
The Full Moon


After a long and tiring day, I decided to head home to my condo unit without bidding goodbye to the whole department. I had a rather rough shift for a holiday. While my work mates had a blast this labor day, I'm stuck in the facility doing my work. Especially that the lab results I've been waiting these past weeks finally came to mail this morning. Shockingly, the tests that I had run through the subjects have different conclusions. My head was aching throughout the day that reading the paper made it worse so I call it a day. I'll study about the results later.

"Don't forget about the gathering tomorrow afternoon." Prim's voice echoed inside the car as she demanded for that. I've been so busy with work that I neglected them but since she knew about my day off, I can't say no.

"Anyways, Roni. How's your research? Arturo told me you'll probably get another plaque for this remarkable job." She muttered enthusiastically. The news spread quickly more than what I expected. I was hoping I'd be the one to tell them personally but who am I kidding. They favor Arturo than that. I sighed.

"It's still tentative. The research's still going and I haven't got to half of it. Plus the company is having a rough time, they're making me work twenty-four hours which I declined. I need rest in order to progress so tell Arturo don't jinx this." She laughed on the other line and I can't help but laugh too.

"How's your work by the way?" I asked in return after. "Same old days. I'm still waiting for my leave approval and besides, how busy can an archaeologist be? Compare to you Miss Big Shot, I am not that productive at work." I snorted a little. They do compare their jobs to mine every time we called each other. We're almost at one branch actually, science. Prim is an archaeologist working at the famous museum in the city. Arturo is a Professor at Stanford University (my Alma matter) as the Physics' major teacher. Lauren is a marine biologist working at the biggest ocean park in the country and her boyfriend Matt is an anthropologist at a huge facility together with Jack who's the head linguist of the place. This circle of friend may have different job descriptions but we all have the same branch, again it's science. But they do think my work is tougher and has a higher salary which is partly true.

"Alright then, I shouldn't keep you here. I know you've been busy so rest well tonight. Don't worry, you'll do good with your research." I smiled even though she can't see me. Primrose is like a sister to me. We've been friends since high school and nothing changed between us. Though she got married last year and has a six months old baby girl. Me, on the other hand is living alone on the condo unit I bought using the salary that I earned and kept. "Anyways Prim, I'm still on the road and I don't want to hear baby Aya cry so I'll call you tomorrow morning instead. Bye." I was about to press the end button when Prim left meaningful words for me. I was dumbfounded. I never thought she'll say that. I mean, of course she knows that part of me but it's a secret that I am going to share tomorrow. How did she know? Don't tell me it's Arturo again?

"Good night, Roni. Drive safely, alright? See you." She added before cutting the line. I just sighed and focused on my driving. It's almost midnight and I'm half an hour away from home. I grabbed the coffee I ordered at the shop near the company before leaving awhile ago and drank from it. My eyelids are getting heavier so I also pinched my arm to stay awake. I didn't bothered to play some music 'cause that'll make me sleepy even more. Tss. I'll file for a morning shift after my two-day rest day immediately. The streets are empty and some of the lamps are flickering when I turned to the right. I can't clearly see since my eyes are giving up but the bright shine of the moon made the road clear to me. Full moon, huh. Some of the trees are swaying and some of the dry leaves danced on the ground. Unusual night for August. The wind seems cold and colder from this season. Climate change maybe.

I was running the car with a speed limit when a I saw someone standing at the end of the road, a few meters from where I halted the car. I flickered the headlights to signal her but she didn't moved. I pumped the horn but she didn't flinched. She was standing straight with her back against me. I can't quite describe her since the lamppost on the end of the street wasn't working. I turned the engine off and grabbed the flashlight on the compartment. She's blocking my way and I can't pass without her shoveling on the side. I grabbed my lab gown on the shotgun seat before opening the car door. The cold wind breeze immediately tingled my skin. I shivered a little and hugged the lab gown tighter to myself. I turned the flashlight on and walked slowly towards her. Some of the lights are dimmed but I can still see the white dress she's wearing.

"Excuse me, Miss?" I softly asked. She didn't said anything nor even turned to me. I glanced around and exhaled. "Miss... uhm..." I stuttered. The cold wind's bothering me and with no sweater nor jacket on me, I felt like facing an opened refrigerator. "Are you lost, Miss?" I asked. Again, she didn't respond. I'm now standing a meter way and was about to tap her shoulder when my flashlight turned off. Damn. I tried to tap it on my palm but it only flickered. Guess I forgot to charged it. I inserted the flashlight's strap on my wrist.

"Miss--" I almost jump, scared. I can't see her clearly but her slightly bruised feet turned towards me but didn't moved. She's facing me now. I smiled at her. "I'm Dr. Heartfillia, are you lost?" I asked again. Suddenly, the wind blew stronger this time that I had to cover my eyes. When it stopped, the lamppost died. The moonlit dimmed then as dark clouds covered the sky.

"AWOOOOOOOOO." A howl made me shiver even more. Are there stray wolves out here? Then I must go back to the car. I tried to turn the flashlight on but it wouldn't. I tried again and this time it flickered. I pointed it in front of me but saw nothing.

"Where is she?" I whispered.

"AWOOOOOOOOO." The howl is a lot stronger than the first one so I decided to run back to the SUV.


I muffled some curse when I reached the SUV. My hands are shaking when I tried to unlock the door. The keys are strangling and I can't see which key. The flashlight and keys fell. I hurriedly grabbed it and opened the car.


I locked the door and tried to start the car engine. But it wouldn't. Damn. I tried again. The gas meter is far away from empty so this should start. My lips trembled when the surrounding suddenly became mute. The howl is gone and blow of the wind is too. I am panting as cold sweats dripped on my neck. I looked around even though it's dark. I can't see anything but I can sense, I have a feeling that someone is staring at me. I tried to look again but there's no use. The lamppost aren't back yet.

My cellphone lit up and I saw Jack's name on the screen. I hurriedly grabbed the phone but it fell on my foot. Through shaking hands, I tried to reached it. When I looked down to see where's the phone, a shadow pass the car. I swiftly sat straight. The surrounding is still dark but I can see a little now that the moonlit is back again. I tapped the phone to answer Jack's call.

"Hello, Roni? Where are you?" He asked on the other line. "I-i'm on my way, the car's engine is slightly acting up. I'll be home soon." I whispered. Jack sighed on the other line and by the sound of his voice, he's worried.

"Should I come pick you up?" He asked. "Y-yea----" I wasn't able to answer him when a loud bang made me jump and scream. I looked up and saw the car's metal being left with five slashes in my direction.

"Roni, are you okay? What happened?"

The car is moving and I can hear the metal being crushed somewhere. Oh god. What's happening?! I inserted the car key again and waited for the engine to start. I can still hear Jack's voice on the other line but I just want to get out of here. I silently prayed for this to stop. My hands are trembling while holding the steering wheel. I stepped on the gas but it's not working.

A growl made all the movements stopped, including mine. I froze on my seat as the phone fell from my hand again. I carefully and slowly turned to the left side. A gigantic wolf is looking straight at me with fangs as sharp as they should be and a saliva dripping from it's mouth. I whole body began to shake in fear. I screamed when it tried to break the windshield. I stomped at the gas and the engine came to life. I immediately pulled the gear and firmly held the steering wheel as the car starts to run. I heard a few loud thud but I didn't look back. I can't. I'm too scared to see what's that. What's exactly that.

I reached my condo unit faster than usual and I almost bumped the car in the parking lot. I inhaled deeply and hurriedly went out of the SUV. I opened the backseat and grabbed my shoulder bag. My cellphone isn't working anymore but I have to call Jack. I went inside the building as some of the staff greeted me but I remained silent. I went inside the elevator and punched the 11th floor button. I saw my reflection in the elevator. I'm a mess. My hair's in a messy ponytail and the collar of my uniform creased.

When the elevator pinged and opened, I stepped out and went to the door with number 196 on it. I halted and saw Jack outside the door, waiting for me. When he looked up, his worried eyes turned to longing when he saw me. That's when my exhaustion and drowsiness came to senses. My legs felt like jelly that I can't take a step towards him.

"Roni." He called when I fell on the carpeted floor. My tears raged when he knelt down and hugged me. All my fear and worries came back. "I-I was so scared." I whispered to him. Jack hugged me tighter and I weep more on his chest. I've been holding my tears back.

"Roni?" I can feel Jack's hand on my cheek but my consciousness is slowly fading away. I felt Jack's soft lips on my forehead before the darkness consumed me, fully.
