
Butterfly's Fate

JC_Javier · 都市
1 Chs

Steaming Pebble

"2, please!". Said the customer in white polo shirt. "My friend and I will be seating in that corner", he added. "Yes, Sir. I'll have it over when its ready just the way you like it", said the female barista. You might be wondering who's this female barista is. Well, hey, I'm Lucy. I've been working in this café for 3 years now. Nothing beats the good from my morning. Greeting random people good morning and in return they give you their warmest smile - it just never gets old. Especially on rainy season, the café atmosphere just gets warmer and warmer. Watching them having coffee in exchange of love, laughter or plain old comfort. This is what I do best by making coffee. It's the coffee that brings us together. Well, most of us but that does not include me. I tried to fit in however this world is not really meant for me. You see I came from a not so poor and not even as close to a middle class family. There are days that we're doing well and on some days, it makes me think a lot about life and living (while prepping the next order.) " Next, please!" said Lucy. " Hello there! What can I get for you?" she added. " An Espresso shot, please" said the man. "I'm sorry, Sir. I don't think an espresso shot is your go to today. You seemed too tired, who had gone thinking the whole night and was not able to have a good sleep. How about a Flat White to loosen up some strings?" she said. Oh! by the way have I not mentioned, the ugly side of me when I'm working is I always get to judge people over coffee. I know, I know it is not my business to tell people what should they be having but what the heck. I have a valid reason for doing so. First, I worked in a café. You see where I getting at???. Second, I am a coffee drinker too. I'm not the type of person who drinks one type of coffee for the rest of my life, where's the fun in that. If you ask me, I get to drink coffee depending on my mood and the weather. In fact, doing so you get to appreciate the coffee even more. And lastly, there is plenty of ways to benefit from coffee aside from keeping us awake, a typical stereotype. "Excuse me! I think I know better what I want and when I want than anybody else. What's up with that?" exclaimed the man. He looks at my name tag and said "Oh Lucy, is it then. Well Lucy, I appreciate the gesture but its the expresso that I'll be having". He comes closer to me and whisper "I don't like you!" and gave me the stare. I said to him "Okay Sir, one espresso it is". The other barista prepped the espresso and upon serving, I volunteered without hesitation to bring his coffee to him. It's like I haven't gotten enough after he told me that he doesn't like me. As I was holding the tray with his coffee and walking towards him, he was reading the business newspaper. Goodness this man can frown as deep as he please. I think he maybe working as a manager in firm or working in a politics or an investor. Why would he be reading a business newspaper then if he wasn't in working that sort of field. "Hello there! here's the espresso you ordered. I'm sorry for what happened earlier. It just comes out naturally for me. I just have a strong grasp on people and when I do. I'd be honest about it and say it bluntly" Lucy said. By the way, I did not get your name? she added. "You should be careful, Lucy. Not all people are wired to be the same. Some may take your advise and some will not. People may be thankful for it and others will feel offended at some point. My name is Haruto. Just Haruto" he said.

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