
1. Normal World


A scene of a man wallowing in his sorrow could be seen through the window of a rather medium sized building.

Constantly slaming his head on the desk in front of him. Such desk holding a desktop computer, keyboard, and mouse.

He took a sip of coffee from the mug infront of him. Although it took him quite a few sips to relize their was none left.

Forced to resort to finally getting up and refilling said mug. The man stood up to aquire more energy from the industrialized liquid.

As he stood up the light shown his full figure standing at a full 5'6 with heavy bags under his eyes. A true showing of how long he had worked. Along with a traditional black suite and tie, white dress shirt, and brown pointed shoes.

"Fuck me."

The man finally resigned to say as he finished pouring the coffe whilst scratching his unkept half spiky half straight dark brown hair, that could be mistaken as black if in the correct lighting.

Although not one of the most pleseant first words they expressed his true emotions all the same. Though it was quite the mystery as of wh-

"not in the mood Tod."

The figure said to a man of slightly shorter stature standing directly beside him. Standing at 5'4 with dirty blonde hair and azure blue eyes. Wearing a light gray suite and black tie plus a white dress shirt, along with black pointed shoes


'And of course my anoying coworker is at it again today. He just never quits does he.'

"C'mon I was just try'n to cheer up my especially grumpy friend." The coworker now known as tod says.

"I know and that's the problem. I honestly don't need you narrating everything I do especially now."

" What the boss keep you at work again toda- well I guess its yesterday now."

"Isn't it obvious." I say pointing at my eyebags.

"haha-yeah sorry 'bout that."

" It's fine..." *sigh*

"The dunce wouldn't even let me go home to take a shower. Its been three days man, three fucking days."

"Yeah, I get ya..."

"But hey, us foreigners gotta stick together right."

"Yeah... right..." I mention while taking a turn to face the doorway.


Silence persisted for awhile with the exception of a few grunts from the slightly taller individual and a slight ticking of a clock in the background.

*Clack* *Clack*

The sound of heels hitting the tile floor could be heard reverberating throughout the hallway. catching the attention of the two men situated at the breakroom.

Peaking his dirty blond head out the doorway so he could see, " Oh... that time already."

"hm?" The other poked theirs out aswell in response.

"Oh... shit"

The brown haired muttered in response to seeing the identity of the person walking behind the women with heals currently walking their direction. And in a flash darted his head back in grabing his comrades hair and yanking him along with in the process.

"ow-ow-ow!! The hell Mathew!!" Tod screamed in response to his fellow mans actions.


The Now identified as mathew clings to the wall in attempt to fade his presence. While making a face that says' If she finds me i'm dead' at Tod. Finishing the act with a slight finger slice to his neck. the coffee obviously having done him quite the favor.

"What do you mean by that I can't read faces!!"

Having been irritated enough already he signalled back in response.

'She finds me i'm dead.'

Tod's face only shown question marks at the act.

"If she finds me she will kill me!"

"And who will kill my dear older brother."

A very effeminate voice comes from the entrance way. The color of their faces drained as both men slowly turned their heads torwards the woman in the doorway. One of them already resigning into their fate.


"Just what where you thinking!!" A woman clad in a checkered blue/white skirt, a blue blazer jacket and a red tie standing at a full 4'11. Who's appearence seemed to be that of a highschooler in her late teens. as she yelled at a much taller man, her light brown knee length hair waves from the breeze.

"I wasn't thinking, I was being a productive part of this society. Even if that requires giving up my will to live." He said wispering the last part.

"Not that- I mean yes that too but- aughhh that's not what i'm talking about." She screamed in frustration.

"Why do you keep willingly jumping infront of moving trucks. Forget the fact that its a miracle youre still alive. But, how could you be so stupid, I mean what happened to you and your stupid rules!!"

*cough* "Correction, they are truck-kuns off-spring. Not your run of the mill truck-trash. And plus my rules aren't gone they have just evolved to fit my otaku needs." He says as a matter of factly.

*sigh* "You and your stupid weeb tendancies."

*augh* " C'mon their not that bad." he pouted.

She then grabbed him by the collar pulling him closer to her face. "WOAH!!"

"Listen here you stupid brother, your 'Otaku tendancies' as you like to call them has led to you getting hit by several hundred trucks over the past ten years! You also caused us to fu-"

"ah-ah-ah language." he interupted while moving his finger infront of herface side to side.

"-Freaking Japan. Ya happy now." she said while she twitched from aggrivation.

"Yeah kinda I mean Japan really lives upto the r-"

He looked down mid-sentence only to find her staring daggers at him. Finally letting go of his tie she moved her head to the side giving the iconic 'humph'.

The only thought he had was 'Oh I forgot she was like that.' Grabbing her hand in the process

*sigh* "Alright fiiine. We'll go bac-"

At that second he was pushed aside by a cloaked figure. Turning in reaction to the sudden push managing a reaction.


That is until he noticed the glare of reflection coming off of a sharp object in his hands. A 'knife'. Bad. The whole situation did a 180°. Although Mathew had seen it, it took a second to regester what was happening. But, that mere second was far too long. Only then did he realise the screaming and the lack of warmth in his left hand.


I've done it

Been awhile, but I have improved as much as i could in writing and story telling while I was gone.

Anyways in the original I was planning on doing flash backs to his past throughout the story.

But I opted for this instead.

*Warning* Expect references and 4th wall breaks. His abilities will be explained next chapter(probably) to avoid long paragraphs down the line.

So this is a redo of celestial inquisitor be prepaired for mistakes and rewrites down the line.

Frost_Burncreators' thoughts