12 Chapter 11

Author's note.

{N / A: to be clear, all of the characters described are fictional, and I don't have any DC characters}.

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Continuation of the previous chapter.

Listening to Leon, everyone understood that Leon knew that they would try to use Doctor Fate to break the mental shields, at that point the League was already desperate and was willing to deal with the losses

[You are Hassan's accomplice and so you will be arrested]. (Batman).

[I am nobody's accomplice, I gave all the information I had about Hassan to the police, long before everything happened]. (Leon).

[And your filming only confirms this, after all, why do you think I allowed your cameras at my house?]. (Leon).

[I will always be 8 steps ahead of you, no matter what you do, as I am the smartest being on this planet]. (Leon).

[Thank the changes that were made in me by that gang of psychopaths, my mind goes beyond everything you dream of]. (Leon).

[Try what you want, by the laws of this country I am still right and I am a citizen who fulfills his duties]. (Leon).

[If you touch me you will be criminals, and I assure you that videos on the subject will go on the internet in minutes, we will see how you act like heroes when you are repudiated by the entire planet]. (Leon).

[We would not be repudiated]. (Flash).

[This is where you are wrong, Flash, you have excessive power in your hands, and because of that, every ordinary human being always Ask yourself a question, even if they don't want to admit it]. (Leon).

[What will happen, if they rebel?]. (Leon).

[All citizens ask themselves this question, and All it takes for them to turn against you, is a one single mistake]. (Leon).

[This is human nature, they fear what they cannot understand or control]. (Leon).

[And they usually destroy what they fear]. (Leon).

[This is the story of our World, Flash ]. (Leon).

[See the witches of Salem, or the time of the crusades, how many men and women were burned alive just for believing in science?]. (Leon).

[Is different]. (Flash).

[No it's not different, you all pretend to forget that, but I guarantee that at least Batman has already considered the chance of this happening, and if I'm not wrong, he must have already made contingency plans for each of you, or is working on them]. (Leon).

[Am I wrong Batman?]. (Leon) said looking calmly at Batman.

[No, you are not]. (Batman) said calmly.

The Flash had a betrayed look on his face when he heard Batman, as well as some of the other members of the Justice League.

Looking at the scene Leon continued.

[Don't blame him, if I were in his shoes, I would have done the same, the truth is that all of the members in the League are too dangerous individually and mainly as a team]. (Leon).

[You just have excessive power at hand, so there's nothing more fair than plans to be made to contain you in case you go crazy]. (Leon).

[This will not happen]. (Diana).

[Really?]. (Leon).

[So tell me, Diana, do you have a mother, a lover, or a family?]. (Leon).

[Yes]. (Diana).

[What do you think about me killing your mother, lover, or family in front of you to test if you are incorruptible?]. (Leon).

The moment Leon spoke Diana almost advanced on him, but was she stopped by Martian Manhunter.

[Did you see how the situation can change?]. (Leon).

[It took just a few words to provoke you, now imagine if it really happens]. (Leon).

[I imagine that each of you has enemies who would do anything to see you suffer]. (Leon).

[Just as each of you has people you like]. (Leon)

[Friends, family, lovers and etc ...]. (Leon).

[All it takes to make one of you lose yourself in hate is the death of one or more of them at the hands of an enemy]. (Leon).

[I want for a moment, you imagine the Joker using drugs to make you kill your loved ones, or himself killing them while beating them with a crowbar]. (Leon).

[And then tell me, is there a chance that you will lose yourself in hate?]. (Leon).

[And how many will suffer when that happens?]. (Leon).

As much as the League members wanted to deny it, they all knew the answer.

And that left them with an even more bitter taste in their mouths, because a 16-year-old boy who barely knew them, knew more about them than they did themselves.

[I will be very direct with all of you, if you want to be hypocritical heroes so be it, but don't demand anything from me, because I owe nothing to any of you]. (Leon).

[Now get out of my house before I activate the barrier and force you out with third-degree burns]. (Leon).

[Leon, Hassan has to be arrested, he killed millions of people and if it is not for us, it will be for the government]. (Batman)

[And believe it will be much worse]. (Batman).

[They can try Batman, but I doubt they will find him]. (Leon).

[You don't know how far the government can go Leon, they can use you to get to him]. (Batman).

[They can try, as I said before, Hassan is not the only one with powers, and unlike him, I will have no problem with killing whoever attacks me first]. (Leon).

[Make no mistake about me, I am broken in my core, and I have no problem killing people, I don't even care about the life of any Senient being, and the reason for that is simple]. (Leon).

[Any kindness, compassion, empathy, and hope that I have ever had, was pulled from me in an experiment room, where I was tortured for years]. (Leon).

[A place where I wished to die every day just to stop the pain]. (Leon) said with eyes that shone slightly with insanity.

Batman and the others could notice that it looked like there was something that was making him even more aggressive, it wasn't natural.

His fury seemed to be the result of something else as if he were being driven by something inside him.

[I had to go through more pain in a week than you guys had to put up within your whole life, so don't give me that shit, you have no idea]. (Leon).

[I know exactly what is the worst that humanity has to offer, and I guarantee you that I am more than capable of killing them all if necessary]. (Leon).

[Now get the fuck out of my house, before I decide to kill each one of you]. (Leon) said with increasingly clear hatred and fury with each word.

Batman, deducing that it was probably because he used his power earlier to ward off Superman, understood that Leon was "on the verge of losing control", and signaled for everyone to back off.

After they left Leon went to the shower and took a cold shower, and when he left in front of him was the most powerful wizard in DC.

Fucking Doctor Fate.

[A group leaves, and another one arrives, what the fuck do you want from me?]. (Leon).

Leon was sure of what he did, and so he knew that not even Fate knew he was Hassan.

[I don't want to be your enemy, today I come to talk to you to offer a viable refuge against everyone, I can see that you are on the verge of a breakdown for the fury that you keep in store]. (Fate).

[I heard about the Hell Knight Project, they invoked a nefarious power at its most extreme to make you acquire immeasurable power, making you immune to illness, injury, and weakness]. (Doctor Fate).

[But the price was a terrible thirst for destruction, every time you use your powers that thirst will be stronger until you give in to it]. (Doctor Fate).

[I can help you with that too]. (Doctor Fate).

[I already have a wizard helping me with this]. (Leon).

[Then accept the offer for the shelter, I assure you that the American government will never touch you if you come with me]. (Doctor Fate).

[Okay, I agree to go with you, but nothing to try to get in my mind]. (Leon).

[You have my word]. (Doctor Fate).

After that Fate opened a portal and Leon entered, Doctor Fate followed him.

After that, the two disappeared from Gotham, but Hassan would continue.

The truth is that Leon, used all the magical knowledge he possessed, to create a huge spell around the entire city.

This spell would create an avatar with the same appearance as Hassan who would kill anyone who harmed an innocent and would flee whenever he was attacked by someone who had not harmed.

Gotham would live in peace, as Hassan would always exist to protect her and no criminal would stand a chance in this city.
