
Building a magical academy in fantasy starts with Sakura

Cedric was reborn as a bankrupt duke whose only remaining property was an academy of magic, but already in a state of bankruptcy and his few students were poor and talentless, but with the help of the system Cedric has the chance to create the greatest academy of magic in the world. world and conquer all for your Silvermoon family

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8 Chs

6- Ferdinand and Tessa

Everyone was full of doubts, but none of them asked much for fear of offending Cedric.

The nobility in this world is more respected even than in Cedric's old world, after all the nobles in this world are not only rich but can explode everything with magic.

"Ok, now I want you to gather all the students in the open practice center, in 1 hour I will see everyone" Cedric

"yes dean"

Soon everyone started to leave, only Clarice stayed and looked at Sakura with the face of a dog wanting food.

Cedric thought it was funny and then used his Talent Eye on Clarice

[name]: Clarice Oderberg

[level]: level 2/ intermediate iron mage

[Skills]: Tier B Scholar, Tier A Teacher

[body data]: physical talent 1 star, magic talent 1 star, chakra talent 4 stars

Cedric was surprised, Clarice had two skills and still a good talent in chakra although much worse than sakura but it wouldn't be difficult for her to become a jounin

'Besides, Sakura needs time to study aura and improve her power, so she can't spend much time teaching, but Clarice is good at teaching due to her skill.....I'm very lucky' Cedric

"Sakura my dear, I think Professor Clarice has some talent in chakra, how about teaching her first?"

Sakura looked at the chubby busty, although Clarice is young but the best age to learn to use chakra is in childhood

'but this is my Cedric's first request, if I deny it will I look like an asshole? whatever, it doesn't hurt to try' Sakura

"All right my dear dean"

"Come teacher Clarice, let's look for a good place, you must practice well" Sakura

"Yes yes yes Miss Sakura, I will study well" Clarice

Cedric watched the two girls walk away and soon he was gone too.

He went back to his house, first to pretend to get books and put the system ones in boxes and second to see his two brothers.

with an eye for talent and like a good big brother wants the best for both of them


new silvermoon mansion

Looking around the mansion, Cedric sighed and thought of his mother's efficiency.

In just a few hours, the mansion was not only clean but had hundreds of employees painting the walls and fixing holes in the roofs.

The beautiful Felícia coordinated everything, she looked like a conductor leading the employees

"Mama, you should work less, leave the rest to the servants" Cedric's voice carried

Felicia smiled as she listened to her eldest son

"Boy, shouldn't you be at fenix academy? Don't tell me you don't want to work there" Felicia

"I just came to pick up a few things and by the way, I'm taking my brothers along" Cedric

"Well, Anne will love it after all that she's been asking you to teach her magic for a long time, but Ferdinand..." Felicia

Cedric smiles, although Anne and Ferdinand are twins, they have different personalities.

Anne is an active girl, curious and ambitious in a sense but Ferdinand, well he prefers to stay at home playing

"Very well, see you later mom, but leave one more place at the dinner table today, I'll bring your daughter-in-law" said Cedric as he entered the mansion

Felicia was stunned when she heard the last part

"daughter-in-law? but he didn't leave for just a few hours? well, it's not that it's bad" Felicia


Cedric went up to the second floor, at this time of day he knew where his brother was.

Upon opening the door of his brother's room, Cedric soon saw two people playing chess.

A cute little boy with white hair who wore glasses and a girl with cat ears

the boy was Ferdinand and the half-beast girl is Tessa, Ferdinand's little servant

This world is where slavery thrives, the kingdom of polonia is not a slaveholding kingdom and by royal law all men and women are born free

However, slavery is not totally prohibited, people with a lot of debts, criminals and some other cases, slavery is done, but in general every child is free even if he is born to a mother and father slaves

As for why slavery is not prohibited, it is simple, as this will harm the interests of the Roman Empire, some kingdoms in history have already tried to prohibit slavery and in the end they ceased to exist in the face of the fearsome Roman legion

Tessa is of the half-beast race, the daughter of a slave mother in the bear kingdom who fled to the Silvermoon duchy, Tessa and her mother have lived with the Silvermoon family for nearly a decade.

Ferdinand and Tessa have been inseparable forever

"Brother, now I'm not in the middle of the game" Ferdinand said when moving a piece

"My Lord" Tessa rose and saluted

[name]: Ferdinand Silvermoon

[level]: 0

[Skills]: Strategy Tier A, Laziness Tier S (Skill that makes you always look for the easiest and fastest way to solve your problems)

[body date]: physical talent 2 stars, magic talent 2 stars, chakra talent 2 stars

[name]: Tessa

[level]: 0

[Skills]: Cat Claws Tier S(inactive)

[Talent]: Physical talent 1 star, Magic talent 0 star, Chakra talent 2 stars/10 stars for Taijutsu

Cedric was not surprised that his brother had good mental abilities, but Tessa's talent in Taijutsu is so great that it even changed the way of showing talent in the system.

In this world, the half-beast/half-human races are not well regarded because they cannot inherit the human magical talent or the physical talent of the beast.

most are reduced to thralls, but now with chakra it looks like that will change.