
4. A Million Me's a Million Problems

'Aaaaaaaand we're back' weird having a super long break like that isn't it. Heck you even got an extra chapter good for you guys. But that is not the point nor problem.

"So who do you think will win, Saitama or Goku?" Someome of a simular stature to the Mc questioned others of the same likness. Who all in return showed genuine suprise at such a question.

All of them each going into thought for a few seconds until one intrupted.

"Isn't it obvious. I mean it would obviously be Saitama would it not." A figure spoke pressing two fingers on glasses further onto his face that only seemed to exist on a plane between imagination an conceptuality. Which was the case for... well everything honestly. Such words caused an uproar in half the crowd of simular individuals.

And no the problem isn't the fact that there is about half a million of me's having a discussion. Don't ask how such a feat is possible, 'cause I honestly don't really know myself. But what I do know is the problem at hand the discussion their having is debatebly one of the most heated topics of the anime fandom.(atleast in my opinion)

"Hoh, and why would that be? Please do elaborate." he questioned in response to such a claim. That is of course after calming the heard.

"Well, in all logical concept one that being saitama has completely shattered his existential limiter correct?" He asked.

"Yes, that seems to be the case." The figure responded in return. Grasping his chin in a notion signifying his increasing interest.

"While Goku on the other hand has to constantly break through more barriers to get stronger right?" Lifting his finger only to further emphasize his point.

The other only nodding his head in kind. Along with others among the crowd of shadowed figures having only slight diffrences in appearences. Ranging from shape of glasses to hairstyles and age of appearance.

"Well, How could someone who isn't even at his endgame beat someone that is." stressing such a point while again fixing his glasses as a strange glint of reflection fills the lenses.

"I mean even Saitama himself said that the serious series wasn't all that special. Him having only barely tried at all, possibly not even at all to cause such a feat. And may I remind you a punch that has not yet directly come into contact with an object inanimate or naught. Which also happens to be his greatest feat excluding the manga and webcomic of course." Somehow stating the entire paragraph as-a-matter-of-factly.

"I see your point but Goku could easily do such feats if he went super sayain or just fired a kamehameha." Another from the crowd responded.

At this point i'm honestly suprised it's this cal- oh never mind.

I calmly remark as the figure who initially proposed the question was pulling out the hair of the one who first answered said question.(Yaknow the weird glasses guy.)

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU BASTARD!!" one of the idio-*cough*-me's yells at another me.

Who knew the different me's had different opinions on anime.(It's getting really annoying calling them me all the time.)

*ARRRRRRGGGGHHHH* Loud warcries could be heard in the distance.

"What the?" Quickly turning around I notice another batch has arrived.*sigh*

At first they appeared at about once a blue moon, but not only is the frequency increasing so is the amount that comes with.

I feel a light tug on my abysal cloak(which also seems to be the physical manifestation of everything here.) Black as nig- scratch that a thousand times darker. Anyways getting off subject back to the tug thing. I shift my vision(since technicaly I don't have eye's) to turn to where such force came from. A small figure comes to my 'sights' being siginificantly smaller than most others here.

"Mister... um... what's going on?" The small figure I could only describe as a child of the night.

Appearence seeming to perfectly blend in with the abys of the void surrounding us. If not for the occasional outline of it's figure and the abysal white filling the space of it's eyes and mouth, I probably wouldn't be able to even see them. Even myself applies to such a realization due to me being made of the same abys.

"Believe me I'd-"

Refrencing to the literal war going on in the backround.

"-honestly like to know myself."

looking around I notice there is more, a lot more. I wouldn't put it behind me to say there was a little more than ten times the previous amount.

'This is getting out of hand.' Sorry doctor strange, but my mental health means more in this situation. You being a (ex)doctor can understand right.

Anyways... back to the whole war thing. The intensity of the situation is escalating due to the ones who recently arrived joining in the fight for no reason. I mean I would've honestly done that myself... but... really guys.

"This is getting out of hand." Noticing my own copyrighted phrase, me and the abysal munchkin turn to face the source of the sound.

"Ah, #1, #3 nice to see you." Getting a better 'view' I notice the same weird glasses dude from before.

Noticing him refrencing the two of us I nod my head in response. I wasn't always a very sociable person, well no one here was in that regard atleast.

Confusion on the numbers? Yeah me to, still don't really understand it myself. Though it's most likely to keep track of each other and the amount of me's here.(Us being #1-3 becuase were the first three.)

Returning my vision to the ongoing war I say," Yeeeeaaah, we really need to do something about that."

Only now do I realize the brutality of such a sight. Flinching at the sight of one kicking one in his manhood. Covering #3's eyes with my hand I continue.

"So what should we do? Your the smart one here." I refrence to his glasses.

"I d'know." He calmly states while shrugging his shouldiers.

Right forgot you gotta fail a test to get glasses.*SIGH* I release a visibly louder sigh. I say visibly since technically sound doesn't exist here. Eventhough I can still hear... well... everything.The slight ruffling of clothes, the breaking of children from the crowd, and the wailing of warcries along with it.(So maybe it does.)



Each side shouting for their respective favorite that would win. Mayhem is the only way to describe such a sight.

"Why doesn't everyone try... to get along." I hear #3 try to voice his own opinion on the matter. I look down to see them struggling to remove my hand to see the mayhem unfold.

"Yeah... about that." A slight shudder travels down my spine as I see someone from the goku side summon a kamehameha to blast away anothers balls. All while screaming traitor of course. Why the balls tho? I ask myself slowly going to cover my balls with my free hand due to fantom pain.

"Wait... they might actually have a point."

"Eh..." I say in suprise mainly for what #2 said, but some of it directed to the guy who got his balls vaporised. Noticing him getting right back up after what seemed like a critical blow I come to a realization.


Reaching my hand a little further down I feel... well... nothing.

Right... no genders here, not sure what I was looking for anymore.

I guess their manhood didn't get vaporised, can't vaporise what isn't there afterall.

Though I was wondering why I didn't see a girl me among the crowd.

Now back to what he said.

"I mean not in the literal sense though, since such a feat seems impossible right now." He continues due to my silence completely understanding why.

I motion my free hand saying 'continue' with my actions.

"Well what if we kinda fuse everyone here into one individual. Yaknow like in Dragonball." Noticing the sudden silence I realize that last statement caught the attention of the GFA(Goku Fandom Army). Although one of them getting balsted away due to a cheap shot from SFA(Saitama Fandom Army).

Due to them being still we get a full 'view' on just how many there are.

'Atleast ten times more than last time.'

"They... finally stopped." I look down to find #3 peaking through my fingers to see the 'sight'.

"Great job ya stopped a fandom war, but what now?"

"Simple... we... build."


"Yeah sounded better in my head." he remarks rubbing his nape.

*haaaah*' This is really starting to push the saying of me, myself and I.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I'll start posting more frequently from now on. Next chapter will be him in MCU so you don't have to wait too long.

Frost_Burncreators' thoughts