
Romance Ecstasy

Romance Ecstasy

Bright Mills

Dream in The Wind

Chapter One

The time was 5.45 am. Nurse Ann hurried down the long corridor of the hospital to the patient's

ward. She was as usual, fifteen minutes early for her shift but she liked to arrive outside the

ward so that she can enter at exactly 6.00am. She allowed the minutes to go by then she

tapped the door gently and pushed the door open.

"Good morning!" She smiled. "And how is my favorite patient feeling today?" she asked the man

lying on the bed. There was no response from the man and neither did Ann expect one. This

was because the man lying motionlessly on the bed was in a state of coma and he had been in

coma for the past seven months.

His body was covered with drips and a wire tied round his wrist was connected to a computer to

measure his heartbeat. Ann came over to the man's bed. She observed the trip and decided it

needed adjustment, and then she injected it to pump in more blood into his body. She was the

nurse in charge of the man's healthy, even though the position was unofficial since the hospital

management had not bestowed it upon her. Even since he was first wheeled into the operation

room that faithful day in September, Ann had left this strange affinity for him. She kept staring at

his handsome face throughout the whole operation and when he was declared to be to be in a

state of coma, she had felt a certain sense of personal responsibility towards him and she was

determined to ensure that he stayed alive. His name was simply giving as Alex, and that was

about the only bit of information she and all the other employees of the hospital for that matter,

knew about him. There's a wedding band his left hand but for the past seven months that he

had been in the hospital. Ann had never seen a woman come tom visit him. He was brought to

the hospital in a private vehicle and was said to have been involved in a motor accident that left

all the other victims involved- a total of about nine-dead. So far he was the only one with a

chance of surviving. The company he worked for were the ones paying his medical bills. Ann

did not know what the company did not or what position he held with them but she reckoned

that it must be an important position if they could afford to keep paying his medical bills even

though his condition seemed not o improved.

Although the hospital had long giving up hope on him, and the Management would have on a

professional team to advice his company that his case was hopeless and that he had no

chance to coming out of his coma, Ann's persistent attitude towards him, as well as her faith

and belief in his recovery had made them change their minds. She knew everyone in the

hospital probably thought she was out of her mine. She treated him as if he was alive and

conscious of her presence. Even though she wasn't officially assigned to attend to him and she

had other patients to attend to she always made herself available to him, she talks to him, reads

to him, shaved him, washed and clothed him. Once she was even caught dancing for him,

because she felt he was bored. There was nothing she wouldn't do for him. She would strip off

her clothes for him if it would make him get better.

Her daily life and routine revolved around attending to his need and taking care of him.

Everybody felt she was wasting not only her time but her life as well, because Ann was indeed

a very beautiful young woman. At twenty-four she was a delight for any man. She was five feet

eleven inches, with a long graceful legs, her long neck fitted perfectly into her small firm nose

was straight and pointed and her scarlet lips had beauty to her dark ebony face. Nearly all the

male doctors at Mainland hospital had at one time or the other made a pass at her and none of

them had succeeded. They were the most angry with her for her fuss over the patient named

Alex. Her seemingly devotion and affection for a semi dead person over them did not go down

well with them and Dr Kelvin, the most persistent of her suitors now consistently victimized her.

He made sure she was preoccupied with other patients in other wards so that she would have

barely have the time to attend to Alex but Ann and been able to strike a deal with the nurse he

had assigned to Alex. Nurse Sarah, who didn't like her job of tending a partially dead person.

Both of them had shifted their duty positions. Dr Kelvin had been very angry when he found out.

"You had better be very careful in the hospital Ann; otherwise you would end up having no

patient at all to attend to! He fumed.

Even the other nurses gossiped and ran comments about her.

Do you know Ann has falling in love with a dead patient?" one of them said.

"They said she was even caught lying next to him on the same bed once," volunteered another

one in the hospital. Even the cleaners and attendants werenot left out but she didn't care.

Actually she was genuinely happy and fulfilled for the first time since her five years nursing

career began. She had finally come face to face with her destiny.

She stared into Alex's unconscious face. She had just finish ed changing his pillow case. She

used a dry cloth to mop away the small bead of sweat that covered the center of her forehead

and gazed fondly at his eyelids. She had no doubts whatever that those eyes would one day

open and gaze right back at her.

"Guess what I brought you today," she said.

*** **** **** ****

She is in the kitchen cooking. She is spending a long time doing it, taking her time because she

wants to make it a delicacy. Several times she tastes the food to ensure that it is really delicious

because she doesn't want to give him any reason not to like the food. He is outside washing

and warming up the car. In a short while they would both be on their way to the Tafawa Balewa

square where they would be having a private picnic. Just the two of them. The way she has

always wanted it.

The day looked very beautiful, the sky was bright the weather though quite sunny was very

warm. It was probably the most beautiful day in her life and undoubtedly going to be the


He is through with warming up the car and he comes into the house. He smells the aroma and

he comes into the kitchen. "Smells good," he says. He collects the serving spoon from her and

takes a taste.

She watched him, anxious to see what his reaction would be and is greatly overjoyed when he

says, "taste good too." He kissed her and squeezed her buttocks. "I need to take s shower." He

walks over to the door; turns back and say, "So do you." She laughed. He always made her

laugh, that was why she loved him so.

Soon they were in the car and he is making her laugh all through the drive. There is never a dry

moment with him. They parked their cat in the car park and walked over to a spot on the square

where they spread down their picnic cloth and set their things. There are other people around

the square but she felt as if they were only two people in the world. He teases her and insists

that she fed him and she delightedly did so. Then when she insisted that he fed her, he stuffed

everything in his mouth. When she playfully chastised him, he apologizes and promised to be a

good boy. He then made as if to feed her again but instead splashes everything on face and

begins to laugh. That was it, she was no longer playing Mrs Nice girl. She carries the entire

food and pours it on his head. And it was her turn to laugh. He makes to grab at the juice they

had brought along and she begins to run. He runs after her, she was as fast as she can, but she

knows that he would catch her…she wants him to catch her.

He dos catch her and playfully wrestles her to the ground begins to kiss all over. There are

people around but they are both obvious to them. She laughter's and giggles happily, there was

nowhere else that she wanted to be in the world but this man forever. She throws her hand

around his neck, her back lying on the soft square floor. She gazed into his eyes.

God! The effect those eyes had on her. There was nothing in this world that she wouldn't do for

him, nothing. Then she realized there was a faraway look in them, he was looking past her as if

she wasn't there. She had this sudden suck feeling that she was losing him that he was

gradually slipping away from her grasp. She clung on to him tightly, desperately trying to draw

him back to her, searching for a kiss that would assure her that he was still with her, that he had

gone nowhere…was going nowhere. She closed her own eyes and parted her lips anticipating

the thick-soft lips that had only a moment ago been sending shivers down her spine. She

awaited the feel of the forceful tongue of his that seemed to communicate so effectively with

hers. It was as she eagerly longed for the feel of his mouth upon hers, that Ann awoke from her


The alarm bell that woke her up showed that the time was 4:30am. Her whole body drenched

and covered with sweat. Once again, she had dreamt about that man. She had seen his face in

her dream. The same face she had seeing ever since she was ten years old. The face she had

come to believe belonged to the man she was destined to marry and had thus preserved her

body, mind and soul for the face of the man lying in the hospital.

An exactly 6:00am, she tapped gently on his door and pushed it open. She was supposed to be

doing night, but she was able to get Nurse Mary to switch shifts with her.

She hated for Alex to begin a new day with other nurse. She could not trust them to take proper

care of him like she would. If only the hospital management were prepared to allow her, she

was ready to attend to him from morning till night. She charged his clothes, washed him up and

she was just beginning to read to him the day's newspapers when Dr Kelvin walked in.

"Where is Mary?" he asked Ann. Without waiting for a reply he continued. "I want to see you in

my office immediately," he said angrily.

Ann dropped the newspaper she was reading to Alex and followed the doctor. In Dr Kelvin

office, she stood in front of his desk while he sat learning on his chair.

"Where you not supposed to be on night duty?" he queried.

"Yes sir, but Mary and I…"

"You managed to hoodwink Mary into shift duties with you, is that not correct?" Kelvin said

peering at her through his thick glasses.

Ann remained silent.

"Now look here Ann, this is the second and the last time I am going to warn you over this matter.

The next time I give you orders and you defy them, you are on your way out of this hospital.

Morning duty is morning duty, night shift is night shift, patient ward is patient ward, is that


"Yes sir," Ann humble.

Dr Kelvin was the assistant Medical Director of the hospital. He is probably in his late forties or

early fifties. He's a Muslim, married to two wives. She wondered why he was so hell bent on

making life difficult for her just because she had refused to have an illicit affair with him. She

thought of reporting him to the Chief Medical Director, who had been a sort of father to her ever

since she took up work with the hospital but she did not want to saddle the old man with her

own problems. Dr Mathew had been very kind to her from the very first day she became an

employee of Mainland Hospital. He had been the father she never had.

Ann had a tough life and time growing up. Her father had died and her mother had raised her

and her elder sister single handedly. Whereas, her older sister, Vivian, was outgoing and

social. She was reserved, an introvert, yet she was the one boys flocked around the most. She

paid little attention to them. She had already been convinced where are destiny laid and she

preserved herself solely for the man of her dreams. Luckily and fortunately for her, she and her

sister attended a girls school, so it was easier for her to avoid boys but in her sister's last years

in secondary school, she got pregnant and died while trying to abort it.

Ann was in High School then. Vivian had confided in her about it and both of them had been at

a loss on what to do. The guy who had gotten her pregnant had denied it and they didn't want

their mother to hear about it. They had no money even for a quack doctor. Vivian said a friend of

hers had told her about detergents, so Ann watched her sister gulp down a cup of full of


She never forgave herself for what happened for few hours afterwards, Vivian died of stomach

ache. Ann believed that if she had some professional experience she could have saved her

sister's life and since her mother did not have the money to send her to Medical school, she

took up a course in nursing. She decided to at least honor her sister by so doing. Vivian was

her mother's favorite girl. She was more prospects in her because she was outspoken and

outgoing. As far as she was concerned, Ann was a dump, useless girl without prospects.

Her mother never fully recovered from Vivian's death and she herself died a year later. Ever

since then, Ann had been on her own. She had no close friends and no close relative, she was

a complete longer. The only person in the world that she wanted to be close to was lying

unconscious in a room down the hall.

The Mercedes Benz SLK cruised to a stop at the car park in front of the Mainland Hospital.

Borris Faleti got out of the car and shut the locks with his remote control. He made his way into

the reception hall of the hospital and approached the nurse on duty. Flashing her his charming

smile, he said;

"Hello, I am here to see the Medical Director."

"Do you have an appointment?" Nurse Mary asked.

"No, just tell him Faleti is here."

"I am sorry, the doctor is quite…"

"Look cutie," Faleti said, "the fact that I don't have an appointment does not mean he is not

expecting me. He is always expecting me, so don't waste my time telling me about protocols."

Mary stared, surprised at the man in front of her.

"Let me call to check with him," she said picking her phone.

Moment later, Faleti was sitting directly in Dr Brown the Medical Director's office.

"How is he doing? I assume there has been no improvement, otherwise I would have heard

from you," Faleti spoke.

"He is just in the same condition he was seven months ago," Dr Brown said. "Frankly, I have to

admit that his condition appears hopeless and I would have closed up on his case except that

one of my nurses seemed to be convinced that he would pull through, she doesn't even believe

he is unconscious."

"This is the sort of news the boss wants to hear. It would be like music to his ears. He wanted

me to express his gratitude to your hospital for your resilience and care," Faleti said.

Dr Brown nodded. "How long is he supposed to continue waiting?" he asked.

Faleti learned back and crossed his leg, his face completely expressionless.

"The boss says that as long as he only remains half dead and that nurse of yours still believes

he can be resurrected, then he shall continue to remain here." Faleti's expressionless face

indicated that he hadn't intended hi statement to be taken as a joke.

Dr Brown leaned back in his chair. He had been in the medical professional for more than thirty

years. Never in his career has he come across a thing like this. Sure, he had heard of instances

abroad where a man's life could be preserved for as long as possible by Technology Medical

Advances, but the truth and peculiar thing about hi particular matter was that this patient was

not being preserved by anything.

He was like being dead and alive at the same time and he hung in the balance on his own

accord not under the medical influence of anything. The patient, Alex, he would say, was

physically dead but medical alive and the most baffling thing was he had been in the condition

for almost a year now. He found it very strange indeed.

"Why don't you people just have him moved abroad?" Dr Brown asked for the umpteenth time.

"Like I told you before, the boss believes it' s too dangerous. He feels the people behind that

attack on him would get a wind of it and move in to finish their business. Right now, he is

underground and no one knows where he is," Faleti said.

"What about his wife and kids?" Dr Brown asked.

"The boss has taking care of them. They know what happened to him but they were told he is

receiving treatment abroad in a secluded hospital. They don't know he is still here in Nigeria.

The boss believes his wife is being watched by the attackers and she might lead them to this

place if she is told the truth," Faleti said, bringing out a packet of cigarette.

"I thought I told you no smoking in my office?" Dr Brown asked.

Faleti paused; his usually expressionless face broke into a smile. Sorry, I forget." And he kept

the cigarette pack back in his pocket. "The boss wanted me to find out if you are still certain that

none of your staff knows his identity, like the faithfully nurses you spokeabout for example."

Brown deliberated on this. He was quite positive none of his staff knew who the unconscious

patient was. Most of them only know him simply by the name Alex, but he knew Ann had been

rather obsessed with him and he could not possible know if she had gone out of her way to find

out who he really was. But then he realized that Ann practically spend her whole time attending

to the guy and she would hardly have the time to try and find out who he was. "Yes, I am

positive," he answered Faleti. "No one in this hospital knows who he is."

Faleti nodded and smile once again. "In that case doctor, I had better be on my way."

***** ****** ******* ********

Ann look, I am tired of getting into trouble switching shifts with you. You need to see how Dr

Kelvin queried me when I came for my shift last night. Please, I don't want to lose my job just

because you have got a soft spot for a person who is partially dead." Mary told her angrily when

they met at the maternity ward the following day.

"I can understand, I'm terribly sorry Mary. Kelvin queried me too. Don't worry I won't drag you in

to this again," Ann assured her.

Mary felt guilty at the way she had spoken to her colleague. Unlike all the other nurses at

Mainland Hospital, she hasn't spite Ann for being a dedicated nurse. She had admired her

courage and conviction and she had always let Ann know that she was not among those who

criticized and gossip about her. "Look Ann, I'm sorry if I overreacted, it's just that it is beginning

to seem as if you are taking this matter beyond your limits. Even the Medical doctor has

expressed doubts over this guys recovery," Mary said. "Mary I have spoken to the man and I

have heard him reply. I have entertained him and seen his delight. Nobody has seen in him

what I have seen so I know what I am saying when I say he is alive and well," Ann said.

"But do you really have a crush on him?" Mary asked her. Ann just shrugged.

"Because, if you do have a crush on him, I would have to remind you that he is married, at least

that is what the ring on his hand implies. So what happens id after he recovers-if he does

recoverand he decides to go back to his wife? What if he just say 'thank you for saving my life,

now I have to get back to my family.' How would you feel?" Mary asked her inquisitively.

Ann remained silent for a while then she asked; "Mary, do you have any idea why his wife has

never visited him in the hospital?"

"No. I have always found it funny myself that a man could be unconscious for that long and be

hospitalized without his family coming to visit him."

***** ***** ***** **** She is working late in the hospital. All the other nurse and doctors had gone

home even though most patients are awake and in need of something. She is then saddle with

the responsibility of attending to all of them.

Starting with the general ward, she attends to the patient's one at a time. Then she moved to

the private wards and also one at a time, she knocks on their door and attends to them until she

arrived finally at the last room in the private patients ward. She had purposely saved his room

for the last because she knew she was going to spend much time with him. She wanted to

spend much time with him. Gently, she tapped on the door and slowly pushed it open.

The room was conspicuously dark and that was strange because all the light in the patients war

were always left on and she was sure no other nurse had been to this particular room at all that

very day. She fumbled for the switch but she couldn't find it. That was another strange thing.

What was going on? Had something happened to him? She called out his name but there was

no reply.

Then suddenly a light was lit on a candle and she could have sworn she was in the wrong

room. Surely this place could have been anything else but a room in the patient's ward of

Mainland Hospital or any other hospital for that matter. The bed and mattress was gone, the

drips, the computer monitor, everything had disappeared and in its place was a table set out for

two people at the center of the room. It was well laid with a white cloth and the candle which

had provided the only source of light in the room stood on a peddle stool on the table. There

was a bottle of champagne with two glasses at opposite sides of the table. Out of the dark came

suit with a bow tie and shining black leather shoes. He stretched his hands towards her and

beckoned her. She moved forward and he drew out a chair for her to seat down. Then he

walked over to the other side of the table and clapped his hands.

Automatically, the sound of cool music rendered and filtered the air. They sat down together

checking their glasses and talking and laughing. She felt wonderful. The wine tasted so sweet

and the music that filled the air set them in the right mood. He got up and asked her for a dance.

Gladly she obliged and very soon their bodies were moving to the rhythm of the music.

He was such an excellent dancer, he held and controlled her body with his powerful arms and

in them, and she felt completely secured. Secured from all the forces against her, from all the Dr

Kelvin of this world, from jealous nurses, from everybody and everything and she didn't want

him to let go. She didn't want to lose that feeling of security. She looked into his eyes and he

looked back at her. Her understood what she was thinking. What she was going through and as

if to reassure her that he was for real that he would always be there to protect her and provide

her with the security she needed, he kissed her passionately and she clung desperately to him

returning his kiss with equal passion.

His tongue produced deep into her mouth, exploring it while she sucked at his lower lips. She

wanted it to go on forever, she didn't want his moment to stop. Slowly, she began to feel his

tongue withdraw from her mouth and he seemed to push back at his lips. Then she was filled

with the painful realization that he was leaving her again. His powerful arms was began to drop

slightly from her body.

"Don't leave me," she cried. " Please, don't go." But he was already going stepping back into

the darkness he had come out from. She made a last frantic effort to grab at him, screaming

loud as she did so. "No!" That was when she woke up from her dream.

Chapter Two

Mainland Hospital was a four storey complex situated along Mercy-Thomas Street in Lagos. It

was the first building on the street and therefore had the inscription 'No 1' written on the side its

gate, which was almost always opened because of the large influx of people going in and

coming out. The compound was quite big and could accommodate a large number of vehicle at

the same time.

Just like all other hospital, the reception is the first place you come into when you enter the

building. This is one of the largest rooms in the hospital. At one extreme end of the room is

where the nurses stay behind a large reception desk, at the other extreme end of the room are a

couple of chairs arranged in a parallel form. A large television set was put slightly away.

Unadmitted patients and vision were encourage to sit on this chars and relax while watching

the television. But on a busy day-which was almost everyday-the chairs were usually not

enough to accommodate people who wanted to see the doctor.

The reception hall linked to a doorway, which led to a long corridor. At the extreme end of the

corridor was a door, on top of which was a sign that read emergency unit. The emergency unit

was a small room, which had to be cleared up every hour of the clock by the cleaners. On the

same floor with the emergency room was the first aid and injection room. This was where

patients with minor injuries were treated as well as patients who needed to get injection

quickly. Opposites the first aidand injection room was Dr Tony's office. He was the only doctor

that had his office. He was the only doctor that had his office on the ground floor and it was to

his office that patients were usually directed to first. Next to his office was a small private

patient's room for patients with emergency cases that needed to be admitted quickly.

Dr Tony's office being directly opposite to the first aid room was apt because the first aid room

was also the room that housed almost all the drugs in the hospital.

Before patient could get past the doorway linking the reception hall to this part of the floor, they

must have been giving a Medical Card. The last part of this floor was where the elevator was.

The second floor housed the general patients ward. There was also a reception outside the

door but it was much smaller than the one on the ground floor. The general ward was the

biggest place in the hospital. It could accommodate over a hundred patients at the same and it

had beds lined up in parallel with one another. Just like the ground floor, there was also only

one doctor's office on this floor, and it was Dr Kelvin's.

On the third floor was the private patients ward where patients were admitted into self contained

rooms. They were of course patients were more financially buoyant than those in the general

ward. The rooms where arranged side by side and opposite each other and at the extreme end

was the kitchen. There was no doctor's office on the third floor.

The fourth floor was where the Medical Director's office was, as well as two offices for trainee


There was also a dentist office and receptionist occupied the corridor adjourning all the offices.

Toilets and bathrooms were in all the floors of the hospital complex.

When Ann first started working at the hospital, she was assigned to the main reception hall of

the ground floor. There she attended to patients who wanted to see the doctor. Issuing cards to

those who were just registering with the hospital, and carrying the cards of file of registered

patients to Dr Tony's office. She enjoyed working at the reception because she got to attend to

the patients first hand before they saw anybody else. Somehow she found it interesting to know

that she was in a position to improve a person's health or worsen it whenever she got bored,

she hid just behind the big reception desk and watch the television with the patients.

It was when she got assigned to the emergency ward that she really got to appreciate how

trivial life was. She saw patients wheeled into the unit alive and while the doctors battle to

ensure that they remained exactly that way. Btu it was also at the emergency war that she got to

see how a person who was more or less dead and practically stood no chance of surviving was

resurrected by the combined efforts of the doctors.

She was letter assigned to the general ward of the hospital where she got to interact with the

patients one on one. Some of them she later grew fond off and got to know about their personal

lives. In view of the fact that she had been working in the hospital for up to five years, she was

now a senior nurse and this meant that she could be assigned to any department of the hospital

at any time and not fixed in one place. And although she had been assigned to the reception

hall at this particular moment it was the private patient ward that Ann reported for duty at exactly


"Last night I slept alone I did that at home.

But it aren't complete since you've been gone baby. No friend to understand to lend a helping

hand is the greatestpain I've ever known. How you went away so easily still remain a mystery

to me don't you remember that you promised me?

Yes, you promised me that you will never leave but you went away baby.

And it's such a shame.

How could you turn your back on me – yeah!

If you really don't love me.

If you really don't want me

If you really don't need me If you really don't love me.

Tell me whom do you love?

I gave you everything

A man could ever need

I was there right by your side

Even when you were down

And yet you choose to walk away As if I don't have a say.

Do you want me hurting everybody?

How you went away so easily

Still remains a mystery to me.

Don't you remember that you promised me?

How you went away so easily

Still remains a mystery to me.

Don' you remember that you promised me? Yes you promised me that you will,

That you will never leave boy. Now you are almost gone Tell me what went wrong.

How could you leave me hanging?

If you really don't want me.

If you don't want me.

If you don't want me.

If you reallydon't need me

If you don't need me,

If you really don't love me. Tell me who do you love?

Ann sat on a chair near Alex bed and sang him that song it was originally done by Deboran

Cox, but Ann altered some of the words to fit into the present situation. The same way she has

been doing ever since he was admitted to the hospital and brought into this room. She

communicated with him in every manners or way that she could think of She asked him

questions, she read and sometimes she sang to him just like she inculcated herself into it. She

created an involvement between the both of them so that it sounded as if she was enough

reason for him to live. She was hundred percent convinced that somewhere deep down, he

was listening that her words where petting to him that he felt her presence and he was in

agreement with what she was saying. "When are you going to

Wake up eh? When are you going to put all these people to shame and make them eat their

words for saying you are beyond hope?

They are out there right now laughing at the laughing at you. Are you just going toile down here

with your eyes closed and allow them make jest of its, she asked him. Come on answer me

don't you act deaf and mute on me answer my questions. Are you contended lying don here?

How long has it been now? A year. For God's sake you've been on this position for seven

months, haven't you had enough rest? Aren't you done?' she asked raising her voice loudly

now. 'What about me? Don't you care what happens to me? Don't you care about my feelings?

Come on say something Don't

'What is going on here?' Mrs Martins the matron of the hospital was standing by the door way

Ann are you at it again? Look your behavior is getting completely out of orders. I think I am

going to have to report you to the Director. Now, I want you out of this room and until further

notice you are restrained from coming near this room I hope I made myself clear?" Ann watched

the elderly woman walk out of inner room. Her face was already covered with seat and she

used her hand to wipe it away. She turned her gaze back at Alex. Even with the oxygen mask

covering a large part of his face, he still looked incredibility handsome

'So, is this what you want? She asked him quietly "is this the type of thing you hope to achieve?

You want people to think that I am crazy is that it? Well it is not going to work, you hear me? It is

not going to work, because I won't stop talking to you I won't stop reading to you, I won't stop

singing and dancing for you "She said tearfully. "And I won't stop loving you, no not until you

wake up. Then she got up and left the room

honestly, she has simply gone out of hands. She has taken this thing to the extreme and I think

it is time something is done about it." Mrs. Martins said, sitting across the Medical Director's


Dr Brown leaned back in his chair and breathed heavily. He's had nothing but trouble ever

since that guy has been admitted to his hospital seven months ago and it was simply because

almost all his staffers seemed to agree that it was a useless decision to go on keeping a man

that had been in coma for almost a year in the hospital, and the only person who seemed to

differ from that point of view was almost being castigated by the rest of them.

He had to admit that Ann's behavior and attitude had been rather weird a lot of reports had

been sent to him concerning some strange interactions that she had been having with the

patient and they had requested that he queried her and enforced restrictions on her that would

ban her from going near the patient. His assistant. Dr. Martins was the most persistent out the


"That girl is scaring the other patients and even some of the nurses." He had argued.

Dr. Brown's view then had been that overzealous as her actions maybe she was only doing her

job and did not deserve of warrant any query. His view has not changed.

"Mrs Martins he said in his deep gentled voice. "Nurse Ann is one of the most dedicated nurses

we have got in this hospital and it appears to me you are asking me to query her or even

possibly fired her based on that dedication," he said.

Mrs. Martins shook her head incredulously and put her hands on the desk to emphasize what

she was about to say. "Sir, she was practically shouting at the man today. It was a very pathetic

sight, she was more or less harassing a dead… "she caught herself from saying 'a dead man'

"Dr. she was assaulting an unconscious man inside the patient's ward. I don't think that is an

act of dedication."

Dr Brown remained silent for a while. He did not want the situation to get out of hand. The way

his staff were going about it, someone was bound to get curious about Alex's identity. He had to

take an action that would stem things down and divert their attention from the unconscious

patients or at least make him irrelevant to them.

Alright. I will have a word with her. Have her sent down to my office," he said.

Mrs. Martins stared unsatisfactorily at him. Obviously that was not the kind of response she had

hoped to get from the director, but she got up and went to do as he asked all the same.

Moments later Ann was sitting on the same seat Mrs Martins had evacuated. Ann started

nervously or rather shyly at the Medical Director. She hadn't any reason to be in his office ever

since she completed her six months trainee programme with the hospital at the beginning of her

nursing career. Dr. Brown had been so nice and encouraging to her. He personally showed her

around and told her what to do. She even reported directly at his desk everyday so that no other

doctor could query her if she resumed late for work. And she knows that the only reason why

Dr. Kelvin had not gone ahead with his threat of firing her was that the Medical Director did not

consent to it. She hated to disappoint him, hated the fact that her case had been brought before

him and she knew that if she is restrained from going to Alex's room, she would really be in a

helpless situation because she would have no choice but to obey him.

"I have heard a lot of report about you Ann and I must confess they have not been good," Dr.

Brown said peering down at her above the rims of his glasses. "I'm honestly proud at the way

you have gone about your duties. You have prove that you are a dedicated nurse and you

haven't let me down, just like I know you wouldn't, but I have been made to understand that you

relationship and attitude towards our unconscious patient Alex seems to be stepping or shifting

slightly away from the professional line. In fact, the Matron seems to think that you are

obsessed with him." Dr. Brown said.

Ann remained silent, staring down at her feet.

Dr. Brown stared at her. Perhaps, she did know who the guy was, he thought to himself. He

thought of the possibility of Ann having an affair with Alex before his accident. It sounded

incredulous and unbelievable but it was a possibility.

Ann is there something you are not telling me, is there something you want me to know

probably about this guy?

Ann looked up at him Dr. Brown face was fatherly and friendly and she knew he was

sympathetic to her. She didn't want toile to him but she knew he wouldn't understand if she told

him the truth. Who would? How could she tell him about all the dreams she had been having

ever since she was ten years old. Or that she had preserved her body solely for this man

because she knows he was her destiny not to mention the numerous other things she had done

just because of her love for him.

"No sir," she answered." There is nothing I know that you don't know sir."

"Do you have an explanation for your seemingly ill -professional actions?" Dr Brown asked.

Ann shifted uncomfortably in her seat. If she did not say something that would impress the

Director she could as well forget about attending to Alex again. She chose her words carefully.

"I see the survival of this patient as the greatest c hallenge I have ever come across in my

Nursing career and probably the greatest I will ever come across. I am committed to seeing him

come out of his state of coma. I believe he himself is personally battling to save his own life but

he cannot do it alone he needs external support, he needs to hear someone speak to him. To

remind him about the life he is about to leave behind and why he shouldn't let go. This are the

things I say to him Doctor, I don thing they are unprofessional sir," she said quietly.

Dr Brown has a rather good view of the gate from his office window and he noticed this pretty

young woman standing in front of his hospital. She must have been standing there for close to

four hours. He called one of the security and asked him to go and find out why the lady was

standing outside the way she was.

"Doctor that is the lady that came about the nurse vacancy position a moment ago but we told

her she was too late that the interview and selection had already been conducted. Let me go

and drive her away," the security man said.

"No, just bring her here to my office," he had commanded.

So she had been brought into his office. He asked her to sit down and offered her coffee. She

declined, she seemed rather tensed and desperate. He had cross examined her and gone

through her qualifications. He had been very surprised at how good her qualification was. He

asked her if she was really prepared to become a nurse and dedicate the rest of her life

attending to sick people. She answered in the affirmative. She begged to be giving a chance to

work in the hospital, that she had known this was the hospital for her the very moment she

stepped in. she explained that she couldn't turn up for the original interview the previous day

because the public transport vehicle that she had boarded on her way to the hospital had been

hijacked by hoodlums and she had been rubbed along with the rest of the passengers, and

they had commanded the bus to a remote area where they could make their getaway. She had

found herself completely stranded and was therefore unable to make it for the interview.

The doctor had felt sorry and had admitted her immediately. He placed her in the mandatory six

months programme and personally tutored and monitored her on the procedures and

guidelines. She proved to be an excellent learner. A very hardworking and efficient nurse. And

during the past five years he had observed proudly her promotion from one department to the

other. Although, the matron and some of the nurses considered her to be rather reclusive, he

had not received any single complain about her. That was until Alex the unconscious patient,

was admitted into the hospital. He had grown rather fond of her and it had occurred to him that

the reason why she's seemingly despised by her colleagues and superiors might not be

unconnected with that fondles he had for her.

Somehow, she reminded him of his own daughter Sandra whom he had lost to the cold hand of

death a few years back. She had been his only daughter out of four children and her death had

affected him immensely. She would just have been Ann's age were she to be alive.

He could still remember that day vividly. He had gone to pick his children from school. His

eldest son had wanted to sit in the front with him but he had refused.

"Let you sister come and sit there instead come and sit with daddy," he had called. So she had

obliged and sat with him in the front. "So how was school today?" he asked engaging in a little

father-daughter talk.

"Oh, school was fine today daddy, would you like to see my homework?" Sandra asked

bringing out her notebook from her bag. He hadn't exactly been speeding but his right foot was

mechanically compressing the accelerator.

"Look, what I drew today at school daddy"

the events that followed when he turned his head to look at his daughter's book would remain

with him forever. It played and replayed in his head in slow motion as he stared at Ann sitting in

front of him.

Out of nowhere, a tolling vehicle had suddenly sprung out at the middle of the street. He heard

his son scream "Daddy look out", from the back seal but it was already too late. He stepped on

the break and swerved the car to the right of the road. As he did so, the tolling vehicles also

swerved to the left but the gap between them was so narrow and the anchor used in carrying

out the tolling which was dangling on top of the right side of the vehicle smashed into the

windscreen and rammed straight into his daughter. The last thing he heard was her muffled

scream. He never forgave himself for that accident. He blamed himself thoroughly for allowing it

to happen. There was no way he could make it up to her there was no way he could tell her that

he was sorry for his carelessness and grave mistake. He stared blankly at Ann. Except maybe

through her he thought to himself.

What you have been doing concerning the patient is quiet commendable Ann and I condone it

Just try to be a little les verbal because of the reaction it is generating around here okay?

Ann stared incredulously at him. That was the reason why she just simple adored the man. He

was so understanding and caring, she could have hugged and kissed his face right there.

"Thank you very much sir," she said getting up to leave.

"And Ann" Brown called back when she got to the door "Be careful and no matter what happens

I'm behind you."

Ann nodded mumbled her thanks and left the office.

Ann, Ann please there is something I need you to do for me, "Nurse Mary said rushing over to

her as she came out of the elevator on the second floor of the building.

"What is wrong?" Ann asked inquiringly

"I have to rush home I just got a call from my younger sister Moses. You know the one staying

with me? She said my mother in-law has just arrived home from the village and she has been

complaining about practically everythingin the house Moses is a lazy girl, she doesn't know

how to cook or attend to an elderly person like that and you know how this mother in laws are.

My husband is away at work and there is no one else to attend to her, that woman can get

angry and return back to the village. Please Ann I need you to cover for me. I know the matron

will never give me the permission to go home."

"But your mother-inlaw knows that you are working as well I'm sure she will understand that


"Ah! Ann you don't know my mother -in-law. The last time she came visiting. I went over to the

market to buy some food stuffs all with the intention of cooking her a special delicacy. Bu the

time I got back, I met her by the gate with her load trying to flag down a taxi. She was already on

her way back to the village. She said I was an irresponsible woman and a manner less

daughter in-law. That I abandoned her in the house to rotten and die while I frolicked around

Lagos city having a nice time. Ann I had only been gone for twenty-five minutes. I had to beg

her and plead with her to come back into the house even despite of all the foodstuff I showed

her and explained to her that I had gone to buy what I was going to use in preparing for her. So

you can just imagine what she is going to say or do this time.

Ann deliberated on this. She had actually intended to check on Rose, one of the patients who

had just recovered from a whooping cough and then go on to Alex's room afterwards. But she

didn't want to disappoint Marry she was the only person she could called her friend at the


"What department are you working on?" She asked.

"I'm at the first aid and injection room," Mary answered "Just help me package and arrange the

new set of drugs that has just been delivered. Thank you Ann I knew I could count on you. Mary

said and hurriedly left for home.

The first aid and injection room was piled up with drugs that had just been delivered from the

pharmaceutical company that supplied Mainland with drugs. The whole bunch had just been

pulled up on the floor and Ann had to arrange them gradually and label them, then store then in

the appropriate places.

She sat on a stool at the centre of the room and went to work. "Funny, how mother -in-laws

could be," she thought to herself remembering Mary's story she hoped she never ended up with

a mother-inlaw like that. She wondered how Alex's mother was like or if he even had one. The

moment Alex crossed her mind she drifted into a day dream. She had been completely

absorbed in her thought when suddenly by premonition she snapped out of it. She had this

sudden feeling that she was no longer along in the room. As she made to turn around she was

suddenly hit at the back and was knocked off the stool. The light in the room suddenly went off

and she couldn't see her assailant's face but she knew he was a man and he was putting on a

white coat.

"Dr Kelvin she thought she tried to get up and make a run for it but he dragged her back and

pinned her to the floor. She tried to scream but he closed his hand around her mouth and

muffled her scream. His other hand started caressing her beast and body beneath her cloth.

"What do you think you are doing? Get away from me," she muttered through his hand.

His left hand found his way down between her legs and he started pulling up at her cloth. She

struggled beneath him then her right hand hit an object on the floor. She knew what it was. She

hadn't been a nurse for close to five years not to know what that object was. She stretched her

hands and fumbled for it while his hands was now pulling down at her panties. She grabbed

the injection and stabbed him right in the shoulder. He screamed out loud in pain and his hands

withdraw from her immediately, she got up and ran to switch on the lights.

Scrambling to his feet with blood gushing out of his left shoulder and itching his white coat was

Dr Collins

Oh! My God," she said covering her mouth, and ran out of the room.

"Help, help," she screamed, running into the reception hall.

"What is the matter?" Nurse Sarah who was sitting behind the desk ran up to her. They both

heard a noise coming from the adjoining corridor.

Stop her stop her she wants to kill me "Dr Collins entered the reception as well his white coat

was completely socked in red by now and his shoulder blade was still gushing with blood.

"Oh you've caught her, that's very good hold or to her don't let her go, she's a complete


Ann stared incredulously at the blood sight of Dr. Collins. She could not believe what was

going on Sarah I think you'd better call the police."

"Alright, I demand to know what happened in this hospital between the both of the right now" Dr

Ben Brown the Medical Director of the hospital barked.

They were in his office along with Dr Kelvin Assistant Medical Director and the matron, Mrs.

Martins. Everybody else had been sent back to their various duty positions.

"I want to hear from you first," the Medica l Director said to Collins.

"I was in my office working all day and I developed a body ache I went across my office to get

some tablets. The room was dark and as I attempted to put on the switch someone hit me from

behind and I fell to the floor and the next thing I knew she was all over me I noticed that my

assailant was a female, so I thought maybe perhaps it was one of the female patients suffering

from high lever or something, so I decided to take it easy on the person and then all of a sudden

I felt this sharp pain on my shoulder blade and the feeling of an injection needle entering my


"Oh my God." Mrs Martins said.

"It was at this point that I realized I couldn't just take it easy on the person male or female

because the person was all outto kill me. "So I pushed her away from me violently. My push

caught her off balance and she was forced to turn around her back towards me immediately

and I hit her in the back. She fell, got up and began to run out of the room. It was then that I

pursued her shouting that she should be stopped. It was not until got to the reception that I

realized who it was because Nurse Sarah had heard my voice and had caught up with her for


"I always knew it would come to this. I just knew it." Mrs Martins said.

"Well I guess it was only a matter of time before you extended you irregularities to other people

here in this hospital".

Dr. Brown raised his hands. Can't you at least wait until we hear her own side of the story. What

is wrong with both of you? He asked angrily. The Medical Director hardly ever got annoyed or

angry with anyone. This was the first time the matron and his assistant where seeing their boss

red eyes for the first time and they quickly shut up their mouths.

"Now Ann what do you have to say regarding what transpired between yourself and the


"I was in the first aid room, trying to arrange the drugs together when I suddenly realized was no

longer alone. But before I could turn back to see what it was someone hit me in the back and I

fell to the floor and the light went off. The first aid room as you well know is unusually dark

because of all the stuff in it anti there must be light in the room to see your way around. I noticed

the person was putting on a white coat and realized he was probably a doctor I asked him what

he thought the was doing and tried to get up but he pushed and pinned me to the floor. Then I

tried to scream for help and he gagged my mouth with his hands. He started fondling my breast

and pulling up my dress. I was terrified I strangled effortlessly beneath him but he was so strong

for me. My hand touched an object on the floor and I realized that was my only chance of

getting him away from me. There was nowhere else I could hit him with except his head, neck

and shoulder. And I decided that his shoulder was the least dangerous place to stab him. He

released his hold on me and I ran to put on the switch I was shocked to find out that it was Dr.

Collins and I ran fast out of the room." Ann concluded her own side of the incident.

"If I am not mistaken," Dr. Kelvin said breaking the silence that followed her speech. Where you

not supposed to be working at the general ward? What were you doing at the first aid room?" he


"I was…" she hesitated wondering whether she should go ahead and reveal Nurse Mary's

abandonment of her work. She didn't want her to get in trouble over her.

"Go on," Dr Kelvin urged her impatiently. They were all staring at her. She realized she had no


"I was covering shift for Nurse Mary. She had to rush home to her aged mother-in-law and she

fell that the Matron would not allow her to go if she requested for permission, she answered.

"Nurse Mary"? The Matron queried. "She is not on duty?".

Ann nodded Dr. Sam Collins was one of the most respected doctor in the hospital. He had

been working there ever since it was built and it was really hard to believe that he would

perpetrate such an act. He was nice gentle and quiet and he was also friendly towards the

nurses. Ann had been particularly shocked to see him struggling to his feet in a pull of blood

after she had put on the light and she knew that everyone in the room would tend to be in his

favor except maybe perhaps the Medical Director.

Dr Brown cleared his throat. He turned to his assistant. "Let me h ear what you have to say over

this matter, Dr Kelvin.

"Well, Dr Collins has been with us in the hospital ever since it was started and I believe you will

all– and you include Ann agree with me that he has been of the best behavior ever since. He is

a professional doctor and a very disciplined man. Besides that, he is a personal friend of mine

and I know him well. Well enough to know what he is capable and incapable of and I know he

could not have committed what Nurse Ann is accusing him off. On the other hand. Nurse Ann

does not get the same accreditation from me. Different reports have been brought to me

concerning her by the matron, as well as some of her colleagues I have had reports about her,

sexual harassing other doctors and even some male patients, particularly our unconscious

patient Alex. So it is my view that she attempted to sexually harass Dr. Collins and when he

refused her she stabbed him in the shoulder". He concluded.

Ann stared at the Assistant Medical Doctor. She was not surprise at what he had just said. It

was just what she had expected of him, but she regretted not having told the Medical Director

earlier about the adulterous passes he had made of her.

"Thank you Dr. Kelvin" the Medical Director said "I would like to hear your own opinion. Mrs


"Just like Dr Kelvin has said a lot of embarrassing reports have been brought to my knowledge

on Nurse Ann and some of them I have witnessed myself. she is not the only one working as a

nurse here. Why should she be the only one they make complaints about? I agree with Dr.

Kelvin's assessment and I think she should be severally punished."

Dr Brown leaned back in his chair and took off his glasses. Once again, he sighed heavily and

wondered what was becoming of his hospital. Things like this had never happened before. He

wondered why they're happening now? Had it been any other doctor, he wouldn't even give it a

thought before firing him, but he trusted Dr. Collins. The man had carried on about his job with

most dignity and self respect. However, he was more than convinced that Ann was not the

person who instigated the attack. He was at a loss on what to do. He put his glasses back on

and once again cleared his throat.

"The management will conduct an investigation which is personally going to be spearheaded

by me to ascertain what actually happened. I think it would befool hardly of us," he gestured

referring to himself, his assistant and the matron, "to react just based on the testimonies of the

two parties involved. I think it is important we find out ourselves what actually transpired so that

our action and decision is going to be based on facts. For the time being however, I want you to

both return back to your work. Dr Collins of course would go back to his office but you Ann, I

don't want you to return to the First Aid room. When Nurse Mary comes back, I want her to see

me. You will return to the private patient ward and from now on. I am assigning you as the

official nurse in charge of the unconscious patient, Alex I hope that would put an end to the

reports about you abandoning other patients and duty posts just to attend to him. That will be all

for now, you may go," he said.

Ann and Dr. Brown walked out of the room, while Dr Kelvin and Mrs Martins remained behind.

"If I may say so Dr. Brown Kelvin said immediately they left the room "I don't quite think that you

handled this matter in the right way".

"Really," Dr Brown said sarcastically. "Please, explain what the right way would have been".

Dr Collins has been an employee of this hospital for over fifteen years now. We all know he is

one of the, if not the most principled and disciplined doctors we have got here. And for you to

have expressed doubts over the story he told and weighed it at the same level with the one that

wayward, mentally deranged nurse told us – if I am permitted to say so, sir– is slightly irrational"

Dr Kelvin declared with distaste.

Dr Brown leaned forward on his desk trying to suppress the anger boiling inside of him but

barely succeeding to. "So in other words, you would have rather I took disciplinary actions on

the nurse just based on the testimony Dr. Collins told us without bothering to find out if it was


"He has no reason to lie. What would be his motive? He is…"

"That is enough Dr. Kelvin" Dr Brown cut him short angrily. "Now, let me tell you something if I

had indeed decided to take such a spontaneous and irrational action like the one you are

irrationality suggesting me to do, it wouldn't have been against Nurse Ann. It would have been

against Dr. Collins but for the high level of regard I have for him as a self respecting man with

morals, I would have had him placed on an indefinite suspension.