

Carl, a talented and dedicated young man, dreamt of pursuing a military career. However, after being discharged from the army due to circumstances beyond his control, he found himself at a crossroads. Determined to find a way to stand out and create a prosperous future, Carl channeled his entrepreneurial energy and became a promising young businessperson.

Carl's life seemed to be finally taking a promising course when unexpectedly, he found himself at the center of a deadly ambush. On a dark and rainy night, while returning home after a business meeting, a group of criminals attacked him, intending to rob him of his belongings and take his life. Although Carl fought valiantly, he was outnumbered and overpowered.

In the last gasp of his existence on Earth, as darkness seemed to envelop him completely, Carl felt a mysterious and comforting force followed by intense pain. He awoke in a new world.
