

in a world filled with sins and chaos the heavens held a big meeting, a meeting on how to save the filthy humans and cleanse them of their sins.

they decided to give each human a guardian angel ever since birth, their guardian angels would be their shields from sins and other mischievous acts, helping the humans to find the right path and stay on it.

And so on that day it was decided, that humans were to be born with a guardian angels on its side.. but the devil himself thought it was unfair to just let the angels reside with the humans.

The devil thought of letting his fellow demons reside each human as well, making them every human's inner demons.

The humans did'nt like the idea of having an inner demon, so they established a very strong rule that no one can break.

the rule states that every newborn baby has to be baptized immediately, baptizing was a way of sealing the demon inside of the human and to never let it unleash its power until the human dies.

this kind of lifestyle has been going on for the past thousands of years, the idea of having a guardian angel has helped humans in many ways.

the advantage of having a guardian angel was that the human it resides with can borrow its heavenly power, meaning the angel can lend its wings and extra physical strength.. it goes the same way when a person begs their inner demons to lend them their power.

the people who unleashes their inner demons are often criminals and terrorists. but there are also people who can tame their inner demons they are called the gifted. they can borrow the guardian angels power and control it at their will, that's the same with their inner demons.. rendering them the title of the most powerful creatures.
