
a truth

"Hey kid, you're awake, and what happened to you?" The uncle greeted from a distance by waving his hand. He frowned after clearly seeing Xu Huang's condition.

"Mmm, that's my uncle.." Xu Huang stuttered hearing uncle's question. However, before he could finish speaking Xu Huang was interrupted by his uncle who told him to wash his body in the river first.

Xu Huang also quickly walked towards the river according to uncle's directions until behind the house. Xu Huang was amazed to see the river here, because he thought it was very different from the one on Earth. The clear blue water flows regularly with transparent white steam on it, the environment looks beautiful with neat rows of bamboo trees on the banks of the river.

Feeling uncomfortable with the dirt on his body, Xu Huang immediately jumped into the river. It tastes fresh and has a slightly sweet taste. Xu Huang felt a different freshness from the water on Earth, when he tasted it there was also a different taste.

After cleaning himself up, Xu Huang jumped out of the water. Here he realized that he didn't have a change of clothes, so he decided to take off his clothes to dry first. Sun Yi came with clothes only to see Xu Huang who was taking off his pants.

"Bastard!" Sun Yi shouted with a red face while running away. Xu Huang was taken aback by the sudden scream, he turned his head only to see Sun Yi running away. Xu Huang shouted for Sun Yi.

"Hey!" Sun Yi did not stop, but instead accelerated his running.

Xu Huang ran after Sun Yi while shouting and swinging his arms. Until, just as Xu Huang was about to catch Sun Yi's hand, Sun Yi fell. As a result, Xu Huang lost his object of focus and fell on top of Sun Yi. He only felt that he was holding something round and soft, Xu Huang's heart was pressing him twice.

"Big bastard! Big badass!" Sun Yi's face was as red as a tomato from embarrassment and anger.

Xu Huang was briefly stunned, but spontaneously realized what he had been holding. He also realized that Sun Yi was a woman disguised as a man.

Xu Huang stood up and intended to help Sun Yi too, but Sun Yi just glared at him and threw the clothes he was carrying. After that Sun Yi ran away with a very annoyed face.

"Hey, never mind..." Xu Huang just sighed as he scratched his head.

He took the clothes that Sun Yi threw and started to put them on. He was confused about how to wear old-fashioned clothes like this, but after thinking a little he still wore them even though he didn't think it was neat. After getting dressed, Xu Huang walked towards the courtyard. There he saw Uncle was waiting for him while drinking.

"Son, sit down! Where are you from? How did you get to this place?" The uncle asked seriously, because only he knows the only way to get into this place. So, he was confused by a teenager who suddenly appeared.

"I can't remember anything, I just felt really tired and fell asleep. When I woke up, I was already here," Xu Huang replied carelessly as he sat down in front of uncle. He was also at a loss as to what to answer.

"Hey uncle, what is this place anyway?" Xu Huang asked trying to change the subject.

"Just call me Uncle Sun, this is an independent world where my family is secluded," Uncle Sun just smiled as he saw Xu Huang answered his question carelessly, and instead changed the subject. He seemed to know that Xu Huang was lying.

Xu Huang who felt his actions had been exposed, only scratched his head in embarrassment. But he was quite curious about what the independent world meant.

"Independent world? What is it, uncle?" Xu Huang asked curiously.

"Naturally you don't know, the independent world is a small world with its own system created from the fragments of the main world," Uncle Sun smiled at Xu Huang's question. He explained it patiently.

"Then uncle, what about the main world?" Xu Huang was very interested in the outside world, so he asked enthusiastically.

"The outside or main world is very dangerous! There, the strong prey on the weak and the weak can only try to become strong, or resign themselves to accepting fate and be trampled underfoot like weeds," Uncle Sun was confused by Xu Huang's question about the outside world, he became suspicious of Xu Huang's origins. But he still answered the question seriously.

"Then, can people fly with swords like the immortals in those stories?" Xu Huang who saw Uncle Sun's suspicious expression guessed what he suspected. He quickly asked excitedly.

Uncle Sun's expression returned to normal listening to the question. In his opinion, Xu Huang was just a kid who came out of the mortal village and got lost.

Xu Huang breathed a secret sigh of relief seeing Uncle Sun's change in expression. He didn't know what to say when asked about his origins in detail.

"Some sword sects use their swords to fly, others use skills or indeed the realm is enough to resist gravity," Uncle Sun casually replied.

"Mmm, uncle, can you teach me how to fly?" Xu Huang took the opportunity to ask. He wanted to know more about the powers that existed in this world.

"Are you sure? This is a path that once started there can be no turning back!" Uncle Sun frowned at the request. Xu Huang pondered over Uncle Sun's statement, but got excited again considering there would be a system to help him.

"I'm ready uncle! I'm sure I will start this dangerous path!" Xu Huang replied firmly as he clenched his fists in soaring enthusiasm.

"Okay, if you're really sure, tomorrow we'll start the training," Uncle Sun replied as he stood up and walked into the house.

Xu Huang was very excited, he was imagining tomorrow, whether to crush rocks or learn how to breathe like the films on Earth.


The next day, Xu Huang woke up very early, and waited for Uncle Sun in the yard while warming up like on Earth. However, until noon Uncle Sun had not yet arrived. Until, just as Xu Huang was getting tired of waiting, Sun Yi came. Unlike before she wore men's clothes, she came in a beautiful dress like a normal woman.

Xu Huang was stunned by Sun Yi's beauty. According to him, Sun Yi was the most beautiful woman he had ever met in this life. There is nothing on Earth as beautiful as this, even famous artists are very much different.
