It always the same dream every night, I always see myself in the backseat of a car with a woman looking back from the front seat smiling even though there are tears in her eyes, she was always mouthing.

"It going to be okay."

But I can tell it not, then out of no where, the car is swayed, I found my little self on the woman's body, she was protecting me, then the car tumbled over and over, I look to the driver seat and saw the man driving getting out the car saying.

"Protect him."

And all of the sudden the woman was speaking a language I can not understand, and I feel my self float awake.

"It that dream again."

I said to myself, I sighed, I'm already tired of this dream, I've been having the same dream for two weeks now, that not normal right, although I don't know what normal is, I looked at my phone, I didn't even care about the time, I'm more interested in date, three more days till end of 11th grade, I can't wait for the break, then after that all that is left is 12th grade, the door to my bedroom is opened and my little sister peeped inside.

" Tess what do you want?"

I groan, my voice was scratchy, I clear my throat a little, damn I need water.

"Mom want you downstairs ASAP."

She said in an annoying voice without looking at me, instead, she was tapping her phone, she lived off that phone, once, her phone was missing for two minutes and she was already turning the house upside down.

"I will be down in ten minutes."

I grunted out already getting up and heading to the bathroom.


She said before slamming my door shut, I don't blame Tess after all we are not related by blood, I was adopted by the Hamburg family twelve years ago, although am seventeen now, Mrs Rose Hamburg is infertile, at least that what the hospital said, two month later after my adoption they found out that Mrs Rose was two weeks pregnant, the attention shift from me to the unborn child, the Hamburg didn't want to send me back to the orphanage because they were respected in the community, I sighed, I do that a lot.

I took my bath and brushed my teeth, I stood in front of my full length mirror, am not bad looking, I guess, what make me stand out is my height and eyes.

my name is Sage Hamburg, I'm 6 2 ft tall, brown wavy hair, my eyes are green with specks of blue,I have abs and lean muscles like that of a swimmer, my skin is tan and smooth, I have chiseled jaw and handsome face, over all am hot, but I have a flaw, I don't dress to impress, neither do I play any sport, after all, the guys at school categories me as a nerd while the girls think am the school hottest guy.

I put on my blue long sleeve shirt, a black skinny jean, my blue vans, I checked myself in the mirror, I look good, I went downstairs to the kitchen to see Mrs Rose cooking chocolate chip pancake, I already knew they are not for me, I opened the fridge and pour myself a cool glass of orange juice.

"Good morning to you too."

Mrs Rose said sarcastically, I roll my eyes at her.

"Good morning Rose."

I greeted back with a blank expression on my face.

"I hope I won't get a call from the principal today."

She gave me a pointed look while serving her probably delicious pancake, I shook my head at her and she sighed heavily.

"Why can't you just tryout for the basketball team maybe then they will stop bullying you, or you can hold up till you become a senior."

She waved her spatula around, I sighed, it was like she said, I could pass for a jock but I didn't, the guys at school make fun of me for my height and for having interest in the gardening club than the basketball team, but the real reason for their bullying is because I get more attention from girls than them, I can't wait to start 12th grade and graduate highschool.

I picked up an apple and took my black sleeveless hoodie off the coat rack, I pick up my school bag and the key to my run down, red, ford truck, it was a thing of a beauty, I bought it with the pocket money I saved up, my parent didn't mind it. I started the car and drove to school.

Getting to school, I parked my car and took my bag out the car and started walking to the big Blue and white building, I saw Sean McCord and his group of friends looking at me with a wicked glint in their eyes, I hugged my back bag closer to me and ran into the building to my locker. I huffed a relieved breath when I didn't see him following me, you can call me a coward all u want but I ain't getting my ass kick is early morning but I was so wrong.

"Who are you running from Sage."

I heard Sean's deep voice at my back turning around a sudden force made my head snapped to a side, my jaw hurt, my lips was busted, and I can taste blood in my mouth.

"You think you can outrun us right."

He punched my stomach and I bend down in pain, then he used my hair to lifted my head to face him.

"This is just breakfast get ready for dinner and lunch loser."

His goons laughed at what he said, it wasn't even funny, he dropped my head and walked away
