12 Chapter Twelve

~Rowyn's POV~

I don't trust the calculating look and leaving Night in their was hard but I had to because I don't know if something bad can happen. As I my next walked away I started planning my next move. I couldn't visit the girls until I get everything sorted out, and I had to keep up appearances or else others will be onto me. I needed to start watching people behaviors, understand society now, train and become an awesome fighter, than be able to sneak out of their lives and enter society as a person, all the while keeping everyone off my back, figuring out what's going on, get revenge, OH and try not to die. I think with fake cheeriness. My smile turns to a frown at everything I have to do. Then it hits me I forgot the one thing that I swore I would get to the bottom of, figuring out what Nightingal is hiding from me, the mystery behind the walls. My wolfy body got flopped down onto the bed and I remembered that Carolina was still carrying me. I look into her eyes as she sticks her face in mine.

"Awww, is the baby wolfy tired?" she says with an adoring smile. Karma and Tsunami laugh. I give them a sleepy look and I here more giggling. I try hard to keep my tail from wagging but it does it on it's own accord. I frown at my tail but brush it off. I know that the longer I stay in my wolf form the more wolf my body becomes (as in it reacts more and more like a normal wolf would. Someone walks in the room and watches I don't dare look over, I just concentrate on the girls. After a bit I notice that the person was talking, but too low for me to hear. I look around the room pretending to be looking for something. When I look in the direction of the voices I notice that Titan had a smug face and was looking at me. I don't understand why yet I have a feeling he talked quietly on purpose. I brush it off and innocently jump of the bed towards them. The girls squeal and jump off the bed to follow me. They stop talking and I know it's on purpose. The girls wouldn't really pay attention to what they were saying, much less understand. They stopped because they didn't want me to here. Suspicious, I feel like he can be a culprit for messing up my mind. I know it;s a stretch but it also makes no sense which is what I am looking for. I decide to test them. I walk to the window and stick my head out. I notice that the girls go next to me and quietly pet me.

"What do you think they're talking about" comes a little voice right next to me. I try not to jump.

"I think it's something they don't want us to know about." the other girls voice comes. Here I thought these two girls were clueless and wouldn't understand. Yet here I am listening to these two little girls questioning the others. I tilt my head at them an idea popping into my brain. I carefully think through my plan before taking action. I calmly go through to their minds. I do this calmly as to not alarm them leading to giving away my position.

"Who are you?" a little girls voice comes. This one was Maple as Carolina was a bit shocked. I connect there two minds making it so we can talk inside their mind. Carolina was stiff but she followed Maple's leave and continued petting me.

"Look you guys don't know me but I do know you. Anyway I have made it so you both can talk to each other, as you aren't pack yet you weren't able to do it before. Now I need you to act like everything is normal and not like there's a random person in your mind.

"You can count on me" they both said. I smiled.

"Guys you need to promise to keep this a secret, ok I can't have this secret get out." I say warily, this would make three people that I have told my secret too.

"Ok so I am a shifter, no Maple you know this because you are one too. Carolina YOU can NOT tell a single soul about this." Carolina kept quiet and I knew what she was thinking.

"Maple, your sister and brother are both shifters aren't they?" Carolina said after a bit, of thinking. She and maple were sitting down on pillows with an imaginary me in front of them. By the way we're in Maples mind, and she projected me so they could pet me outside without worrying about messing up and giving away they secret.

"Yah we are, and I don't think Mocha liked that we were suddenly humans." she smiles down at the me in her mind and it takes me a moment to understand that they have no clue what I am.

"What's a shifter?" Carolina asks. I glance at her and so does Maple.

"Well a shifter is basically like a werewolf, just umm way more powerful.... umm I don't know how much Im allowed to give away." Maple looks down and Carolina gives her a sympathetic look. She looks up and I can tell she has an idea.

"Umm, mystery person, you seem to be older so you must know more about the limits and stuff, right?" Her conclusion was pretty good, i had to give her that.

"Look Carolina, I'm not even supposed to tell you what we are, we keep ourselves secret. Now Maple is right with what she said, I won't tell you what it means but I think you get the gist."

"Yah, I remember how you took both our minds and connected them. Can all shifters do that or is it just you?" I smile at her although she can't see it.

"I have no clue, I have been locked up for 8 years with no human interaction. I think it was eight years anyway." I say back no emotion spilling through my voice as I think about what happened. Carolina looks up to where she thinks I am.

"How is that possible? We moved here about eight years ago and I don't remember anyone getting locked up!?" I could tell she wanted answers but I needed to continue with my plan.

"OK, question tiime is over for now, I know you both want to know what they are talking abut and I do to. I don't trust them fully. That's why I made contact in the first place.
