1 A Hasty Cup

Fate and Destiny, a System which are a fickle, trolling, and driving force within the world of the well-off.

"Fuck You!" A blood curdling shriek echoed within the halls of the Schneidwind manor originating from its Heiress, Diantha who was as red as her hair, practically seething at the two feminine figures in front of her. One woman with Umbral black hair whose eyes glowed of an unnatural silver while the other had Hair as white as snow with unsettling golden eyes that stared into your soul.

Everyone knew of them as the system, and are ingrained within the richer and or wealthier folk to ensure their next of kin are bought into the world safe and to prevent abuse of power. The Mysterious Myrrdin is to thank for the system as it was a Godsend for the descendants of thralls and of the middle-class.

The Mage mysteriously shown himself within all the worlds Monarchy and Rich folk with it presenting a deal which would forever change history. They would stay in power and rich in exchange they can never break their vow; that vow being the families and descendants of these rich folk can never abuse their reign. For that Many of today's Global Superpowers were mostly descendants of those people. As they reach the age of Maturity they would be presented to the System for their choice.

Fate, was the power which one can change their life's course however they wish but often suffered a lonely life because of it whilst Destiny promised a Love but a Set timeline which one cannot change because of this; many Meet with Lady Fate to discuss and others Shackle themselves to Miss Destiny so ease their endeavors and within the hundreds of Generations everyone of their descendants conformed with the system...

With the exception of Diantha, The TechGoliath's Heiress whose red hair and Teal eyes illuminate the room by her presence alone adorning a figure more women of her age wished they had.

"Diantha," Fate whispered with Iridiscent white locks flowing as she kneeled at the seething Lady. "It is advisable that you choose which one of us you will have in your lif—"


A searing pain crawled across Fate's face with it adorning a scandalized look: The 'o' shape of her lips, wide and shook eyes, and finally the furrowing of her brows. Her Golden Orbs half glared at the redheaded ingrate ready to smite them until Destiny had held her wrist with clear disapproval of her actions.

"Diantha, it is Our Duty to ensure you live happily. Myrrdin made us for you and many children birthed in the same rich economic status. So they may live comfortably with little to no problems." Silver eyes gazed on Teal approaching the Lass with careful duty.

"You know sometimes, sometimes I wish I was born in a different family! Father is Never home and Depreciates my achievements and myself! Mom Passed on when I was Eleven! and No one was there for me ever! All this power of Fate and Destiny you say would bring happiness bought My family nothing but misfortune and grief! Aster has been unhappy after Mom died and often clings to his Damned Toy! and Don't get me started with his twin Ascya! That girl Buys and Buys and BUYS just because ShE Is DaDdY's LiTtLe GiRL!" Diantha Screeched hard laced with venom that made Destiny and Fate

step back. Her voice was hoarse, yes but her fury and anguish permeated in the Hall like a heavy mist. "I had to take everything that was Given to me! All the Depreciating Words Father Calls me for losing a Point in my 'Perfect' Streak! All the Sleepless Nights I spent learning everything the Family Business is about and How to manage it myself! All the times I was left alone to cry myself to sleep after Mom died! And she was Your responsibility Destiny! You Promised Happiness BUT ALL I EVER HAD WAS BULLSHIT SENT AT ME!"

Miss Destiny folded under the Young Lady's Glare whilst Lady Fate Felt smug even if she refused to showcase it. Unfortinately for her Diantha caught wind of this.

"Don't think I forgot about You FATE!" Diantha stomped her way to the Golden eyed woman grabbing a handful of the System's Hair and continuously slapped and Smacked their face with such force it echoed earning grunts and squeaks from the System in Humanoid form. "You! Made! Father! The Way! HE IS! A Monster Thirsty for wealth! Hungry for Power! Power that YOU rejected him with the Oath THE BOTH OF YOU AND THAT DUMBASS MYRRDIN HAD FORGED. And NOW Terrorizes Me FOR I am THE HEIRESS. Don't you understand how messed up my world is!?"

"But he is your blood—" Fate tried to interject before receiving an unsavory bitch slap that threw her a good half a metre away from the Heiress shocking Destiny of such a feat.

"BuT He iS YOuR BLoOd hE WoUlD NeVeR HaRM YoU!" Diantha sarcasm practically dripping off of her. "Don't bullshit me with that! What is your Function FATE?"

"To give whoever—"

"To Give Whoever sticks with you the freedom of will to do as they please for they can change their life's course as much as they wish! You Never thought my Father would Have me Killed with Your System just to stake his claim in the company as long as he lived, Now Did You? Did You?!"

Fate murmurred, Diantha Scowled."Well?"

"no..." Fate whimpered.

"Of fucking course you didn't! So I will say this once and once alone. Fuck. This. System."

With that Diantha made haste to her room wearing her casuals which were compised of a Navy blue Jumper/Hooded Jacket, a black inner tank top, her secret ripped jeans, high cut shoes. All she needed now was Cash. She looked to her beat up penguin wallet that her mother had gifted her on her 6th birthday and looked at her ATM Card and Credit. Diantha paused for a moment to think things over, rethink her strategy.

'If I use these Cards outside of home I'll be instantly tracked down.' She thought as she withdrew what she can from the manor's personal atm in her account, pocketed some in her jeans and jumper, while the rest were stashed in her wallet.

Thirty-Thousand, Thirty-Thousand Dollars was the total she could safely take out without alerting her father. It would do her good to open a new account of her own, a personal account but that could wait she needed to ghost herself away from the Manor as she was unknowingly being watched over upon by a familiar face.

Within the Manor's Master bedroom Jacques Alú Schneidwind was watching his daughter smacking the shit out of Fate, which he would never confess he enjoyed watching, as he drank from his cup of Chamomile tea scheming what he must do to remove her from the equation yet given her reaction to the system he decided to humor his first born and allow her some ease of exit off the manor.

"Well, it seems I shall entertain myself with a little... Theatrics, hm?" He chuckled to himself as he removed every lock in the large house with the excemption of his room for obvious reasons. Leaning on his chair he pressed various buttons of various colors and watched the show unfold within the screen.
