
5. Boredom Does a lot To a Person

"I'mmmmm sooooooo boooooreed!!" A figure states while flapping their arms, along with the slight movement of colorfull stones underneath it.

Before you ask yes , that is me the one, the only, ruler of absolutly nothing, null(for now atleast).

Now how did I get here you might ask? Well-sitting up from my pervious position-I kinda left ya on a kinda sorta cliffhanger... maybe. But anyways that's besides the point, basically things went pretty smoothly after that. Maybe a little too smoothly if I do say so myself. Combining a literal infinite number of different me's on an omniversal scale should be hard right. I mean even if it did work out their should have been atleast one consequence.

Like split personas or somtin' right.

Well yes but actually no.

You see after absorbin' a crack ton-a-knowledge from ze fusion I have gained a pretty good understanding on my existence as a whole.

That being nothing at all.

Confusing right, well no let me get to that. You see due to the attribute and the main concept behind my powers which currently make up said existence.

I technically.




But yet I do.

Said abilities(and source of existence) being the entire definition of "genises". Being different than a pure cancelation of abilities or concepts on a whole(like Asta's anti-magic). Instead it resets things, and in such resets change is allowed to occur.

Like for gravity as an example.

The concept of gravity is the attraction of lower objects of mass to larger objects of mass. But(as shown in previous chapters) I can completly null such limitations creating gravity even though mass didn't yet exist.

Hard stuff I know. Basically it allows me to turn every and all things to their starting line to change the very concepts and relativities that limit them. succesfully nullifying the laws and making my own in their place.

Concequently making it my own. How does this apply to the whole combining selves thing. Weeeelll due to the whole energy is the origin of everything shabang the 'null' energy as I like to call it keeps completly reseting my existence leading for the omniverse on a whole to recognize me as an entire new being every zeptosecond.(zepto as in the smallest amount of time recorded. Which is one trillionth of a billionth of a second.)

Although such things do limit me greatly. As in I can't make something from nothing.

You might be wondering can't I just 'nullify' that aswell.

Well no I can't 'cause it ain't my domain.

What I mean by that is for me to know and you to wonder.(Wait did I say that already?)

Anyways, you must be wondering about the colerfull stones sitting under me.

What... you aren't.

Too bad.

They are infinity stones.-The magnitude of the amount of the now established infinty stones ranges 142,984 km (88,846 miles) in diameter. Being 11.2 times the size of earth. (A/N: Strait of google baby!! It's the size of jupiter if your wondering. Just an fyi.)

Yeah it's a lot I know. Why? My only answer is boredom... pure... boredom.

Boredom does a lot to a person.

How I got them?

Well lets just say there's a lot less futures for Dr. Strange to see.








Now what?

No better question what do I do with all these. I think while looking down at the massive planet sized pile of infinity stones.

Ah... I got it. slapping the side of my fist to my palm I had an epiphany.

Why don't I just do what I did to myself.


Placing my palm to the infinity stones, they start melting into a white liquid substance. Them getting smaller an smaller in size.

Now what? (I feel like i'm just repeating myself at this point.)

The colorless area going back into it's empty state aside from me of course.

Should I make something? That wouldn't hurt too much right.(Me atleast)

A sword-nah too cliche.

A weapon wouldn't work cause I don't really need one.

An accesory would help more-no it would work better period.

A bracelet-no not into those too much.

A shir-bad idea.

Ah a mask. Perfect it can hide my face and it's easy to wear.

Although it might get stuffy... hmmm... oh why don't I just infuse it with 'null'.

Morphing the liquide into a mask, one that was an unnatural pure white in color. I infuse it making the white dim down to a natural white color.

With the infusion of my existencial essence it officially became apart of me. Since becoming an transparent existence. Like me It exists but doesn't, But due it being made of infinity stones I can manipulate the basic rules of conceptuality of thousands of times greater magnitude than the og infinity stones.

Now that that's over with... "OFF TO MARVEL!!"

Why Marvel?

'Cause why not?

"It will be great destroyin' bad dudes, chuckin' insults, Maybe even grabn' me a girl or two."



-I'm broke"


In an alleyway in New York a person who seems to be in their early teens can be found. Pitch black hair, and eyes that seemed to be an abysal white unnatural in color. Of course all of this was covered in a plain pure white mask without any facial features.(although none could see such mask unless I thought otherwise.) Their face seemingly to look as though the world was trash or utter dirt.

Of course that is me



And pissed.

"It's gonna be great I said. I'm gonna get girls I said. Fuck you past me."

What happened? The economy happened.

It's been about a month or two since i've arrived. I got broke, got kicked out of jobs, got arrested for tresspassing, and I got shot at by a passing gang. Not the best NYC experience i'd say.

"You seem to be in quite the situation."

A man who seemed to be in his later sixties( If the streaks of white hair meant anything ). Wearing an almost butler-ish attire, and an almost immortal smile littered his face.



A child predator.

As you can probably infer the naration is just his thoughts and small perhaps maybe, maybe not my own side remarks mixed in. Although direct notes will be labled as so. (A/N: ex.)

And woohoo he's finnaly in the MCU!! took awhile but he's-a-here.

Oh and the whole 'it aint my domain' shabang it will be explained later.

Soooo anyways thanks for readin'


Frost_Burncreators' thoughts