
Burning Strings: A warlock of the Magus world Fanfic

A new soul reincarnates but did he reincarnate or merely an illusion of his mind. If he did then why did he? Will he survive in this unforgiving world. Will he be destined to damnation like the ones that came before him or can he cut the strings and be free of the puppeteer? A new protagonist, a new path, a new adventure. Why does this world inspire so many different worlds? What happened to the original Fang Ming? Who could use a rank 9 magus as entertainment or more specifically what? What is the truth of this world? Is this a dream or a nightmare? Is it heaven or maybe it is hell. ........................................Warlock of Magus World Fanfic............................... 7000 words a week. this will be a bit trippy. it will have many Sci-fi and Fantasy concepts it will also dance more towards cosmic horror. I don't own anything relating to Warlock of The Magus World. this is my first peice of litrature. I hope you enjoy it

evodbz134 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Chapter 23

The Red Eagle Auction House was bustling with activity as noble families from across the continent arrived. A vivacious woman took the stage to welcome guests to the "auction of the decade."

Leylin, seated in a private chamber with his four lieutenants, observed the proceedings while sipping tea. "Iliya is good at her job, isn't she, Delvin?" he commented to one of his men. "Indeed, my lord. She has a natural confidence and knows how to put people at ease with her charm," Delvin replied.

Leylin turned to his lieutenants, "You know I don't thank you enough. Without you four, we wouldn't have achieved half of what we have. Thank you." He knew that small gestures of gratitude might not help him permanently buy someone's loyalty, but it prevents disloyalty and costs nothing.

"We've come a long way since we started on the Emerald Coast," Leylin continued. "Over the past four years, we've expanded our influence and markets, becoming the largest information broker on the continent. You've all done a stellar job."

"But as we have expanded our horizons, we have also gazed into the abyss. We have seen the sheer depravity of dark magi; even with Lorna and our contacts, we haven't been able to deal with the scourge."

Leylin had explained to them that he had decided to become a magi and would attend a magical academy on another continent next year.

"Until my return, Roran and Locke will handle information exchange and dealings with the magi, while Mercer and Delvin will manage the auction house and mundane matters. I will not be involved in the daily management of the Red Eagle group. You will report to my father, but you know me better. Don't do anything I would disapprove of."

Leylin went on to explain that, in the event of a succession crisis in the Farlier lands, the Red Eagle group's knights and wealth would support his full brother for the barony. He concluded, "We will be meeting my parents after the auction. It won't be easy. I ran away from home at 10, and now, at 14, I'm reintroducing myself to them to tell them I'm going to a different continent to learn magic. My mother won't be happy, even with the birth of my baby brother."

The crowd grew excited at Illiya's words. They knew that the Red Eagle Auction House was the only place where they could find Knight Techniques, Limit Breaker Potions, and Startmetal weapons and armour. These were the pride of the greatest noble families of the continent and were highly sought after.

Iliya stepped forward and began the auction. "First up, we have a High grade of Knight Techniques, passed down for generations in the House of Blackwood. These techniques give a small chance to a knight allowing them to ignite their life energy and become a grand knight"

The bidding for the Knight Techniques began, and the price quickly rose as the noble families competed for the coveted techniques. In the end, it was Count Von Forman himself who emerged as the winner, paying a high price for the techniques. Leylin smacked his head as his uncle bought the overpriced knight technique.

Next up was a Limit Breaker Potion, which was incredibly rare and said to grant the ability to break through one's limits. The bidding for the potion was fierce, with several noble families vying for the opportunity to own it. It was eventually split among various noble houses.

The Startmetal weapons and armour were next, with the bidding intense as several noble families competed to own these rare and powerful items. The House of Borunin and the Golden Lion family emerged victorious, paying a high price for the weapons. The two full plates of Startmetal armour were purchased by the Tsar of Kislev, and Leylin arranged for Duke Dorlan of the Bourbon Kingdom also to acquire one.

The Fact that a Duke now had a starmetal plate armour whereas his liege, the king, did not could be seen as a slight If leylin played his hand right, he could recruit Ourin as his first minion by starting a civil war in the Bourbon Kingdom.

In addition to these items, various pieces of artwork and other items were also sold. The auction was a huge success, with Red Eagle Group earning a large profit from selling these unique and rare items.

As the auction closed, Leylin walked with Mercer and Delvin while allowing his Grand knight aura to leak out, stunning the entire nobility of the continent to silence. Ignoring his father and uncle, who looked like their eyeballs would pop out, Leylin spoke.

"Thank you for your patronage; please follow Iliya. She will guild you to help you collect your purchases. I want to remind our patrons of the bulk commodity exchange where red eagle Trading company, on the right pavilion, will sell our unique tea, whisky and potions.

On the left pavilion, we will sell our silk, paper and poultices. We can serve you properly. Thank you."

Leylin allowed Fawkes to land on his arm and walked back. On the stage, he knew it was time to have the 'talk' with his parents, give his father and brother a grand knight technique and limit breakers and relax for a while. There was little to do while he waited for the academy's recruitment except to play games in the Bourbon Kingdom to facilitate the recruitment of his first minion.

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