
Broken Women

LadyAAS13 · 都市
6 Chs

Chapter 2 - Unexpected visit

Present day

' Maybe I'm getting old ' Isabella thought, it's 10 o'clock in the evening on a Friday night and she was the last one to leave the office. It was late even for her but either way every night she was the last person to leave the office. She can't complain she is working for herself, after the tragedy with Mark, Isabella took her life in her own hands, she was still a student when she met Mark, she finished school, she had an MBA in informatics. After she graduated she opened her own IT company. The company has today 3 years since it was open, we live in 2021 the era of computers, phones everything is computerized. Today she had a meeting with her accountant team. Isabella managed to arrive from a worth net of 10 million dollars to a net worth of billions in just 3 years. Her accountant team was very happy, the more she gained the more they invoiced.

The company was situated in the middle of NY she was now the owner of one of the office buildings there. She got in her personal elevator and got down in the parking lot to get in her car.

After a short period of time she arrived home, after Mark died she sold the apartment in the Upper West Side, nobody found out about what really happened, she didn't see Erika anymore. Now she was living in a penthouse in one of the skyscrapers in the good neighborhoods in NY. In time she concluded that she doesn't want a man anymore in her life. All man are assholes, you can trust nobody. After Mark she didn't stand to have any man in her vicinity. The men that got near her were her clients in the meetings she had, she didn't had a personal life she long ago arrived to the conclusion that she preferred her life style and not a family, she didn't trust man any more.

She had a beautiful apartment, all the walls were glass, even from the entrance you could see the nights of New York. The style of the apartment was very minimalist. Colors of gray and white were perfectly blended. Big couched, a last of the minute state of the art kitchen equipped whit appliances that you could find only in 5 stars restaurants. The apartment had 300 sqm, she had 4 bedrooms, even if she lived alone she liked the luxury, she worked hard and she worked for her comfort.

She entered the apartment, got her shoes off, and her jacket, got in the bedroom, jacket in hand and put it on a hanger in the dressing. Got off her make-up, and cloths, and let her hair lose. She always kept her hair in a tight bun and dressed herself only in business suits, suits that in general were hiding her forms, she didn't like people to stair at her boobs which from her point of view or either way too big. There are 2 types of men, the ones that are married and are trying to get a release with a women who will let them in, or the ones that are after her money and she wanted none of them.

She took a shower and contrary to the usual nights when she was dressing herself in baggy clothes she didn't know why but tonight felt the need to put on a beautiful lace night dress, and a silk robe over.

She still had a lot of work, even though is already 11 in the night she would however stay awake so she took out her laptop and started working on a last minute project they had. She didn't started to work for 5 minutes when the security guard of the building called her.

" Miss White, we have somebody here who wants to see you, we didn't know if we should let him up or not "

" Who is it Alan? " Isabella asked irritated.

" The mister says his name is Jack "

When she heard that she made a grimaced face. Jack is the husband of her best friend Amelia, they knew each other since high school, he was also a jackass. She didn't think he was faithful to his wife. He even made advances to her, the best fried of his wife, every time he meet her he tried to get into her panties. Too bad she is a busy women and she would never do something like that to her best friend. She really was not in the mood to see him.

" Alan, can you please ask mister Jack what he wants? It's a little bit late for visitors at this hour. "

" Miss Isabella, the mister tells he has a package for you. "

She didn't want to let him up, but despise all the warnings her subconscious were makin she decided to let him up, in the end the idea is that if he didn't let her up, he will spread stories that she is to in love with him and she wants him, that she is afraid to be in the same room with him because of the passion she feels for him.

" Let him up Alan, thank you" and with that she closed the phone waiting for the scumbag to arrive at her door. Didn't last long and he was there.

" Good evening Jack, may I please know to what occasion I won this visit at almost midnight ? "

" Good evening Isabella, I needed to speak with you, Amelia sent me. I tried earlier to come but every time I was here they told me you are out. By the way you have done good for yourself, I didn't expect this " He told her watching her with hungry eyes and also the luxury that was surrounding her. " You know, you are so different from Amelia, our house is not this... Let's say modern, but thinking about it better, money can do wonders. " He was thinking that money can buy style. It is true her house was decorated by a designer and not her. It was the same style like her office, she didn't had the time for this, she was busy raising her empire. She had people hired to do this for her.

" Ok Jack, can you please tell me why you came here? We are going in another direction with this conversation and I surely don't have time. I still have to work." she made a motion with her head indicating the laptop that was on the table in her living room.

" I feel hurt Isabella, here I am after such a long period of time in which we barley spoke with you and you are already throwing me out, you didn't offer me neither a glass of water. But if you say so let's cut to the point. I'm here to invite you to visit our new house, next week. Amelia it's a little bit down seeing the situation in which we are now and she would benefit you're visit, she told me she want's to see you. That is if of course you are not scared living with me in the same house for some days, I know you are scared that you will finally give in to me. You must be feeling lonely in this big house all by yourself. " He told her while he was sickly licking his lips and was approcing her with hungry eyes. She wanted to say no, she really wanted, it was on the tip of her though but she knew she couldn't. Her dear friend was in a bad situation. Amelia was fighting with infertility for a long period now and was down because all the times they tried, they were unsuccessful. She had several FIV's and no pregnancy resulted. After every try she was more and more disappointed. And to be truthful she was a bad friend. She didn't had time to visit Amelia, they moved in they're new home outside NY for 3 months now and she didn't had time to go to her. Last time she spoke with her it was over 2 weeks ago.

" Ok Jack, I will come next week, tell Amelia I will be there" Jack was now too close with her for her own comfort, when she herd her he licked his lips, and tried to touch her, but at the last minute she dodge his hand and stepped away from him. " Always the block of ice that we all know and love" he patronized when he saw her reaction.

" I will take my leave now Isabella, see you soon enough. "

" Bye Jack" she told him and closed the door behind him taking a deep breath of air and throwing herself on the couch lost in her own thoughts.

She was thinking again at her past, at her ex husband. True being told she never managed to get over what Mark has done, she also keeps wearing the weeding ring she put on her finger in that day, she even kept his name. Not because she loves him any more, you can't love a monster. But because she loves herself and the wedding band reminds her what kind of monsters man really are. It was a reminder to never let herself getting close to man any more, to not let her guard down. She knew man like her, they like her for her looks, she knew she attracted them, even with all the coverage and her imposing looks she knew they like her ample boson, her toned legs, her silky blonde hair. She knew that if she tried she could have any man in her bed. But why let herself in that trap? She liked the way she was now, she was happy, she had money and had a good life. She was broken for all the man one of them even told her she was a broken women, a man stuck in the body of a women but she didn't care about everybody around her thought any more. And in the end, tonight Jack has convinced her once again that she is wright doing what she does.