accepts with hopes of meeting others like himself only for things to go sideways in his first week, drawing the unwanted attention of various powers of the supernatural world, most of whom call for his immediate execution.

Rebel_King_Rebel · ファンタジー
169 Chs

Confront VI

"Mercedes! You promised we'll have a little fun before dispatching the rebels!" Trinity whined.

Mercedes turned to her sister, her expression unchanged. "Plenty of toys left to play with," she said, using her hand to point to the other White Flaggers around.

"They aren't as interesting as the one you destroyed! Just look at what he did to Rogue!"

The twins turned to Rogue who was breathing laboredly.

"My bad."

Trinity shakes her head before turning to the White Flaggers. "Okay ..." She lifted her blindfold so that just one of her eyes was visible, they were greyish blue. Trinity exhales, her breath misted and black.

The battlemage took a step forward before turning to a cloud of black smoke. One of the Flaggers saw a cloud with the face of the Archaeon and that would be the last face he'd ever see.

Even though the White Flaggers were scattered around the area, their heads suddenly flew from their bodies, and blood splattered out of their necks.

Trinity stopped in front of her sister before adjusting her blindfold to cover her eyes. "How did that feel?" Mercedes asked.

"Not even worth the effort," the older one of the twins said.

Maxine watched in horror as everything suddenly turned upside down and the tides were now in the Archaeons' favor.

"The twins ..." The brown-skinned woman couldn't complete her sentence, she didn't want it to be true but try as she might reality remained the same, the twins being here meant the mission was a failure.

The shifter fell to her knees and tears began streaming down her eyes. She firmly believed that Karl was going to be arrested and would pay for his crimes - she was wrong.

Earlier that day, she had used a magic orb she got from Skylar to trap Rogue in a room to sort of even the field a bit. But even that wasn't enough as Rogue found a way out.

Frustrated, the brown-eyed woman turned into a huge wolf and launched herself at Karl catching almost everyone else by surprise.


Mercedes reacted quickly, hitting the wolf back with her shoulder.

"What the --" Jason said confused.

Mercedes drew out her gun while Trinity pulled out her sword as the wolf charged forward. "This would be quick," said Trinity.

Before either of them could react, however, Jason opens a portal and shoots it towards the wolf. The portal swallows the shifter before closing.

"Oh come on! Does everyone have something against me?!" stressed Trinity.

"Why the hell would your aide attack me?" Karl queried.

"I think it's pretty simple, uncle, she's a member of the White Flaggers."

"Shit!" Jason mumbled running his hand through his spiked pearl white hair.


"It's my fault we failed. I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Hunter repeated as he remained in the same position.

"Shh," Skylar said as she placed her left hand over the sprite's forehead. "Does it hurt anywhere?" The medic asks.

"No," Hunter replied. Skylar's right hand glows bright yellow and she rests it on the teal green-eyed boy's stomach. "Try lifting your left hand," she said.

Hunter does as told, lifting his left hand with no restriction.

"Listen to me Hunter, what's done is done, no need to dwell on it. Right now, Karl is probably narrating what happened here to Olivia ... Or at least some of it. She would be at the Sector 5 in about fifteen minutes so I'm going to have to leave now." said Skylar. "Later today some Bureau agents are going to come and take you in for questioning, no matter what happens do not tell her about my involvement in your mission or a second mission in Leinheim, Camille conceived the plan on her own and only you and Diana were involved okay?"

"W - What?"

"Do you understand?" She repeated.

"I cannot take Diana with me as that would be suspicious but she's mostly healed up and whatever's left can be handled by the hospital next to us. I'll see you in a couple of days." With that, Skylar clicked on something on her watch and an aircraft became visible, the medic rushed into the aircraft before flying off.

Chelsea runs up to Hunter just as the aircraft flies out of sight. "What just happened?" She asks.

"Help me with Diana."

"Are you in trouble?" The raven-haired woman asked.

"I don't know ..."

[Hate to pile in on your troubles but you haven't called Sophia and the others since you left them at the hotel.]

'Crap! You're right.' The dark-haired boy took out his phone to call Sophia and found several missed calls from her and messages asking for help.

"Shit! I think they are in trouble," he said turning to Chelsea. "Take Diana to the hospital, I'll go check on them."




Aislinn wrapped a bandage around Hachimura's head. "And that's it," said the cinnamon-red-haired girl. "You know, I've helped the girls in the dojo with some first aid but this is the first time I'm tending to Hachimura. She always seemed ... Indestructible."

Sophia sighs. "Remind me to apologize to her when she wakes up," she said.

"No need to beat yourself up, we all turned out okay ... Well, except Hachimura but she should heal up in no time."

"I wouldn't celebrate so early if I were you," a voice from behind said. The two redheads turned to see a battered-up Kilian barely standing with a scowl on his face.

Sophia charges at him but the Drumalak easily slaps her away and continues his march towards Aislinn.

Aislinn looked frozen. She stared at Kilian for a couple of seconds before her eye shifted sideways to where her weapon was, she started to run to it but the Archaeon got to her first, kicking her in the side of the mouth and onto the ground.

The beige-eyed man plants his foot on the cinnamon-red-haired girl's throat, keeping her in a fixed position. "You have incredible speed for a non-mystic. I might just -- ugh!"

Kilian looked down at his chest to see a sword sticking through his heart and out through his chest. He turned back to see Sophia who was still holding the sword, wearing the same surprise face he was. The redhead had picked up the blade Ai had dropped some time ago and used it on the Archaeon.

Sof removed her hand from the sword and stepped back while the beige-eyed man began moving closer to her with his hand stretched forward. Before he got to her, however, the mage fell to his knees and crashed into the ground, his body lifeless.

The red-haired girl fell to her knees, fidgeting as the Drumalak remained motionless on the ground.


Hunter ran into the hotel room and up the stairs to the room where he knew Sophia, Aislinn, and Hachimura were. When he got there, everything looked okay from the outside but the moment he walked into the room, he noticed the destruction all around.

Hachimura was lying unconscious on the ground, Aislinn was coughing violently, Sophia knelt on the ground fidgeting, and a lifeless body was in the middle of the room with a sword through the heart. The teal green-eyed boy did not need to ask them any questions to get an idea of what went down.

He rushed to Sofi's side and pulled her close to himself. "Hunter, I - I - I -," she stuttered.

"It's alright, it's alright."
