

"Tell me Roma, why exactly do you train so much?" My sword slips from my hand a little before I grip it tightly. What am I to say to that? "What value do I have if not my life behind my sword?" His head lifts up from the relaxed stance he had before. "I have no value asides from my sword, I'm no noble, my blood is tainted. No man would ever wish to marry a bastard like me. My life has no value, it is only my body, this body that can be sacrificed with my sword to protect. I must continue to train because this is the only thing that makes me valuable. It's even the only reason you came to save me" He stands up grabbing my chin to make me look into his eyes," Thats not true, you aren't disposable or invaluable! Don't you ever say that again, you hear me Rominda! You are never to sacrifice your life carelessly." --- Talented and skilled young girl losses her mother and freedom in one day. She is locked up in the dukes home, her fathers home. Until a cat finds the little bird and opens the cage to set her free. Or that’s what she believed.

Rachael_P · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Silent Song Bird (Chapter Six)

I saw him the next day but spoke not a single word, the queen was uncomfortable by the atmosphere around us. And like everyone else was starring at the bruise across the side of my face. She obviously hadn't heard, he didn't want the incident to leave the meeting.

"Roma, could you call Jenna for me?"

I step off the wall and bow before walking to get her lady in waiting. I hear her speak as the door shuts.

"Luca, what on earth have you done?"

"What are you accusing me of Cristina?"

"Don't play dumb with me Luca, your the only one she would drop her guard around. Not to mention this is the second time I've heard of Roma crying after seeing you."

"I'm not discussing this with you Cristina."

It's silent in the room.


I hadn't spoken a word to him in weeks at this point. Yet he called me here to speak with him.

"Roma I realize-," I look up into his eyes, he stops looking away and clearing his throat," I realize that you are one of the main reasons I'm king at this moment, so I would like to offer you something for your efforts."

I cross my arms looking back at the ground. Honestly what was I expecting, an apology? I should have known that wasn't it. That to him this was the only thing he could think of as the reason I still hadn't spoken to him.

"Do you think this is what I want?" I say my voice getting a little squeaky.

He hesitates taken aback by the sound of my voice.

"I- I'm promising you that I will fulfill any request you have of me."


I'm not going to ask anything of him, I don't want anything he can give me. All it would do was remind me of this terrible feeling.

"I want you to release my papers to my possession."

His eyes go wide,"R-Roma, but, that's never-."

I tighten my arms looking to the side, it hurts deep down in my soul to even look at him.

"I'll do it."

I turn away from him," I'm also taking a break, I'll see you in a couple months."


The door to his office shuts behind me. I start walking and a shaky sigh leaves mouth. I walk faster tears dropping from my eyes. Dame it! Why?! I don't want theses feelings anymore. All they do is hurt me, I can't even look at him.


"Roma," the queen approached me while I stood beside the king. I turn to hear her question.

"Would you like to have tea with me tomorrow? No pressure I'd like to talk is all."

Luca looks at her with a strange face, I bow," I'd be delighted to join you."


"Lady Roma, the queen has asked us to help you get ready."


I was in the middle of training when the group of maids found me and pulled me away to the bath, then to my room, where they brushed my hair for me, dressed me, filed my nails, they did everything. Then walked me to the garden where the queen was sitting.

"Lady Roma please come sit with me."

She leads me to the table and I sit across from her.

"No need to be so formal to me your majesty."

"Yes I suppose your right, so then Roma, please just call me Cristina."

She sits in her own chair, then sips her tea, quietly setting it back down, drawing a breath.

"I want to be honest with you Roma, I know you love Luca, no matter how much he denies it."

I flinch when she says that, placing down my tea cup before I even sip from it, I know she felt my wall rise.

"Truthfully, I don't have such feelings for him so your relationship with him doesn't bother me."

That was kind of surprising, the queen, Cristina was always quiet and didn't express her emotions very well, or was over reactive. So I guess she was faking the Lovey-dovey stuff then, for some reason this was relieving to hear.

"I'm sure your wondering why that is? And why I married him if so."

"What about Luca."

"So you do call him by name then?"

I didn't realize, the relaxing of titles must have made me slip up.

"... yes, he insisted I do it after a while, I chose to not do it in public to minimize the attention it attracted. ....Why did you ask me here?"

"I heard you were going away for a little while I just want to be frank with you before you return. And you asked about Luca, loving me I guess?"

I nod a little," no, he doesn't, honestly I think he only brought me here to quiet the nobility and help with his work."

I guess that's pretty obvious actually, he's usually the one to insinuate meetings and dinners with her, but didn't really seem to care. Often just making me plan them for him.

"Why do you stay then, don't you want love?"

"I had it once, I won't find it in anyone else, so I'm resolved to stay for the comfortable life style."

"Tell me about it."

"He was a farm hand, no noble, but I loved him deeply. I was the youngest of my siblings and the only daughter, so I thought I'd be free from most of the restrictions. But he was murdered by my father so he could make me come here."

"That's horrible."

"Yes, so my heart is no longer alive, since I let him hold it for me. All I have is the comfort that comes along with knowing I have his heart. I know you don't talk about your own past very much, but I want to let you know that keeping it bottled up isn't good for your soul."


"In any case I know you're leaving because of Luca, that he's in denial over it. I plan on fixing his behavior while you're gone, but as I'm sure you're aware he is very stubborn. The fact that he makes you cry makes me furious."

The ground shakes a little, and little flower pop out of the ground.

"I wish you luck on that venture, Luca isn't one to change and he's been like this for a very long time."


"Lady Roma," I stop in the hallway and he jogs to catch up to me.

"My Lord, I thought I told you just Roma was fine."

"And I believe I told you to call me Atalon."

"Anyways, I'm off duty for the next couple months so I have no title you must address ether way."

"You're still of nobility either way."

I forget he isn't aware. I'll just let it go for right now.

"In any case is there a reason you came running after me?"

"I heard you were taking time off and I wish to offer my home to you. I'd like for you to visit Zeren, my home country is known for it's beautiful landscapes as much as it's known for its diamonds."

I really don't want to continue to see Lucas face during my time off, or receive his pity messages. It might just me best to get away from the capital, I was already thinking of such a thing, but I don't have money and I can't go back to my fathers.

"Actually Atalon, I'm going to take you up on that offer."


"Lady Roma," he opens the door offering a hand.

"Thank you Duke Atalon," I take the offered hand stepping up into the carriage.

It had been another long week in the castle before Atalon was ready to set off for home. So now I'm joining him for the long journey, mostly just to get away from all the things in the castle. Because even though I'm taking a break I keep getting wrapped up in work at the castle.


I freeze before glancing back at the last person I wanted to see right now. No one else was here right now aside from Atalon, who I didn't mind hearing me speak with Luca.


He stiffens a little glancing at Atalon nervously, who was looking at me with confusion.

"I just wanted to see you off."


I look from him, unable to form any words I turn and climb into the carriage, I didn't feel anything, yet a throb continued in my heart.

"Well, my king, I'll see you next year for the annual whole meeting. Oh, and for that fall festival in a months time. Anyway, good bye."



The moon was gone from the sky and the stairs were dark. I hold tightly to the banister rail feeling for the next step with my foot. She's already set me to sleep so she should have also been asleep as well. Grandpa was away now so the noise was out of place, it could have only been mom making such a ruckus.

Sitting in the main room my mommy, but around her were people I didn't know, one holds a lantern. I see ropes around her hands and feet.

"There's the little demon, catch her," a woman says looking at me.

"Run Rome!" Mom called to me and I hesitate.

A man comes towards me and my feet quickly start to move. His legs were longer than mine and her grabs hold of my night gown. Hoisting me up I struggle trying to get him off me. He brings me into the room, towards the woman. Bright red hair glows in the flame of the lantern. She holds my face in one hand, and using her fingers opens my eye wide.

"She's definitely his."

She pulls her hand back, almost pushing me away with disgust.

"Please don't hurt her I beg you, she has nothing to do with this."

"Nothing to do with this? She is the reason this is happening! Though I suppose you're the only one to blame for that are you not."

"Just put her down, she's only a child."

"Tie her up and sit her in the corner, stand next to her. We wouldn't want our safety chip to run away."

The man ties me and wraps a cloth in my mouth.

"I don't want trouble."

"You seem to want trouble, running back home across the border of Zeren. Seems very much like you want the attention."

"That's not true."

"You still belong to my husband, the Duke. This could have been easily resolved if you had gut given her to me. None would be the wiser that she was a bastard. You couldn't help but to be selfish, she would have been better off if I were her mother. You stole her from her father as well as your papers."

She stays quiet," She's my daughter Cilliron blood is in her veins, you could never be her mom."

The clap sounds in the room and disperse into the darkness of the night. The woman turns pulling her glove back on.

"Kill her."

She walks out and the men cut her. Blood running down her arms and legs. Dripping onto the floor. She yells in pain, but smile at me. I was hard to see her water was filling my eyes.

"It's alright my dove, don't worry it's ok. Don't cry Rome."

I fight to get out off the ropes all the while a pool of blood spreads across the floor. I scream and my nerves buzz, my finger tips feel numb. Light erupts in the room light that much brighter than the moon, or a lamp. Electricity dances around me lighting the room the men cover their eyes blinded by the change in light. The man that was beside me grabs the chair I was tied to and lifts me carrying me to a carriage. As I'm carried out I spot my mothers glazed eyes looking defeatedly to the floor.


"Roma," I'm met again to darkness, a set of eyes stand out from the dark.

I take a breath to calm myself.

"Are you alright?" Atalon asks looking quite worried.

"Y-yes, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, you seemed to be in destress so I thought it would be best to wake you."

"Thank you, I'm afraid I'm commonly plagued with nightmares."

"How come?"

"My past is a haunting one, thought I don't have this one very much."

"Perhaps it's because we're outside the capitals derestriction now."

"Maybe that's it," I look out on the moon lit night, the smell in the air was very familiar. Maybe that's why I'm remembering that right now?


It was strange to realize that Duke Atalon was once a prince. That he in fact had royal blood. It was clear that the people who live here still see him as there king. Over this border they all still felt it was Zeren. Atalon himself even called it Zeren, even though the king had it renamed Carden after the war.

The fields were full of wheat and corn, and at night they weren't as easy to see. What stood out under the moon light were the small glowing white and blue wild flowers, and glowing butterflies. The moonlight butterflies I remember seeing them with my mother. They reflect moonlight and cast a subtle glow.

It was night when we arrived, the tall white castle homes small flowering vines. Though it was smaller than the castle in the capital, it was clearly an expensive one. Cristal windows, iron lights, and marble floors.

Atalon stands and exits the carriage stretching, then stands at attention when the butler walks up to him.

"Welcome back master."

"Good to be back Fredrick."

"Welcome back your highness!" A maid says approaching the carriage after exchanging an embrace with the footman.

"I told you not to address me that way, it could get me in trouble now."

"You're still a prince even if you have no kingdom."

"Let's get you ready for bed now then master," the butler says.

"I guess it is quite late but if you don't mind I'm going to have to ask you to clean another room before that."

He turns back looking at me and I snap to my senses, I stand and accept his offered hand as I walk down out of the carriage.

"Wow.." the maid remarks and the butler looks quite surprised.

"This is Roma, she is the daughter of Duke Xiron."

I lift my hand from him and curtsy," I'm Rominda Xiron, I thank you for your hospitality."

"Roma is the kings best swordsman, I hear she is exceptionally talented," he smiles at me and red creeping to my cheeks.

"Really, there's no need to say such things Atalon."

"It will take me a little while to clean a room, so I will set off now to tell the maids," the butler bows and heads inside the castle.

"I'm sure you get this a lot my lady but you are very beautiful," the maid says leaning forward with twinkling eyes.

"Oh, I'm flattered by your words, truly, but I'm sure there are more much fairer than I."

"You humble yourself to much Roma," Atalon says with a smile.

He walks me towards the castle my hand on his arm, "I think I humble myself quite enough. You make me sound like some kind of prophecy when you praise me so much."

The marble floors where shiny in the dark, the fire lit in the lanterns was soft maids continued to walk about alone with a few men in light blue uniforms. Guards, they were much different from the ones in the capital that dressed in red and black. Everything here felt softer and more mystical almost. It fit his icy aura well I guess. He brought me to a sitting room over looking the garden. You could tell it was beautiful during the day simply from the big flowers and colors but right know what stood out were the white flowers and especially the roses. They shown just like the butterflies that drifted about the garden. I let go of his arm, walking closer to the window admiring the sight.

"Zeren roses, beautiful right?"

He stands behind me looking out as well.


He watches me with a smile I catch only in his reflection.

"Let's have some tea."

"I would like that yes."

He smiles, "then give me a moment."

He leaves the room, I look around. I could stay here forever, it was so beautiful and tranquil.


"My lady, please let me take care of you while you're here."

"I insist, there is no need."

"His highness asked us to take good care of you and I am going to pamper you."

She hands me the towel I asked for. I dry my arms and neck from sweat.

"His highness wanted to see you anyway."

"Atalon did?"

She nods confidently, with a sigh I let her do as she pleases. She brushes my hair baths and dresses me humming the whole time.

"My lady must you really wear the sword?"

"Yes, I'm a knight, so I must."

"B-but, it's definitely not cute."

"I'm afraid it will have to be forgotten."

She is as clearly not approving of wearing the belt since the color didn't really match.

She directs me to the room Atalon was sitting in. Around him were other men nobles of his kingdom at one point I assume.

I drew much attention from them before Atalon looks up from his paper.

"Roma! What brings you here?"

I see so I just got baited didn't I?

"Noting particularly I was just exploring a little, though it seems I've disturbed you."

"No, of course not! Actually, could I have your opinion on something, I know you do all the security for the capital."

"Yes, what is it you would like me to help with?"

He waves his hand and I walk to him looking down at the plans he has written down.

"Are these for the broader?"

"Yes, recently we've had an issue with smuggling."

"Hmmm. I think, could I use your quill?"

"Of corse, here," he gives it to me.

"You don't need to not watch the gate as much as you are, it's unlikely they're taking the front door. Looking at the numbers and locations you've found them, depending on the quantity of stones, would suggest that there is a road the bigger trades are using, probably in the mountains or deep forest. The smaller ones are probably small time hagglers. I think the most likely options are here and here," I circle two areas," so instead of getting more I'd redistribute the guards you have there already to theses areas during the times we know there are actively moving the magic stones across the border."

"Thank you Roma, you clearly have a talent for such things."

"I already have to tell Luca this to, I don't think it's talent when all I had to do was study to know that."

"Well we've been doing our studying and we haven't found anything. I'm serious, your gifted Roma."

"Well I thank you then, I'll continue my exploration now I guess."

"I'll see you later then Roma."

He smiles, and I let my lips pull up as I look at him.

"See you then Atalon."


I sing a song out loud as I play the harp, holding the same notes and just doing as I please, sitting on my balcony overlooking the garden.


I jump in surprise, catching myself quickly putting down my harp and holding to the banister. I use my arm to hold my skirt as I look down.

"I didn't know that you could sing, you truly are so much like a bird."

He calls up towards me from the ground in the garden, he was being followed by a few men, mostly older men. One of them watches me eyes wide. I look down into his eyes. When I give no retort Atalon follows my eyes and speaks to the man starring at me.

The two exchange words then the man bursts into tears Atalon seems to be taken aback, as well as the other men.

"Rome," the old man calls," is that

you, my Alaina's little girl."

I'm sure the color drained from my face. I straiten my legs and let myself fall, I fall down the entirety of the first floor and a little more landing on my feet.


He cries more and I run up to him. I hug him unable to form any new tears now.

"I was so worried about you, I shouldn't have left you and Alaina there alone. I knew she was in trouble when she came back even if she never told me what."

"Don't blame yourself Grandpa, I'm alright now."

"I'm sorry, Remi, are you serious?" Atalon questions Gandpa.

He nods before looking back to me.

"You look just like your mother, you're so much like Lily to."

"Roma, can you please tell me about your past," Atalon asks.

I quiet, looking to the ground," my past is something even Luca doesn't know. Do you really wish for me to tell you?"


"Alright then but I think it would be best if we sit down inside when I tell you."


Our of respect for my privacy Atalon dismissed all his men asides from my Grandpa. I sat at the top of the table the two of them looking at me waiting for the story. I sigh. I'll be starting with my mother since I must.

"Alaina as you know is my mother, she was known for her rare marshal arts aura. This attracted the attention of lords who wished to hire her for their militia. Among them was my father Duke Xiron. They stumbled across each other by chance, the Duke was attacked by a group of thieves my mother was tracking. She saved him and his things arresting the thieves. He asked her to join him that she would be paid handsomely, so she agreed to join his knights. At that point she brought him her papers and she became part of him knights. During the war they often spent a lot of time together. They fell in love, but when they had returned the king had arranged a marriage for the Duke as thanks for the help on the battlefield. He couldn't refuse the king, so they married but he continued the affair. After a couple years his wife never had a baby, but my mother had became pregnant. His wife would never have a baby, so he only had one heir, and that was with his mistress. His wife learned of the affair and the baby and became furious. So in order to resolve the problem he suggested that after the baby was born that Alaina would give the baby to his wife to raise as her own child. She would then have a better life as a noble and would be seen as a legitimate child to the outside.

However Alaina was disgusted by the idea, and felt betrayed that he would make her give up her baby. So at the dead of night she stole her documents back from his office and ran back home.

The Duke was resentful after this, from ether the fact she has taken his only heir, or that his lover had left him.

As I'm sure you know the next part Grandpa."

He nods," Alaina returned but she no longer smiled, I guessed she had fallen out with her husband or something like that considering she had brought her papers and was with child. After Rome was born, she became much better, Rome improved her mental state so much in a short time. She gave her a new purpose, she was know her knight, that was who she was going to protect from now own. Then you were still so young when she...."


We both go silent, Atalon looked between the two of us," what happened?"

"...they killed her."


"My mother. The Duke wasn't the only one angry, his wife was furious. She felt like she owned that baby the moment she knew it existed. It was stolen from her. So she had a small group search from the woman and the baby. They found her 7 years later. She came with the men to the woman's home on a night when she was alone. They took her captive and threatened to hurt the child if she fought them. But in the end they killed her as she tried to comfort her crying daughter."

They both look at me but I was lost in the memory, studying the tree grain on the table. I jump a little when a hand lands on top of mine. I look up and Atalon looks at me with a comforting expression.

"She brought me back to the Duke we're they changed my name, and locked me locked up in the dark basement. The duchess loved to toy with me, and my father, the Duke, tried his best to forget I exist. because after my mother left he let go of the idea of trying to find either of us. Then one day I was training outside when Luca approached me. I wasn't supposed to be seen, no one was supposed to know I existed. I ran away from him, but he kept trying to find me. Then one day, he asked father to give me to him."

"Wait, Rome, do you mean the king?"

"Yes, Roma is the king's personal knight, security manager, and essentially his right hand."

I look up into his eyes, and he still seemed rattled.

"Then I came here the end,"

"That's amazing Rome, your mother would be proud. You are truly are a Cilliron."

Grandpa stands and walks patting me on the head," I have some letters to write my dear, know that I will be your refuge whenever you wish to get away."

"Thank you Grandpa."