
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · ファンタジー
61 Chs

Revan The Prodigy

[3 Peaks Force]

[House Lazos]

.....muffled noise.....Revan slowly opened his eyes but it was still very blurry.....more noise.... Revan... Revan...

Revan rubbed his eyes and cleared his vision, his body was awfully sluggish and he was very groggy. "Yes, yes. Where do we have to go today." When Revan finally cleared his eyes he was shocked....

He thought to himself, "This isn't my bedroom... why am I sleeping in a classroom and why is everyone wearing robes... WHERE ARE THE T SHIRTS, PANTS, YOU KNOW NORMAL STUFF." His face was incredibly still and it seemed as if he was actually calm. He quickly composed himself.

Teacher: Revan what was the answer for this question. I heard you are a fighting prodigy but the books aren't the same. You should learn about chakra now so that when you turn 18 and you can begin cultivating you'll actually know what you're doing

Some of the students were young and immature, they had a bit of envy towards the second son of Head Lazos and they were only 16 so they had time to mature.

Revan looked towards the board behind the teacher and saw a bit of red but that was all he could make out. However, that was all he needed. "The chakra we're learning about is the Root Chakra. It is the first chakra and it is located at the base of the spine and can be opened through meditation and training. Through cultivating our Root Chakra we gain greater strength and our physical senses our heightened. We gain access to the energy of the world and we can harness it to perform immense feats, for example, killing a rhino with just our fists."

The Teacher was surprised, stunned even. "Well.... it's all.... right. You got nothing wrong." The teacher's face was surprised but the thing that stunned him was the rhino comment.

The teacher thought, "A Rhino? I've never heard of such a creature. Well, everything else he said was right and he is the second son of Head Lazos so his father probably showed him some rare beasts. His intelligence solidifies his position. If I correct him and I'm wrong, I'll look like a fool." The teacher glazed over the rhino part and applauded Revan. "I was wrong about you Revan. You know more than I will be teaching in the next week or two so just take the rest of the classes off if you'd like to."

Revan was a bit surprised but he bowed respectfully, a bit too respectfully for his position. It was subtle but the teacher picked up on it. Revan replied. "I reward respect with respect and kindness with kindness. Thank you teacher I will be heading out now."

As soon as Revan opened the wooden doors and made his way out, he took a large sigh. He thought, "That could've went completely wrong, but where even am I in the first place?"

Hello :)

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