
Casual Swordsman In the Multiverse

Casual Swordsman in the Multiverse Tags: R-18, Action, Comedy, Romance, System, Harem (Small 2 or 3 Members) MC: Alex Blade (I know it’s a swordsman whose last name is Blade heh) Additional Info/Bio/Explanation: Alex Blade is a young man who is as ordinary as it gets if you don’t count his flaming addiction towards swords and his high perceptivity towards learning and fighting. He is a closet otaku who enjoys watching anime and reading light novels (things got personal). Alex ended up being drafted into WW3 where he is fighting his enemies with modern weaponry and his trusty sword that he ended up having custom made through the military for close combat. Long story short…. He dies. Ends up meeting a god who grants him a normal system that mostly relies on his hardwork to improve himself (not like those OP systems that destroy everyone by the second chapter). Join him as he embarks on his journey in the world of Danmachi training, getting girls, and just relaxing. I won’t be focusing on any of those crazy politics involving Freya and all those jerks who like to ruin everyone’s time.

Danlift · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Road Ahead

Casual Swordsman in the Multiverse

Chapter 2: The Road Ahead

On a random road going towards Orario, a young man accompanied by a snow-white fox and a floating fox chibi that no one else can see are traveling with ease while having an incredibly serious conversation that affects the entirety of the multiverse…

"FOR THE LAST TIME! TAILS ARE BETTER THAN EARS YOU HERETIC!" yelled Alex with a stern look that could shoot a hole through space and time just to hit a certain heretic fox chibi.

{THE EARS ARE WHERE IT COUNTS! GET IN TUNE WITH THE TIME YOU BLUBBERING BAFOON! HOW DARE YOU! AS A GORGEOUS YOUNG FOX WOMAN MYSELF I SHOULD KNOW WHICH IS BEST!} said a certain chibi fox system woman who declares with all her might that Alex is the biggest nimrod of all dimensions.

"You know what fine, let's just move on. I can't argue with you. So does Luna have her own stats? Like can she join a familia with me for her growth?"

{She can join the familia you choose and at that time the system will register her as a sub owner or a mini system user just like you wished for. It's totally different doe for your future lover because as soon as you register them, they'll be able to get a mini sub system as well even if they're not apart of your familia."

"Ahhhh okay, okay, cool beans."

"Soooo…. Which familia do you think I should join? In my opinion I have 3 different options. I could join Hephaestus and focus on improving myself and using blacksmithing because I don't wish to rely on Yamato for everything unless I'm up against a powerful foe that I want to use my full strength on. Then there's Bestia, she's awesome, wholesome, and loves family so I could really get into that. Lastly, there's Loki, I don't know what it is about her but she has this appeal that makes me feel like it'll always be fun around her. Hmmmm, decisions."

{Those are all very valid points. If I had to put it into perspective, Bestia is definitely out because imagine how annoying it would be to hang around Bell all day.}

"I didn't think about that, thank you, you legit saved me from having to be a babysitter and having to raise a grown adult into a man on my own." Says Alex whilst wiping off the imaginary sweat from his brow.

{Of course, I don't want to be around him either. Especially since he's involved in all the shenanigans that will happen in Orario in the future. Then between Hephaestus and Loki, I think you should choose Hephaestus for reasons you and I both know.}

"I can agree to that, especially with those reasons being that she's totally hot (pun intended), likes making weapons and I can imagine how amazing it would be to work with her to create a masterpiece of a sword alongside her, she's flaming hot, and she's super chill and wholey focused on her craft. Did I mention that she's like blazing hot?"

{A few times but I totally agree and I will let your obvious bias towards her slide. But tell me… Who's hotter between her and I???}

"Hey that's not a fair question! You two have totally different vibes going on! You're more like 'Her Majesty the Queen' even though your personality is like this, while Hephaestus is super chill with some insecurities that I will obviously heal as one of my ways of sneaking into her pan--- heart!"

{WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH MY PERSONALITY BEING LIKE THIS! I'll have you know that among system chibis I am the most amazingly awesome fantastic well-endowed support that anyone could have even though you're my first partner!}

"I feel incredibly honored that I was given the honor of being your first partner!" says Alex trying to change the conversation to avoid her questioning more on who's hotter.

{Fine, I'll go along with your obvious attempt at changing the subject. The first thing we got to do when we get there is pass through the gate into Orario, and if you check your inventory all of your identification will be in there regarding your background as discussed with kami-sama.}

"Okay, and then after that we go ahead and head over to the guild first to register right and get an audience with Hephaestus while staring at two of the most beautiful women in Danmachi, that Ara-Ara werewolf and the bubbly half-elf." Says Alex as he's hugging himself in excitement with a mild blush on his face while imagining petting the werewolf's tail and teasing Eina hehe.

{I can agree with you on your fine taste shonen. You are also a man of culture, although you misspoke and said tail instead of ears. You are on the right path!}

"Hmpf, here we go again, I'm just going to move past this because it will never end! I want to avoid any of the main troubles that Bell goes through so as everyone in the audience must be wondering, will Freya be able to see my wonderful whispy soul that has the system? I mean as attractive as it is to imagine Freya squirming while wondering what it would be like to "train" me, I'd rather avoid all that and just casually gain experience with the sword and live my life."

{Don't worry, the flippant kami already thought of that and made your soul look normal even though it's far from it. She may wonder why you're aura is so incredibly sharp however but that can be avoided by let's say talking to Syr and explaining how you dedicated your life to your craft of swordsmanship bs… yada yada yada.}

"Okay, that's a good plan. Anyway, I can see the gate ahead so we should stop conversing out loud probably so that no one thinks I'm a lunatic…"

{Probably a good idea…}

Meanwhile Luna has been in Alex's arms the entire time feeling incredibly annoyed at being ignored the whole time while her tail has been taken advantage of by her master.

'When can I start bantering with master…' thought the adorable fox with imaginary tears running down her eyes.

OKAY! So that's chapter two! I do want to say that this will be a harem novel like it shows in the tags, however it wont be a ridiculous harem so maybe like 2 or 3 waifus that I'm not sure who to pick aside from the first one. If you all have any suggestions lemme know. Also! I tried to up the bantering there but I felt I got to perverted. Hmm… More perversion maybe? Oppai Dragon style? Nah I'll just keep it mild. Next chapter I'll write it a little more serious while also speeding things along because I can't wait to get to his incredibly awesome and awkward conversation with Hephaestus and his super intense training arc heh! LOOK FORWARD TO IT MORTALS NYAHAHAHA!

Let me know if any suggestions or things you want to see! Feedback would be appreciated on writing style! Have a good one homies and homettes! PEACE!

Danliftcreators' thoughts