
Chaos_ Chronicles

In an alternate 20th century where individuals with powers called 'Envoys' exist. Follow the story of Noah an outlaw as he navigates the streets of London along with his trusted companion Jacques while solving the mystery of the 'Chaos Chronicles'. "Life is hard when everyone wants you dead. But I will be sure to make the most of this entertaining situation" - Noah.

Deep_Mandal_3240 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Prologue (0)

Rozelle Estate, Library.

"Envoy's, Envoy's, Envoy's... Where is it?" The boy said to himself as he searched the library.

"Ah, here it is" He said and pulled out an old leather book titled, 'Dei Envoy'.

'Dei? Is that supposed to be a misspelled Die?' The boy thought and then sat on the couch and opened the book.

"So... Dusty" The boy coughed as particles of dust flew out from between the old yellowed pages.

As soon as he laid his eyes on the congents of the book he realised the whole book was full of spelling errors.

'Iamdiu deos et daemones cum hominibus terram ambulaverunt.

deos et daemones quaerebant homines ad pactiones et iuramenta formanda. Haec concessis hominibus munera. ita primi dei legati fiebant et calones daemoniorum. Haec dona per generationes liberis tradita sunt. Etiam mutaverunt et mutaverunt et factae sunt omnino diversae potestates, sed origo eorum eadem manet. Dii ac daemones exsistunt. Non fuerunt, adhuc apud nos sunt latitantes et magnum malum desistere exspectantes. Daemon qui ad rem ipsam perniciem afferre potest. Daemon chaos. Ejus origines ac desideria ignota sunt. Scimus omnes id nunc in appensione haerere. Carcer. Maledicta medalia. Noli tentari a daemone quodcunque offert, et omnino nunquam cum eo pactum constituet. Pretium erit arduum quam usquam cogitas. Nunc quaeras quare molestus sim ad hunc librum scribendam et ad id quod respondeam. amem futura.'

'Who ever wrote this book really needs to learn how to spell. I read the whole page 3 times and still don't understand any of the words. Guess I will look for a different book' The boy thought and put the book away.

He then walked to the shelf and kept looking until he found the book he was originally looking for. 'The Basics to an Envoy. A scientific study'

He pulled out the book, sat down on the couch again and started reading it.

'Envoy's are humans with two different unique genetic mutation which grants them different abilities and powers. The mutations are commonly referred to as Type - G mutation and Type - D mutation.

Envoy's with the Type - D mutation often suffer various side effects due to using their abilities excessively. The side effects can range from mild physiological imbalance which may cause headache's to severe cases like a degeneration of the body and psyche. In extreme cases Envoy's with the Type - D mutation may become completely feral and attack anyone on sight which fortunately is extremely rare. Envoy's with the Type - G mutation on the other hand do not suffer from any side effects of using their abilities in general. Till now it is estimated that the percentage of Envoy's is only 15-18% out of which the percentage of envoy's with the Type - G mutation is estimated to be 3 per 100 Envoy's.

All Envoy's are born with 3 marks on their right wrist called Envoy marks. The design of these marks vary from person to person. These marks are what allows one to distinguish between an Envoy and a non Envoy. It is theorized that the possibility of someone without a mark being an envoy is zero. These marks are also an indicative of how strong an Envoy is. When exposed to stress inducing situations an Envoy may perform a limit break. A limit break in essence is a power up or an increase in their abilities. When a limit break is performed one of the Envoy marks vanish which provides us an estimation of their power. An Envoy can only perform 2 limit breaks in their lifetime meaning one Envoy mark will always remain.'

"Envoy marks?" The little boy pulled up the sleeve of his white shirt and looked at his clean right wrist and then checked his other wrist for good measure as well.

"No marks... Guess I really can't be an Envoy" The boy said in a voice so small it was almost a whisper.

"So you want to be an Envoy?" A gruff and almost unnatural voice echoed in the boys head.

Another voice echoed in his head as well.




'That's.. My name'

"Wake up... Noah"

'Wake up? What's going on?'


"For heavens sake will you stop screeching in my ear?" Noah snapped back as he opened his eyes and looked around at his surrounding. He was in a living room of some kind? And a man stood in front of him. He was wearing a sleeveless blazer and a pair of grey trousers. His piercing orange eyes almost glowed through the black bangs of hair which covered the top half of his face.

"Wow and you asked me to wake you up as well." He said with a judgemental expression.

"Jacques?" Noah asked as he rubbed his eyes waking up from the dream completely.

"Are you finally fully awake or need me to slap you for good measure?" Jacques asked as he wore his dark blue coat. "The masquerade party will start in half an hour. Didn't you say that was the best time to steal whatever it was you wanted to steal?"

"Yes I am fully awake now, my dear partner in crime." Noah said as he pulled up his sleeve to check his right wrist. His envoy marks staring back at him. A circle, inside which a crescent moon and finally a dot in the middle.

"You ready to leave or do you want to stare at you wrist like a loon for a few more seconds?" Jacques said pulling Noah out from his momentary trance.

"I am ready" Noah said getting up as he wore his top hat and grabbed his cane. "Let the masquerade party mishap commence"

-------------END OF PROLOGUE------------------