
Be My Husband,Be the Father of My Child.

After talking to my dad and sister,I was now standing outside Kenneth's room with a proposal in mind and hoping that he will accept and not make a about it fuss. But as I entered his room I saw him packing his belongings,it would have been a relief for me if I didn't need his help now.

Knock, knock,as I opened the door to my room I saw Golden standing there,my first thought was that she had come to make sure I left her house. Kenneth I have a proposal for you and I hope you won't refuse.

What is the the proposal,as you can see am packing up my things and I will like a ride to the airport at dawn. That won't be necessary Kenneth, because if you accept my proposal you won't have to leave. (Golden had me intrigued,I sat on my bed and told her to tell me the proposal). Will you be willing to be my husband and the Father of my child?. This is certainly a shock,you never liked me and now you are asking me to marry you and also father your child,what kind of game are you playing here.

To you it might be a game, but believe me you are the only one I could find in such a small notice and seems my family think we are together am stucked with marrying you. Alright tell me what is in this marriage for you Golden, because I know you didn't want to marry me from the blue,there is something you want and I want to enter this marriage with a open eyes.

My company will vote me out if I don't have a husband and child within a year that's why am asking you for this. Wow that is big, OK let's say if I should accept what will you give me?,. You will receive 10% of my shares after our marriage and become a member of the board in my company.

Alright I will marry you,but you will have to respect me as a husband and the person that has an equal right in the marriage and any day you insult me for no reason I will be out of our agreement. If that's what you want for this marriage to take place,I won't mention how useless and jobless you are and I will respect you for being my husband,OK good I guess we have an agreement.

Dad Kenneth agreed to marry me. That's good dear,am sure you will make a nice couple,I will tell your mother about this so she can start the wedding planning. No dad it won't be needed, because once the court open this morning we are going for a marriage license and after that a justice of peace to do the marriage ceremony.

No little Sis it's the most important day of your life and all you want is a court wedding, I can't believe you. Am sorry if this was not what was expected but am trying to speed things up because a year is already counting and by my birthday next year I might either have it all or lose it all.
