

I wake up where am i. I find myself in a very pretty room with marble floors, chandeliers on the ceiling, beautiful white door, beautiful painting on the wall.i get up from bed to check out the room. I go into the closet oh my gosh this place is biggger than my whole house. Where am i though, there was a knock on the door, who is it I asked, it's the maid master is asking for you. I was confused, who is master, what have I gotten myself into.

I go outside see a pretty girl dressed like a Maid. Hello I said while looking around the beautiful mansion. Hi the girl answered. You're really pretty why are you dressed like that, where am i, who are you, how did I get here, who is mas... .hold on you ask too many questions thanks for calling me pretty and my name Lillian that's about the only two I can answer she said. Hi Lillian I'm Gina can I call you Lilly cuz it think that's a very pretty name and... .

Oh my gosh why do you speak soo much yes you can call me Lilly. I realised she was whispering. why are you whispering I asked. You'll find out let's go master wants to see you she said. Okay but who is... .don't ask she said. Why do you keep interrupting me I asked. Because you keep speaking just ahhh she said. Ok ok I replied. She takes me to a library with hundreds of books on the shelves but something caught my eye there was a man sitting on the sofa he was staring at me I waved at him Lilly pulled my hand down and said stop.

I was confused the man was really handsome he had a cold look on his face, he had fluffy brown hair deep blue eyes, about six foot tall, pale skin, bullet like a demi God. He looked at us and walked over what are you doing he said in a cold tone. I'm sorry sir Lilly started to apologise. Teach her how to behave or I'll do it myself he said with a cold look on his face. I looked up at him there was no emotion on his face. Our eyes met for a second then I looked away. He walked off.

What's wrong with him I asked. Don't say that he might hear you Lilly said. What are you talking about he just left I said. There are cctv cameras everywhere he monitors everything we do here Lilly whispered. I was shocked everything? I asked. Yes everything can understand you are shocked come with me I'll explain everything Lilly said. Ok I said following her back to the room we were i n before. Sit let me start from the beginning no Interruptions okayshe said ok go on I said I curiosity.

Okay so the man you saw then he is the master nobody knows his real except his best friend brody who calls him by the first letter of his name d, everybody else calls him master he used to be poor and living on the streets then hos best friends family took him in, took care of him, put him in school, they basically gave him every thing he needed. Now he is one of the most powerful people in the world which means he can get away with anything because everyone is scared of him.

He can get away with various crimes like murder. That's where you come In, you were trafficked, you're in a whole other country you are from korea right she asked. Yes I replied. Well you're in Canada now. I gasped my parents my friends my everything is in Korea I can't stay here I said. You have to he bought you he won't let you go ever I'm sorry but you are stuck here. No no no no this can't be happening I can try to escape I said. Listen you can't I tried to escape many times but he always caught me and punished me severely trust me you do not want to know the type of punishment he gives she said.

Oh I said defeated. And one last thing you are not here to be a Maid like me you are here to be his slut Lilly said. His what I've never had sex before in my life I know but you have to be prepared tonight will be your first time so I have... hold on hold on what tonight I can't no I can't I said. I know how you feel but you have to do whatever h ed says or he will punish you badly Lilly said. I can't do whatever he says I said. You have to promise me you will Lilly said. I can't i said.

please I don't want to see your body all bruised Lilly said. Okay fine but why are you soo nice to me I asked. Because you're the only one my age here all the other maids are old enough to be my mother and I want a friend lilly said. Okay but do they also get punished i asked. Sometimes if they mess up Lilly said. But tonight what if he goes too hard on me I asked. As long as you do everything he says he won't go too hard on you Lilly said. I have to go now I have duties to perform I'll come back in a few hours to give you the outfit he wants you to wear Lilly said. What outfit I asked. A bad outfit if you know what I mean Lilly said. Oh. Bye then Lilly leaves.

I like in the bed knowing fully well that I won't follow his instructions or call him master. I Sit up trying to remember how i got here.

A few days before:

I was with my friends at the mall in Korea. Gina one of my friends called me over, yes minji I answered approaching her. Try this dress on its soo pretty you'll look soo beautiful in it. Okay let me try it on I take the dress go to the changing room try it on oh wow I look soo pretty in this dress don't you think I said. Yeah you do minji said. Where did junah go I said. I don't know she replied. Well find her later let's go pay for our clothes I said. Okay then she replied.

We finish buying our clothes and get outside the mall. We see junah approaching us from afar. Hey hey we're here I said. She gets to us and says I got us some food. Yay we're soo hungry I said. Yes I'm starving minji said. Let's find somewhere to eat then junah said. Ok let's go there minji said pointing a tf a table. Ok. At the table. Junah we got ourselves some pretty dressed and don't worry we didn't forget about you I said. Ohh in can't wait to see junah said. We are still going to the club this night right? Minji asked. Of course junah answered.

We'll get changed at my place I said. Yeah junah said. We finish eating after a few minutes. Let's go to my house I said. We take a cab to my house and stayed there for a few hours before getting changed for the club. Oh wow we look hot minji said. It's eight o clock right now so I think we can go I said. I'll order us an uber junah said. We get our purses and waited outside our driver came and dropped us at the club. We go in, loud music is playing.

Minji and junah immediately went to dance while I went to the bar to get a drink there was a creepy man staring at me I tried not to look bothered but I was feeling scared so I move on seat away from him i got my drink and left the bar. I was watching my friends dance when the creepy man passed by me and slipped a pill into my drink and I drank it without knowing. Soon I started feeling dizzy and passed out and I wake up on the billionaire's mansion.

Back to present time:

I gasp, i remember well there is nothingI can do about it now I said. I sigh, and fall asleep after a few minutes. A few hours passes by I hear a knock on the door. Come In I said. Gina are you okay Lilly said. I remember I said. Oh, well this is your putting put it on Lilly said. What the hell is that I said. I know Lilly said with a sorry look on her face. Fine put it down I said. Do you need any help Lilly said. No thanks Lilly. Okay he'll be here on 30 minutes be ready okay Lilly said. Okay I replied. Bye good luck Lilly said.

I sigh and put the outfit on. It was a sexy nurse outfit, I sat down on the bed waiting for him. Finally I hear the door open he walked in looked at me and smirked. He walked towards me and said stand up in a cold tone. I stood up then he pushed me against the wall and started to kiss me aggressively. I was struggling to breath so I pushed him away. Did you just push me he said. Yes I said. Oh really. Yes so what are you going to do about it I said. He moved closer to me and slapped me, you don't talk to me like that I was going to go easy on you but since you have decided to be stubborn I will make you pay.

He then pushed me onto the bed and started to kiss my body he ripped the dress to reveal my under garment he took these off leaving me completely naked my face was very red because of the slaps and embarrassment. He then took off his own clothes so we were both naked he wasted no time in sliding into me and f**king me hard i started to screem because he was going too hard, he was being very aggressive, I continue to screem stop stop to no avail mty p**sy was dry which made even more painful.