
Intimate Joyful Moments

While on their kiss, Karl gently lift Mj up, carrying her, proceeding to the bed. He went kissing on her neck and planted kiss marks on it. And gently placed Mj on the bed.

He undressed himself causing Mj to be stunned and be amazed at how good-looking her fiance was.

He slowly undressed Mj and got amazed too how beautiful Mj was. It was both their second time to be amazed and be stunned at their partner's body. It turned them on both.

So they were longing to quench each other's urge and satisfy them both. Now that there were no more restrictions or whatsoever like the first time, they continued their lovey-dovey and both got their climax at the same time.

Satisfied, they both were catching their breaths but happily smiled at each other.

Mj then lay her head on Karl's arms and quickly fell asleep. While Karl was still watching Mj sleeping. For him, he was the most joyful man ever to have finally gotten his beloved in his arms and will soon to be his wife. Adding the fact that she's pregnant of his child, he felt like he was the most happiest man ever in this world at this exact moment!

Filled with joyfulness in his heart, he fell asleep as well with a bit smile on his face.

It was already 5 in the morning when they both opened their eyes and be awaken. Karl still caressed Mj for a moment and flirtatiously whispered into her ears, "I love you so much, Mj and I'm happy to know that we will have our first child soon. Thank you for this intimate joyful moments with you. For I treasured it all in my heart, and still looking forward for more." he grinned.

She gave him a smooch before replying, " Likewise, I treasured it all as well, and I love you very, very much, Karl. And I'm excited for our little kid soon too."

"Let's go take a douche together. I'll wash you, and you wash me, we will wash each other. What do you think?" suggested Karl with a wide grin.

"Hmm don't you think it's a little bit awkward to do so?" Mj was a little bit reluctant.

"What's to be awkward to? We basically have made love twice already. And we will soon be husband and wife. Don't you think it's a good idea if we can start practicing being a husband and wife already?"

"Oh, okay. You're right." retreated Mj.

Karl then helped Mj got out from the bed, following her to the bathroom. They helped bath each other with joy. There were moments where Mj would throw much bubbles on Karl's face, and Karl would respond on putting his face on Mj's face and rub all the bubbles on her instead.

They both laugh loudly at each other. To them, it was some kind of fun that they began to like it doing together more often then. It lasted about 30 minutes after, when they have done their douche.

Karl took Mj's hand and helped her wear her bathrobe. And he wore his bathrobe afterwards. When they were both out from the bathroom, he let her sit, while he went to get the hair drier, and helped Mj dry her hair.

"You are pampering me so much, honey, I might gonna like it" Mj, retorted.

"You can like it as much as you want, my honey. No big deal for me. It's my pleasure." Karl curved into a smile as he was finishing drying her hair.

After, drying her hair. He then proceeded to help Mj get her clothes to wear for travel. For they will travel back to New Zealand today. And proceeded to wear his clothes as well. They then proceeded to check out of Mj's hotel and headed to a restaurant nearby to eat their breakfast.

After breakfast, they dropped quick at Karl's hotel and checked out of there too. They then proceeded to the airport riding a taxi cab.

Arriving at the airport, they still have 4 hours before their flight, so after checking in their bags, they stroll and shopped some light souveniers they could bring for Ja's family and Karl's manager and band members.

Karl-Mj, in their eyes and hearts could easily be seen their overflowing joy and love being with each other. Because of their sweetness towards each other, anyone in the airport could easily spot them as lovers.

After 2 hours of strolling and shopping at the airport, they decided to eat their lunch at one of the foodstalls at the foodcourt inside the airport.

One hour after, they got ready, and checked in themselves at the passenger's waiting area.

Soon, their flight is ready, and they proceeded to enter the airplane with their designated seats. At least, they are seating beside each other. And yet, they never stopped holding each other's hand.

And then they departed, bound for New Zealand.
