1 Introduction

Previous two world wars lead to many losses, but the start of a third one is much a bigger war. World War 3, initially started due to the outbreak of a gentically engineered virus. This virus named 'Mary's Hoax' mutates humans according to their immunity. The infected ones transform into four classes. First, zombie, an organism which can live without any vital organ except for the brain, these have the only purpose to eat or infect humans. Second,mage, a person able to use elements for a purpose, also taken as magic. Third, a miscreant, a person getting mutated into a goreful looking organism with an only purpose to kill. The fourth class is unknown, it is said to be as classified information. The outbreak of this virus which caused the World War 3, lead to the world getting divided into six political factions. They are Mythica, Fourteen, Atlantia, Crustis, Rizobin and Flamica.
