

I spent my whole life in luxury, among people who loved me or at least pretended so. I never had to care for anything, all was given to me. From one day to another I became a prince of nothing. A former royalty with no family, no power and no bright hope for the future. Even worse, I was sold as a slave. However I will not give up. I might be young, alone and inexperienced but I will learn to fight for myself, get my revenge and find my own place in this world. … I hope so at least.

KatS2020 · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Chapter 15

Yeah I sang for him. I really did. He knew perfectly well how and where to touch me to squeeze any sound he wanted. The things he has done to me, I never thought something like that was possible, he even sucked on my dick and it felt amazing. I enjoyed sex with him, the idea that my life here won't be that bad has crossed my mind.

In the morning I felt sluggish. I was still rolling in the sheets on the Lord's bed. He was sleeping next to me when I opened my eyes. I was watching him for a moment. He sure was handsome and he looked so peaceful. Maybe all those stories about him were exaggerated? Or maybe my perception of him was blurred by yesterday's sex. Looking at him it came to my mind that I actually don't know his name. 

"Do you find me that handsome? You will drill holes in my face." He said without opening his eyes.

"What's your name my Lord?" My curiosity took the better of me.

He instantly opened his eyes.

"You don't know?"

"No, I only know you as the Lord of the Bridge." 

He shook his head and chuckled.

"My name is Lorcan." He raised himself and gave me a short peck.

"Next time you shall be screaming my name. I will make sure of it." He stood up. My god, he was all muscles, with broad shoulders. He had everything a grown up man should have. I sighed. He heard me and gave me a weird look.

"So sad? Tonight I will take care of you again." 

I blushed and decided to get up. My lower half was a bit sore and I was wobbling a little.

"No need to get up so early, I shall have breakfast with my wife and children. You can rest here. Just don't open that door." He pointed to the left. 'This door leads to my wife's room.`` 

"What, she was sleeping next door?" I barely held back.

"Yes, she probably heard you." That nasty grin on his face was too much. I felt sorry for his wife and yeah I felt ashamed too. I got up, collected my clothes from the floor and desperately decided to get dressed. My hair was a mess, I took out all the ornaments but I didn't braid it so they were tangled. 

"I will go to my room, my Lord." 

"As you wish my dear, try not to limp when you walk."

Damn, he always knew what to say to make me feel embarrassed. I opened the door only to face the Lord's family walking down the corridor. 

I believe it couldn't be any worse. I looked back at Lorcan but he barely held his laughter. 

"Good Morning my Lady." I bowed and really wanted to run away. Those two boys looked at me intensively. What a mess. 

"I shall excuse myself." I bowed again and as gracefully as I could walked back to my room.

"Dad, give him to me."

"Stop it Tod." That was the Lady's voice. Well I heard that but I didn't look back, I almost ran to my room. As soon as I got there I went to the bathroom. In the mirror I saw a male slut. with wild hair and love marks on the neck and chest. And this is how the Lady has seen me. Noooo!

I haven't left the room for the rest of the day. All the meals were served there and I just stayed in bed, covered my head under the sheets and felt miserable. Everybody in the castle knew what I was doing with the Lord, but seeing me like that was a confirmation of what the Lady was thinking. It was like a loud statement that I'm his boy toy.I could lie to myself that she hasn't heard us at night but I couldn't pretend that we didn't meet in the morning. I will never ever be able to face his wife, not to mention his children. 

The Lord visited me in the evening, he even brought my zither with him. 

"You left it in the dining room." He put the instrument on the table. 

"Stop this act, my wife is perfectly aware of my preferences, she has no claims and I let her do whatever she wants in her part of the castle. In three months time my boys will turn fifteen and they will start living with me. She will be free to go wherever she wants. I won't stop her. She has a lover too." Lorcan grabbed a cup with wine and drank a bit. "It was an arranged marriage forced on me as soon as I became an adult." Another sip. I got up from the bed and sat down next to him. His cup was empty so I poured him some more. He looked at me and seemed to be surprised. 

"Do you want me to get drunk?" 

"No, my father used to say that wine can be a cure for any misery, however only temporary. The day after you must be a real man and face two problems: the former one that hasn't disappeared and the new one , the hangover."

"Your father seems to be a wise man." 

"Yes, he was." I looked at the zither, thinking about my lost family.

"Here, let's drink today. Tomorrow we will face our demons." He handed me the cup. 

"Your pretty hair is a mess, let me comb it." He suddenly said, I agreed, as combing my hair was a nasty thing. The Lord took his time and gently untangled my hair and then combed it. It felt very intimate. At that moment I thought I had a lover. I wasn't alone in this world anymore. This idea gave me courage to turn over and sit on the Lord's lap.

"Kiss me … Lorcan." It was the first time I said his name out loud. He kissed and hugged me, it felt so warm that I wanted to stay in his arms forever.