It been two days since I've left my room. Ezra brought my breakfast, lunch and dinner into my room everyday. I feel tired like the universe just unloaded a baggage on me. Adeline has checked on me a couple of time, she is trying to 'comfort' me and 'help' me, well it not working cause I feel hundred times worse each time she enters through my bedroom door.

All this acquired information did not answer some of the questions I have, God my head hurts. Ezra came in with a plate of sandwich, she set in on the bed and glared at me.


I asked, clearly confused by her anger towards me, I mean what did I do wrong. She scoffed and cross her arms on her chest.

"Don't you think you have done enough self pitying, you sit in your room all day wallowing in pity and hoping things will get better without you doing anything."

I mean she is right, but I don't want to admit it, and I glared back at her, our glaring contest was cut off by Ezra's phone ringing, she answered it by the walk-in closet so that I won't hear what she is saying, not that I care.

After a few minutes of talking with whosoever it is she is talking to, she came back to me. She took a deep breath and annoyance is clearly written allover her face.

"Look, I will help you. You are the head of this clan, you need to get your act together, I'm very sure you got tons of questions and you have many doubts but I'm saying you should trust me to help you. Because staying in bed is clearly not going to solve all your problems."

Ezra was so sincere with her words that I couldn't look away from her face, that and I'm captivated by the little faint smile on her lips.

"OK, I'm trusting you."

She nodded her head and stretched her hand so we shook on it.

"now get up, go take your bath, dressed, and meet me out of your room in 30mins."

Her voice was authoritative and I nodded in understanding. Ezra walked out of my room and I got up from the bed to get ready.

After getting ready i met with Ezra out of my room, she was dressed in a yellow top, a black ripped Jean and black heels.

"Before you can start with your duties as the head of clan, you need a tour of this mansion, so will start with the west wing."

One Hour Later...

I had no idea the mansion was this big, we were now in the kitchen taking a breaking, and I was sweating a river, Ezra slide a cup of water to me and I thank her quietly.

"So that the inside of the mansion, outside we have the tennis court, the swimming pool, a jacuzzi, Darius's house slash lab, training ground and the garden."

"But I thought we already have a training room in the mansion?"

I mean why do you need a training ground when you have a training room.

"The training room is for small matches like hand to hand combat, weapon training, while the trading ground which is located in the forest at the back of the house is for power combat, transformations and magic practices"

I nodded my head understand. I was about to ask another question when I saw Ezra drinking water out of a bottle and everything was in slow motion. The sun from the kitchen window hit her face making her skin bright like light, and the water glitters like diamond, her plump lips were at the tip of the bottle mouth. It was so cliché and damn sexy.

"Are you OK?"

Ezra voice snapped me about of my daydreaming, she was looking at me like I'm a creep and I was so embarrassed. What is wrong with me anyway, my heart only belong to Ophelia. Speaking of Ophelia, since the tour started I haven't see anyone in the house.

"Ezra, where did everyone go?"

"The elders probably all went out, Darius is in his lab, Dean is getting the groceries and The teens will probably be at the training ground."

I mouthed 'oh' realising something, it just me and Ezra at home. I looked up at Ezra to see her pressing her phone.

"Why are the teens at the training ground, do you guys train everyday."

Not lifting her head up to meet my eyes, Ezra shook her head.

"We use the training ground as an hangout place."

OK it official, these people are weird, I mean who uses a forest as an hangout place when they got a game room in a mansion, a movie room and an outside tennis court.

"Let go."

Ezra said, suddenly leaving, I ran after her worried about where she is going to.

"Where are you going anyway?"

She was heading out back of the mansion.

"To the training ground."

Ezra led me to the forest at the back of the mansion, there was a pathway at the entrance and we followed it, the pathway led inside the deep forest and I was a little uncomfortable, until I heard some voices and laughter. Walking towards the sound I came face to face with a clearing that is hidden by the forest, the clearing is large and there is a waterfall from a hill of roses creating a small lake. The whole clearing was so beautiful that I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"You are hot."

It came from a short girl with white dyed hair, and nose piercing, I looked around and she was not the only one at the clearing, there three guys and another girl.


I said quietly, one of the guy with blond wavy hair, brown eyes walked over to me, he has a smile on his face, he looks familiar.

"Hi, I'm Dara, I'm Adeline's son."

He opened his arm for a hug and I debated whether to hug him or not, Dara is shirtless with sweat covering his whole body. Suddenly he got pushed by the piercing girl who was wearing a black bum shot and a big grey shirt, she tucked her hair to the back of her head and give a sweet smile.

"I'm Ruby by the way."

She said in a over girly voice and Dara tried to suppressed his laugh but failed miserably and Ruby glared at him.

"I'm Lukas."

An Asian looking guy at the back of Dara stretched his hand for an handshake and I shook it, he has black hair, hazel eyes, nice jawline, long lashes and pink lips, he was wearing a tank top and a short, his skink was smooth and pale, he looks a lot like a girl and I smile a little at him he gave me a small smile also.

"And that Ralph and Praise."

Lukas pointed to another shirtless guy standing on one of the tress in the forest, he looked like Tarzan, with his perfect chiseled face, purple like eyes or are they grey, and tanned body. Although he doesn't have muscles like Dara's, he was well built and his six pacs were for all to see.

Praise on the other hand was busy sitting on a rock with her headphones in her ear probably listening to music and her legs in the lake. her back was turned to me and i was only able to see her dyed royal blue hair covering her whole back and still laying on the ground. Just how long is her hair.

"So you must be Sage, The man of the house, I believe we've met."

I believe not but there is something very familiar about Ralph, he jumped down from the tree with a superhero landing and Dara and Lukas rolled his eyes while Ezra turned red and Ruby busted out laughing.

"Try to remember, you almost smack me in the head with a frying pan."

Ralph was having an exciting smile on his face and it click, Ralph the ghost.

"Wait you hit him with a frying pan?"

Ruby asked with an amuse smile on her face and so did Dara.

"I would have so love to see that."

Ruby said in between her laughter. I feel embarrassed and Ralph faked a hurt expression by touching his chest like his heart was aching.

"OK enough chitchat, I brought Sage here to watch your training, so, get started sweaty boys."

"But you love my sweaty ass."

Ralph countered Ezra and winked at her, Ezra blushed like an alert alarm and I was a little taken back because she never show that kind of expression with me. Not that I care, I don't care, obviously I'm just stunt that she also have that kind of side.

"Get off the training ground staring goof."

Ezra shouted at me and I was startled, also I was embarrassed that she caught me staring at her again. Seriously what is wrong with me.

"Awww, leave my poor Sage alone, meanie Ezra."

Ruby said in a baby voice as she grabbed my hand and forced me to sit on a log beside her, she scoot closer to me that her legs and thigh were touching mine, I was really uncomfortable, so I scoot away from her, not getting the message she scoot closer and Ezra rolled her eyes at her while Ruby flutter her eyelashes at me.

Lukas and Ralph took the stage as they both circled each other up, Dara was sitting on a rock beside Ezra and cheering Lukas and Ralph on. Praise was still in the position that I first saw her, is she not tired of sitting.

"Watch this."

Ruby voice redirected my eyes back to Lukas and Ralph as they both fought with inhuman strength, Lukas throw punches at Ralph but he dodged them as he glitches like a video game error. But that doesn't stop Lukas as he spun around on the ground and kicked Ralph by the leg making him fall. Lukas got up and smiled.

"Wow, you are getting good."

Ralph commented as he was getting up, Lukas shrugged at his comment, and Ralph has a mischievous smile on his face.

"Let go full power shall we."

After saying that, Ralph glitches started getting worse, he is here, then he is there, he was glitching at a fast paste, popping up everywhere and I was amazed at his powers.

"You know Ralph and Lukas are hybrids."

I stared at Ruby with surprise, she nodded her head with a little smile.

"Praise is also an hybrid too, she is three blooded, while Ralph and Lukas are two blooded."

I looked over to praise and she was in the lake now washing her hair,her back was still turned to me and I couldn't see her face.

"I can't tell much about Praise but Ralph is a hybrid of a vampire and a Lux, that why he glitches."

Ruby paused and let out a deep breath before she continue.

"Lux creatures move at a light speed and vampire also have incredible speed, his DNAs seems to take the speed quality part, therefore, when he glitches, he is moving at an incredible speed that is faster than light that why  his DNA, and body deconstruct and moved at an unbelievable speed and construct somewhere else and most of the time, he can make a particular part of his body deconstruct."

"Does it hurt?"

I asked without thinking, of course it hurt, but it doesn't look like it does as he was fighting.

"You are asking the wrong person that question, but I do know that Ralph power is not stable, Darius said that at the speed that Ralph DNA are moving they can tear his body up, killing him."

I swallowed, I guess even being a two blooded hybrid can also means death. I watched how frustrated Lukas is getting with Ralph glitches, Lukas let out a monster like growl and I was startled, chills ran down my body and I swallowed nervously as Lukas took off his trousers, his bone started to crack and sickening pop of bone and flesh tearing was heard and my lunch turned in my stomach.

Lukas body started to melt into black puddle and every rational cell in my brain told me to run, it took my will and a little bit of fear to keep me rooted where I was sitting, out of the dark puddle came a black giant wolf like a beast of nightmare.

"He is not going to hurt you, Lukas can control his powers perfectly, there is no need to be scared."

Ruby took hold of my hand and smile at me, it not like I'm scared or anything, I'm just surprise at the huge monster before us. What even more surprising is that Ralph corky smirk never flatters, he was smirking like a highschool heartthrob and the way Ezra was blushing when he looked at her is seriously annoying.

"Lukas is a tenebris and werewolf blooded hybrid, for some unknown reason his DNA actually works together. As Darius said it, his DNA evolved, living as one species instead of two."

I was amazed by the speed and strength Lukas possessed but he was still no match for Ralph.

"Just end this already guys it getting dark."

Dara shouted at them and I looked over to where Praise was only to see that she was no longer there, maybe I can introduced myself probably next time.

The sky was already dark and the moon shone brightly, we were back in the mansion and Ralph was the winner. I was still amazed by his skill on how he floored Lukas. We were all now in the kitchen sitting on the kitchen island while Dean, Ezra and Peace prepares Dinner.

"So Sage when do you want to start your training?"

Dara asked as he sat beside me with a cup of orange juice in his hand, I looked at him confused, do I also have to train, as if reading my mind he answered yes. But I don't know if I'm up for it yet.

"Don't worry, it no big deal, first we will train with the basic, so should we start every morning starting tomorrow?"

I looked over to Ezra not sure what I should say and she nodded her head slightly telling me to say yes.


"Cool, you are gonna love martial art."

He patted my back before going to the dinning hall. And I wondered why Dara was not given the head of clan position instead. I let out a relieved sigh I didn't know I was holding.

"Sage, you will be meeting with Marcus and Adeline tomorrow on the clan issues."

"Wait I'm I resuming duties as the head of Clan already?"

I asked peace a little shocked at what she said.

"Yep, Darius and I also voted that you should stay in the clan as the leader, so you will be resuming all your duties by tomorrow, and I already ask Ophelia to help you continue where she left off. So take a good night rest after dinner cause tomorrow is going to be a long day."

I groaned already feeling tired, how did my life come to this, I should be at a lake house, or a party like any normal highschool guy but I have no such luck, I groaned again and got hit in the head with a spatula by Ezra

"Stop whining, it annoying, and it not like I won't be there to help with whatever you need tomorrow, so be grateful."

I couldn't help the smile that came on my face at her words. She is right, as long as I have someone I trust by my side, I can do it all. I really wonder what tomorrow holds.


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Sorry about the grammatical errors and misspells.
