
Building an empire in another world with an empire-building system

Last_Warrior · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Alex woke up under a tree when he looked around all he saw were flatlands and trees. He sat down and processed the situation he was in wasn't this like when you got reincarnated in another world where is the system?

DING[welcome host I am the empire-building system although I am an empire-building system I can do things that don't involve building an empire and you can choose what empire you are building].

Alex nodded "So let me guess I died and now I'm in another world with you the system."

[yes, you are correct host you are in another world and you died in your old world and you are on an unknown island the size of Australia that hasn't been discovered by the natives of this world and it is also the best place to build your empire from scratch and it is also rich in the mineral as such gold, silver, copper, adamantine, mythril, chlorophyte ( this belongs to terraria), orichalcum, etc.]

Alex thought for a moment this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity he loves to play empire-building games and fight wars and become powerful in video games and if he could do that in real life then he is sure to be part of it. So he told the system to explain his abilities and what he needed to get started.

[Host can buy things from the shop which will be placed in your inventory to store if you use them and also you will receive quests and rewards to help increase the speed at your empire expands].

[right now host you have access to the 19th-century weapon as you expand and increase your population you can unlock the other era weapons or you can improve the 19-th century weapon or make a modern weapon with researchers who will work to improve the empire and any summoned people will be loyal to you, unless there not summoned by the system].

Alex took time to process all this information.....after 5 minutes "So do I have any starter pack or anything".

[Yes you have, would you like to open it].


[Starter pack opened....you obtained 1x city (can house 2 million people, 40x personal guards, 200k citizens, and 20K soldiers, would you like to place down now, as this is the perfect spot to build the capital as it is in the middle of the island and has a natural defense for miles around and you get 10 anbu ninja from naruto and you get tsunade senju].

'10 Anbu ninja from Naruto is pretty good they can take care of information gathering, assassination, etc. and tsunade senju is a pretty good doctor she can be the head of the medical facility' Alex thought.

"yes, place both the city and then place the 200k citizens and 20k soldiers, first summon my personal guards and the Anbu ninja"

A light shined in front of Alex and came out with 40 personal guards all wearing white uniforms rifle bolt action each with a backpack and 20 anbu wearing black clothes and a mask they all kneeled and spoke "We greet his majesty".

"you may all stand and guard me while I think for a moment" They all moved out and formed a perimeter around him.