
Calamity Upon This World

Reincarnation.  A concept everyone is all too familiar with, at least once in our lives, we've all thought of being able to just let go of all our regrets and the things holding us back and just start over.  This deal is made even sweeter when paired with being allowed to keep your current memories and knowledge of the future.  William was one such boy who had been given this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Like any other modern-day person, the first thing he did after learning about his reincarnation was check if he possessed any memory that was similar to his new world.  Sadly, in the end, he was left disappointed and was forced to go into his new life completely blind and unaware of all the malicious entities, world-ending threats, and divine schemes going on in the shadow.  But then again, who needs knowledge of the future when you are the child of mana itself?  AN: Please check out my second novel: http://wbnv.in/a/94iQwJg 1.No Harem 2.Overpowered MC 3.The World Won't Revolve Around The MC 4.Novel is quite well paced 5.Side characters are developed and world building is well done. 6.MC isn't edgy or evil for no reason despite what the villain tag may suggest 7.If you guys enjoy the novel any and all kind of support is welcome as this novel is competing in WSA 8.2 chapters daily 9.If you have any complaints about the novel please read till the end of volume 1 10.Discord link: https://discord.gg/zQdHTES3Yd 11.If you have read the novel a review about what you liked and disliked would be much appreciated

Okojus · ファンタジー
166 Chs

Ch-10 Memories Of A Past Life-2

The cheers of the crowd could be heard as Naoya ascended the stairs and entered the arena.

"Hah, how bold" Mike playfully said as he saw Naoya enter.

"I like you kid, I hope there won't be any bad blood after I beat you right?".

"Nah it's all good I just hope the same thing applies once I beat you" Naoya said with confidence oozing out of his tone.

"Haha, very well let us begin then" Mike retorted.

"Now if both the fighters are ready please begin on the count of 3,2,1 Begin!!" Said the announcer.

Naoya took his stance as he saw Mike rushing towards him.

'I probably won't survive a direct hit from him' he thought as he rolled dodging the attack coming his way.

Mike not discouraged by his attack missing, changed his stance as he performed a roundhouse kick aiming for his opponent's head.

However, Naoya used his short height to his advantage as he ducked, dodging the kick in the process.

Unfortunately for Mike by extending his leg, he had put his future family in danger as Naoya punched him with all his might in the nuts.


Utter silence envoleped the arena before "AhhAhhahHahahahahahah!!!!!!!" A loud wail was heard as Mike fell down and grabbed his family jewels in the process.

Naoya smiled seeing his plan working as he kicked him in the face with all his might causing Mike to take his hand off his groin.

Utilizing the opportunity he created Naoya started stomping and kicking his nuts hoping to knock him out before he could get back up.

"This kid is insane" Similar murmurs could be heard amongst the crowd as they stared at the brutality before them.

After some time Mike finally got knocked out as his eyes went white and he stopped moving.

"H-He won? " The announcer asked stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

However, quickly recovering her senses she shouted "We have ourselves a new winner, Make some noise for our new champion Naoya Zingar!!!!! ".

Her voice brought the crowd out of their reverie and they all started chanting Naoya's name.


"Naoya!! "

"The Nut Crusher!! "

"The Family Destroyer!! "

"The Kid Who Kills Children"

Many such names started being chanted by the crowd as they all cheered for their new champion.

Naoya didn't know this yet however, his simple decision to fight for some quick cash would alter the course of his life forever.



"Ahhh," said a blonde middle-aged man as he was thrown into a dark room.

After some time regaining his senses.

He asked, "Who are you bastard, how dare you do this to me? ".

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any worse, you proved me wrong how disappointing" Said a tall brown-haired man as he appeared in front of the plump old man.

The young man had a small scar near his lips and green eyes which together would've been a sight for sore eyes if not for the disgusted expression on his face.

"Do you kn-" The plump man was kicked in the face and sent flying before he could complete his question.

"Chh disgusting," said the young man as he walked over to the plump man.

"Hey, Lark wanna see something fun? ". Asked the young man.

However, before the man named Lark could reply all the lights in the warehouse turned on, revealing a group of of 20 men around them as if awaiting orders.

However, Lark paid them no mind instead his eyes moved towards a blonde malnourished young man tied to a chair with his mouth taped, struggling to break free.

Upon seeing the horrid condition of his son Lark couldn't contain his pain as he shouted "Jason!!!".

Jason once donning an impressive hulking figure and an attractive face, now looked no different from a corpse.

His current condition was caused due to drug overuse, a side effect of all the steroids he took back during high school.

Aside from that his body was also covered in bruises and blood was leaking out of him, suggesting that if not offered medical assistance he would soon die from blood loss.

However, Naoya had no plans of letting Jason have such an easy death after everything he put him through back during high school.

Seeing that Jason's eyes were stuck on the bruised body of his father, Naoya couldn't help the smile forming on his face as he took a hammer which he used to break Lark's legs.

"Ahhahahahahahhaha!!!!!" Lark let out a horrifying wail upon experiencing the sudden pain.

"Hahahahha, this feels good," Naoya said as he used the hammer to break all other limbs on Lark's body.

After a few minutes once he was satisfied and Lark was only a few moments away from dying unable to even scream anymore.

Naoya moved towards Jason who had a bloodshot expression on his face suggesting that if looks could kill Naoya would've died many times over.

Unfortunately, for Jason that wasn't the case and as if to reinstate his point.

Naoya kicked him in the nuts with force capable of breaking the wooden chair holding Jason down making him fly away.

"So Jason how does it feel to have everything taken away from you by the very person whose parents you killed over a little joke?"

However, Jason was too weak to even react anymore as if he was just awaiting his inevitable end.

"Ch, boring" Naoya couldn't help but grimace upon not getting the reaction he wanted.

However, he quickly got over it as he asked his men "Is the task over? ".

"Yes boss"

Naoya couldn't help but smile to himself observing the warehouse covered in oil.

After observing that he and his men walked out of the warehouse.

Once they were outside Naoya took a lighter out of his pocket.

After taking one good look at the warehouse now behind him he threw the lighter towards the warehouse covered in oil.

Once the lit lighter made contact with the oil inside the warehouse, the whole warehouse was engulfed in flames.

Making sure to give an agonising death to the two men still stuck inside and also erasing all traces of what Naoya had done.

"So boss how does it feel to finally take your revenge after 10 years?" Asked a bald black man with a hulking physique.

"Satisfying, it was all worth it" Said Naoya with a smile on his face remembering the day he lost everything.

Next chapter should be the end of the backstory, also let me know if you're curious about anything.

Okojuscreators' thoughts