
Chapter 44 - In need of a solution

The sound of a water droplet hitting the ground echoed once, twice. It's noise constantly ticking into the mind of the young boy who lay there, no longer understanding its surroundings.

His body no longer was cracking, the chains no longer lacerated his wrists, the only chain still attached to the boy was the one around his neck, it was tight and cold, stretched out by his new form.

His blue fur had now been tainted with red, red from the corpse that lay but a few meters from him, its stench already starting to reach the wolf's nose, it reaked of death.

Night had not arrived just yet, but he could tell by the lack of light in the room that it was near, the small barred window being the only light he had, and now... it was starting to grow much colder in the room.

Not that it mattered much, Matheo had his fur coat now, his strong legs and his fierce claws, no one could dare hurt him again, his wolf Murcus would not allow it, he would fight to the death.

A heavy sigh escaped the boy as he slowly shifted to a more comfortable position, licking the wounds on his paws, he could tell that they were not in good shape at all.

His claws gripped into the cemented floor, muscles contracting as his paws pushed his body to stand, exhausted huffs leaving his muzzle as he balanced himself, his body sore from the position he had been held for two days and a half now.

Matheo started to lean forward, his claws pointing upwards as he stretched his strong furry legs, his back cracking from the waist up to his shoulders, he quickly redressed himself before shaking his body, blood that had stuck to his fur splashing around the area.

A shiver ran through him, his ears perked up as he heard the sound of footsteps down the hall, he did not care for who it was, he did not need more torture, his mind could not bare it.

He turned his body to face the opponent, his fur puffing up to enlarge himself while his muscles tensed to the upcoming threat.

The door made its iconic cluck as the lock was removed, white canines bared ready to tear whoever came in, he was not enduring this any longer, he would fight Barton to the death.

"As I thought, you shifted." Barton said as he slowly closed the door behind himself, head tilting to the side with a snap of his bone.

"Do you realize just how incredible that is, little wolf?" The man said as Matheo growled ferociously, snarls of pure agression vibrating in his throat, Barton paid it no attention.

"Not many manage to fully shift when in that position, it must've been so painful." He said as he sat in front of Matheo, his crooked smile giving shivers down his spine, how much more torture did this guy have in mind.

It made sense now, why Devan was so afraid of his father, this man was cruel, pitiless, he had no regards for people and it scared Matheo to his core, he hoped Devan never had to suffer any of this.

What had he come here for now?


Liam blinked rapidly, trying to understand the words that had left the witch's mouth, if she was telling the truth, then Devan would be able to return to normal, he could mate the person and live hapily.

"Who is it... Who is his mate?" Liam asked as she cackled, shaking her head in denial, her hand signalling her refusal to divulge who the mate was.

"If I told you, that would be too easy. Plus... I think you already know who it is." She teased before Liam stood up, his patience already running low, he had no time for this play, no time to waste, he needed a distraction from his current situation and helping his friend was all he could do for now.

"I need to know who it is, I really don't understand why you would think that I would know—"

"Come on, Liam... He literally showed so many signs, are you still so unaware?" She said as Liam gripped her throat, his tail wipping around angrily, he would not tolerate any games.

"Listen here, I have just lost Narcia... I NEED to help Devan or else I will lose my fucking mind!" He yelled as she frowned, pushing him back with a gust of magic, taking the boy a back.

"How did you lose her? I saw you bite her in my crystal ball..."

"Well turns out she preferred that toxic ex of hers." Liam said with a painful grunt, his heart wanted to break upon saying those words, he still couldn't understand how it hurt him so badly, Silviano had so many qualities over his own anyway, he couldn't blame her for choosing a better leader for her pack.

"So... You two aren't going to mate tonight..? You... You will be virgin on this full moon?" She suddenly asked, eyes sparkling with what looked like hope, it made his stomach sink with terror.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh Liam... Ever since I found you, I knew I would have such tremendous amount of power in my hands. As a witch of the Closter coven, I can use virgins for power... I was so sad when I thought I lost my chance!" She said before straggling Liam with a magic chain, making his eyes widen in surprise, he quickly tried to wiggle his way out as it tightened around his chest, suffocating him.

"Giuliana... Stop... this—"

"I won't let this get out of my control again, I will take your virginity and siphon your powers. I will never have to fear anyone again!" She exclaimed as Liam desperately tried to gasp for air, his eyes glancing around for a solution.

But nothing...

Nothing came to his mind, his vision was only blurring further as time passed, it was clear to him what was going to happen, he would be raped by this witch and all his kitsune magic and strength would be absorbed during the process.

He never thought this would be a thing he could fear, having a woman rape him, it almost sounds absurd when he thinks about it, he had worked so hard to build his muscles and have such a large build, yet here he was, at the mercy of magic.

Black magic.

He tried his best to keep fighting, maybe if he tried hard enough, he could get out of this terrifying mess, but he couldn't keep it up, his will to fight had died with the betrayal of his mate.


She was still in his heart despite everything, he was such an idiot really, to have believed her lies, to have believed she wanted to make it up to him, all of this had all been a lie and now it would cost his virginity, his sanity, and his newfound powers.

Not that he really cared for the latter, he had never really wanted them to begin with, maybe it was for the best, that he would lose them, he could move on with his life as a regular human and forget about all of this.

About all the pain.

About Narcia...

How he wished he could regret her.


A strand fell on her face for the hundredth time, causing a groan to escape her mouth, she hated the outfit Silviano had demanded her to wear, it did not go with her tint.

"Do I have to wear my hair like this? I look like one of those barbie princesses..." Narcia said as Tammy sighed, plucking the strand back into the hairstyle, Narcia glanced at her friends ugly maid outfit, she hated having to see her friend be reduced to maiden.

"You look fine... At least now you get what you want, huh? A capable alpha, unlike Liam." Tammy growled out, clear annoyance in her tone.

"Don't speak of him like that, you know that's not why we aren't together—"

"I don't, actually. I don't understand why you would throw the poor boy out and take that basterd instead. Look at what he already did, I am nothing but omega status now! I am worthless and to be married off for babies... And you... You are to be mated to that son of a bitch—"

"I DIDN'T CHOOSE THAT!" Narcia snapped, punching the mirror with all her might, shatters flying around and crashing in every direction, it stung, but it felt good.

"Narcia. You threw away your mate, how is that not a choice?"

"It wasn't! I was forced to! I would gladly be with Liam if it wasn't for this!" Narcia yelled as she took her fist off the broken mirror, blood running down her hand as she pointed to her mark with the other.

Tammy frowned for a moment, taking a step back as she examined Narcia, she couldn't help but frown at her friend's behavior, what was so shocking?

"Narcia... That mark was made by Li—"Tammy said before the door swung open, the man of the hour bursting in with no care for their private conversation he had been heaves dropping on for the last 20 minutes.

"Times up ladies! Oh look at you, so gorgeous with that hair. Omega, make sure to clean her wound later, I need to spend time with my mate." Silviano said as he forced Tammy out, the girl desperately trying to stay but ultimately failing.

"That was rude, I was in the middle of talking with her!" Narcia bursted out, trying to make her way around the alpha, her arm quickly grabbed into a painful grip as he let out a warning growl.

"I want you on your best behavior, today is important, my whole pack and what is left of my family will be there so watch yourself." He threatened as his claws pricked her skin, making her hiss at the pain but keeping her mouth shut, she knew better than to talk back and risk provoking him.

With a nod, Silviano started to drag her out of the room, making her sigh as she left, thoughts running wildly in her head, she couldn't believe it, that her whole life was about to end, her freedom was taken from her completely, her womb was about to be taken by someone she hates, and her pack would be ruled by him.

She felt so lost, so afraid, unable to do a single thing against this, what could she do to the one who marked her? What could she even hope to do, even.

She didn't know when it had happened, but they had already arrived to the front door, she could see the dim yet well placed light strings outside, making a perfect path to the alter where she would have to mark him back.

She grimaced at the thought of biting him, of tasting his gland blood and knowing he would populate her insides, it made her sick to her stomach, shouldn't she be happy?

Wasn't the whole point of marking someone supposed to make you feel good or at least excited, that it would make you want to be with them through everything until death did you apart?

Why was she so disgusted?

"I'll see you at the altar, my love." Silviano said as he kissed her forehead, clear sweet drops covering his own and face as if he was anxious, it surprised her that he was so worried.

Why would he be worried, he had everything he ever wanted, he had her body despite her not wanting to give it to him, he would also have the biggest pack in the history of wolfkind.

So why the anxiety?

The sudden music snapped her out of her head, the doors opening as a servant gave her a bouquet of flowers, she hated this, this was so wrong, it wasn't right.

She took a step after the other, people standing to face their future Luna, knowing the alpha would never let her rule the pack, she gulped as their eyes seemed to be a mixture of pity and disappointment.

Maybe the people knrw she didn't want this, maybe they knew it would be a bad idea to have him rule the pack, but as her mate, it was his right, he could do almost anything he wanted.

Her vision suddenly swerved, making her crash to the ground, her hand reaching to her throat, someone was strangling her, but who? And where? She couldn't see anyone close to her.

Wolves rushed to her side, confusion displayed on everyone's face, why had she suddenly felt like she was being strangled, had a witch infiltrated the ranks?

No.. She would be able to smell them, then why? Why had she felt faint, why had she collapsed, and why had she felt strangled?

"Come on, she is alright. See? Let's continue the ceremony please." Silviano said as he picked her up, pretty much dragging her to where she had been expected to meet him, why was he in such a hurry when she had just collapsed in front of him.

"We are here today to witness the eternal bonding of these two young wolves—"

"Stop! I don't... Something isn't right..." She quickly cut the healer off, holding her throat as she looked around, surely they were disguised, some witch somewhere was trying to hurt her.

"Narcia... The full moon will be up soon, I need to mate with you at its peak, hurry!" He demanded the healer, making the old woman roll her eyes before taking a breath.

"No! Can't you see I am distressed!? Something isn't right, okay!?" She snapped, making some of the pack members stand up in worry, she didn't understand what was happening, but she didn't like it one bit.

"Look, just bite me already, we don't need this bullshit anyway. Come on, love." Silviano said as he gripped her, pulling Narcia closer to him before Tammy kicked the doors open, bloodied and torned clothes barelly covering her.

"HE ISN'T THE ONE WHO BIT YOU NARCY!" She yelled before two wolves of the Bloodstream pack came running from the house, quickly catching Tammy into their grasp.

"What..?" One of the wolves in the audience said in shock as he turned to look at the couple standing at the altar, Narcia's eyes widening in understanding.

Some of the wolves started to wisper between eachother as Silviano's eyes glowed in anger, Bloodstream pack members growling in disappointment at their alpha.

Narcia stood there in shock, it all made sense to her now, the rush, the sweat, the fear, it all was getting together like a puzzle, Silviano was afraid she would back out, he was afraid she wouldn't claim him and would find out the truth.

He had lied to make her break the bond with her real mate, he would have only needed to mark her himself to finish the mating ritual, how could he do this to her!?

Her eyes turned towards Silviano who was now livid with anger, ordering to have her locked in a cell, but the people of his pack would not take orders from him anymore, he wasn't their alpha any longer, he wasn't going to be the Silverfang pack's alpha either.

"You lied to me... YOU LIED AND MADE LIAM LEAVE! Oh my god... He... He was the one who bit me! That's why he shifted! YOU BASTARD!" Narcia yelled before her hand swung, slashing his cheek and face with her claws, eyes glowing with anger as her wolf Maria resurfaced, ready to fight for the truth.

Silviano fell off the altar, gasping as blood ran down his face, pure shock and disbelief was showing on his face, even his pack stood there unsure of how to react.

"I want every single member of the Bloodstream pack to be gone within the hour, anyone remaining will be brutally executed! OFF MY TERRITORY NOW!" Her wolf growled in its alpha tone, many of the wolves scattering to flee through the woods, she had enough of this circus, the fact that he managed to get her so submissive for so long under this lie made her blood boil.

"Jerryson, Markus, lock this fucker up in our dungeon, I will deal with his punishment later." She ordered her two strongest warriors, both nodding and picking up a raging Silviano off the ground, dragging him to where she had requested.

She ran over to her friend who smiled at her, whiping some sweat off her face as Narcia made her way close, gently gripping her shoulders.

"What did he do to you?"

"Nothing, this isn't my blood." Tammy said as Narcia took a quick look at her frie d, she seemed to be fine, none of the blood appeared to be leaking from her.

"I was so stupid Tam!" Narcia said as Tammy gripped her hands and took them off her shoulders, holding them in a tight grip.

"He tricked you... I wished I had know all along that he was playing you. When I found out earlier... I couldn't keep it in, I couldn't let you do this after knowing you weren't even aware of who your real mate is." Tammy said as Narcia sighed, smiling a bit before hugging her friend.

"Thank god for this weird feeling, I don't know what is going on, but I felt like a force was strangling me and trying to hurt me... I thought we were under attack... Could it be my mate link telling me Liam is in danger?" Narcia said as the pack started to fix things that had fallen around.

"Is that why the mating ceremony was delayed?" Tammy asked as she looked around, making Narcia sigh and nod in confirmation.

"I need to get out of here, I am suffocating in guilt and worry... Let's go find my actual mate." Narcia said as Tammy smiled and nodded, quickly taking Narcia by the arm as they ran towards the woods, shifting not long after.

She would make Silviano pay in due time, for now... She needed to find Liam.
