Eshi was a prisoner who had lost his memory and don't know why he was there but one things that always fascinated was freedom. Freedom from all his suffering. He just wanted to life as he wanted and only think that was able to help him was Power but for as a prisoner he doesn't know how to achieve it, but one day trying to find something to sell in the dump yard, he came across a unknown package and after finding what was inside it his life changed. It's said that destiny have already written you just work towards achieving it. story is set in this brutal world where nobody is safe from the ultimate truth DEATH.
On planet 9065
In a dark corner sound of some people chasing can be heard
"shit,.. It hurt as fu.k man."
Blood could be seen flowing from the side of his body
"I will not let them get their hands on my things..."
" those motherfukers will pay for what they have done" "I just have to reach him. He is the only one who can save me"
Leaving the dark ally. He found himself around a cliff.
Sounds can be heard of the people closing by.
With no place to go a thought came to his mind if he can keep it no one can.
"there is no where to go professor. Hand over the package and we can talk about it" the mysterious man in a hood, moving his hand forward.
"Stop right there." the professor shouted. "you damn rotten people, why! Don't you leave me alone" the professor said angrily.
"The world is always been rotten," professor" you are the only one acting like a child. Now give me the package."the man said.
" Acting like a child you say. You damn people killed my wife,..... Y.. Yo.. You even not let my 9month daughter alive". The professor said grabbing the case close to his chest." I know I can't escape from them. I also know that after you take the case you will kill me" professor said wiping his tears" but trust me when I say I would have loved to see their faces when you will tell them that you can not get your package " the professor said with grim on his face and with in a second professor jumped backward.
" NOOO!!! "the man jumped forward with a golden glow around his body. And with that got close to professor before he could fall any further. "caught you! Do you think you can escape that easily from me. Now handover the package". And that's when look of his changed as he found out that professor have already been dead due too much blood lose and that when he found that the package was not in his hand.
"no,no,no! The package. Give me the god damn package, you can't die before that give me that package right now! If I don't deliver the package. They will kill all of us." but there was no response.
"sir, he is already dead," then one man in the group can be seen fell on the floor on his knees
"we all are dead now. They will kill all of us along with are whole family"
The hooded man can be seen moving towards his man which was on his knees with him he was dragging the profossor dead corpse with just one hand. Standing in front of this man throwing the corpse to the side.
He then removed removed his hood. underneath it reveling his face which was in very bad shape. By just looking at his face one can not imagine what would have happened to him to leave his face In that condition.
He would be in his late 40s. On his face three deep scars can be seen on this right side. And on place of his right eye only a black hole could be seen. As for his head one could see along with his black hair the right side was so banged up,one could argue how is he still alive.
"Are you the only one who love his life, ha!"
Grabbing him with just one hand he throw him over the cliff into the darkness
" go get me that package rather then crying, you damn wretch."
" all of you find a way to go down there fast,if you don't want to go that way, I can help with that " we have to find that goddamn package if we want to live.
That may be our only way to win this war. "He thought".
Down in the dark cave where even light could not reach. The only light source were the tower which emitted white light and can be associated with the lighthouses.
Somewhere in the endless darkness a mysterious green glowed place could be seen.
Prison camp
"Move fast you lazy dogs." a man with brown hair shouts,in his hands a hunter could be seen.
"you will not get today's dinner, if you not bring him something good till the end of you shift."
"Hey 'Eshi', what the hell are you doing. We are moving out, we have to find something good today".
Well my name is Eshi, yea i know you must be thinking what kind of name is this, what I don't remember my true name and this name is giving me by my group.
'what the hell is wrong with my hairs, why can't the just be straight. Damn these curly dark hair, so irritating.' Eshi thought.
"let's go," the boy in the group shouted.
" Coming " these people Why the hell they are in such a Hury it's not like we will run out of trash in the dumpward.
The prison is located in the dark dumpward. With is one mile area span in a square shape. With the brightest area in the dumpward.
Moving in a group of six, Eshi is getting ready with its makeshift armour. The armour was made with tin like material with some what plastic mix with it.
Armor is necessary if you want to come back alive from your little trip in he dumpward.
As we are not the only one lurking in the darkness. Various best infest the dumpward
" hey, which area do you think we should search today". The boy in the group asked.
"maybe, area f-6 we haven't been their for a while may be some new things may be dropped the there". The boy with brown hair said.
The prison was located in the underground dumpward.
" well hope i can go up, man. I heard there are various fighting mechs, with which can kill the beasts with just one swing"
'yea, dream on like you ever reach there' Eshi thought. ' I seriously don't understand why these kids always forget that we are prisoners'
We will never live this place till the end of our time , their is no one out there for us to go anyway.
"Moveout" the gate can be seen opening to the dumpward.
moving with the croud the group made there way out of the prison.
" let's go, to f-6" the brown hair boy said acting like leader.
The dumpward was filled with broken things, nad metal scraps of mechs and some time you may find parts os destroyed ship. That are in huge demand right now in the prison market.
"well, what do you think you will find today" a boy in the group asked.
"mech scraps like always" Eshi said.
" don't jinx it man, you are not fun" the boy said.
'What jinx its not like you are going to find beast weapons here' eshi thought.
Moving along the so called road along the mountain of trash.
"hey guys, where are you upto today" a man in armour made of full tin like material asked.
"ha.. Ha...,dallan, what's up man" the group leader said with a fake face.
Dallan is a leader of one the top three group in our faction.
He always asked small groups of their searching spots. So he and his goons can get their first and grab all the good stuff. And no one can even retaliate as he know how to activate the first phase of Muladhara chakra.
Chakras can be divided in seven phase
The root chakra - Muladhara
The sacral chakra - Svadhisthana
The solar plexus chakra - manipur
The heart chakra - Anahata
The throat Chakra - Vishuddha
The third eye chakra - Ajna
The crow Chakra - Sahasrara
Then these chakras are further divided in 4 phase each to fully awakening of the chakars
Power of chakras are unimaginable. Everyone have chakras but not everyone can harness their power as its not easy to enter the phases of awakening.
So, there beast weapons come in scenario and changed everything. They can be created by killing beast living in different planets. Weapons are created by beast heart.
"so, you are going to area f-6 nice." dallan said with a smile.
'this asshole, why do have tell him of our spot.' Eshi thought. 'he could have just lied about'.
Moving behind the group they soon reach the area.
F-6 was not as big as any other but that also means finding useful things would be much easier.
"we will separate here, everyone spread out, we will meet here in 2 hours to see who get the best thing" the group leader said.
Eshi moved to the east corner of the patch. He haven't found anything big in a long time, and because of that he is very low on funds.
'plz today, plz my luck give something good today' eshi thought.
"what the hell is even this area there is nothing good here" Eshi heard some talking.
silently moving eshi made its way towards the sound.
" haha... Hey look at this piece of shit, what even is this thing" they were dallan goons.
'what are they doing, did they not find anything' eshi thought
That's when he that one of the man is carrying somekind of briefcase.
'now would you look at that looks like today is my lucky day' eshi said to himself with a smile on his face
Following dallan's people was an easy task they were totally unaware that someone was following them. They were just throwing scraps here and there laughing making fun of each other. Eshi was following then from the top of garbage mountain moving slowly to make less noice as much as possible.
That when he noticed on the other side someone or something was also flowing them.
There red eyes were shinning in the dark where the only source of light were the towers
That had the the hole are lit up like there were under the full moon.
' these stupid people did they learn nothing about the dumpward' eshi thought 'i have to make them aware of the danger.
Eshi picked up something from below and throw it across to make sound to make them aware.
As soon as the plastic can droped after hitting the other side. One of the looked up to see from where it fell but as he looked up the color of face fell and shout in horror.
"be.. Beasts.." man shouted.
As the other looked up the beast jumped down.
They were beast knows as rattlers. They were rat like beast size of fully grown dog with their red eyes. They were the most common beast infested the dumpward.
The men all started to run in the opposite direction.
" come on we have to reach Dallan he can kill the rattlers" one man shouted.
The rattlers also started to chase them.
That's when eshi saw the man with the briefcase fell down and in the movement of haste he dropped the carryall there.
And run behind the others shouting to them ' to wait for him'
Jumping down eshi looked the carry-on. It was a white attaché. Picking it up a smile appear on his face
" well looks like you are mine now" eshi said
That when he something from behind.
As he looked behind something attack him.
"ooooo..shit, when did it came back".