
Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Video Games
連載中 · 49.9K ビュー
  • 3 章
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What is Call of Duty Modern Warfare

WebNovel で公開されている、ali24601awada の作者が書いた Call of Duty Modern Warfare の小説を読んでください。Khaled Al Asad, the most powerful man in the Middle East.He executed one of the Middle East's presidents. When he shot with his gun, he ignited a war between Russians and Arabic terrorists against the...


Khaled Al Asad, the most powerful man in the Middle East. He executed one of the Middle East's presidents. When he shot with his gun, he ignited a war between Russians and Arabic terrorists against the Marines and the S.A.S forces.( All rights are for the creators of the original game[ Activision- Raven-Infinity Ward-etc.])


Eden of the Eclipse

While in the midst of clearing and mapping the last map within the massive virtual reality game 'Eclipse', in preparation for the final confrontation against the end goal 'Chaos'-the dragon of destruction, the members of the legendary party 'Eden' find themselves summoned into a strange new world. Faced with the ruthlessness of the king before them, and the world hell-bent on using them for personal gain, this three player's that had only ever known each other within the game must work together-break past their user names-and stop the Eclipse. However, what happens when their usual U.I is no more? Their status screens wiped? Their max level player avatars reset? What happens when they lose their oh so beloved legendary graded equipments? When they become mere fragments of their usual might? Worst of all, this world isn't merely an overlay of coding. Here, they could shed tears. Here, they could feel pain. Here, they could bleed. Within the world of Astria; they could die a gruesome death. However... "There is no way to stop the descent of the Eclipse, we can only fight and struggle after it has arrived. For that, we need a fully centered uniform army of humanity, strong enough to battle all the beasts that will inevitably arrive. However," "The people of this world are truly stupid, if we must save them from the Eclipse, the first step must be to conquer them." So proclaimed, on one fateful day, the tactician of the group, Allen Fraught. Thus unfolds a story about the summoned heroes conquering the world in order to save it. How would their misunderstood legend be written down into the history books? As heroes that saved the world? As conquerors that seized the throne of many lands for themselves? Or would they become something more, something entirely different?

LotsChrono · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Border of Reality

I'm laying down on something soft. Turning my head, my gaze is met by the deepest green-colored grass, that is blowing slightly in the breeze. I stand up as fast as I can and take in my surroundings, trees line all sides of the grass clearing I'm standing in. I look down at myself, I'm wearing a green flowy gown that grazes the blades of grass. The place and gown are beautiful, almost magical. A small white fox comes bouncing into the clearing to my right and I giggle at its prancing motions, it almost seems like it's happy to see me. It jogs up to me and lays on its back, looking up with questioning eyes. I kneel down and begin petting its stomach, the fox making happy yipping noises and kicking its hind legs makes me laugh a little more. I stand up after spending a couple of minutes scratching the fox's fur "Good boy." I tell it before going to walk off in any direction into the forest before me. "Actually, child, I'm a girl, but I'll forgive you this time around." A female voice sounds from behind me where I left the white fox, turning around I'm met with the most beautiful-looking woman wearing a flowy white gown, with fox-like features playing on her face. "How did that, oh this is a dream isn't it?" I ask motioning around to the place and woman before me. The white-haired woman lets out a yipping laugh nodding, "Of course, this is a dream! My name is Tyroh I'm a fox spirit." the older woman holds out a hand initiating me to take it. "My name is Selki." I take the fox lady's hand and shake it. "What a beautiful name, Selki, sounds magical." She winks at me, smiling away. Says the magical fox lady. "May I accompany you on your exploration?" Tyroh asks me tilting her head to the side curiously. "Of course, it'll be fun." I smile sweetly at the lady, her personality is childlike, and it's hard to believe she's older than me. She then transforms back into her fox shape and starts to lead me on an adventure.

Daoist1tss4e · ファンタジー
8 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


