Love is a blindness to the inner truth. At least those are the last words of what my mother bid her goodbyes to. I was never raised through love, yet there for i was never able to return the love others gave me. At least not until i met him...
The little girl stroked the small teddy bear that at the time was most precious to her. It was the last thing her father gave her before he past away. She did not know about death, so her older brother said he will be safe in his sleeps. The sounds of the sweet sound of humming filled the little girls ears and she quickly raised her head to see her sweet yet thin mother sew a balnket, rocking in the chair watching the fire go up and down. It was rare to hear songs come from the lady lips, and it was rare for the little child to engage in the song. Continuing to stroke the furry bear, she hummed along to the song that was also most precious.
"I wake up in the bright light, see you walking blindly tight, I reach out to touch your crystal skin...Only to feel the sun radiating mist. You embrace me from behind, I sink in your warm vanilla smell, you whisper sweet nothings in my ears, while I am drown in your beloved bites."
No one knew exactly who or what the words were meant for, but that was what Made the small child so attracted, it was a mystery for her and she likes mysteries.
Humming half way through the song, a scream filled the chambers. The mother dropped her blanket and waisted no time to run to her child. "Mama?" Again it was rare for the child to even be able to touch the skin of the woman who gave birth to makes you wonder how this child was even raised?
Pounding filled the room, and the girl stared numb filling her body at the rumbling door.
"Mama! open the door. Mama please it's me."
The sounds of the older brother made the little girl squirm under her mothers embrace.
"mama brother needs our help." With no movement from the woman, the child struggled to get up and save her pleading brother, only to constantly be pulled back. she was confused on to why her mother would even stay put while her first born was about to be killed.
"Mama! mama plea- " The voice was cut off, and silence filled the room, except the sounds of thunder clashing outside the rattling window, causing tree branches to bang against the thin glass creating shadows. Just the sounds of the fire sparks landing on the floor, it was warm but the humans in the room was colder than ice.
Tears clouded the poor girls vision, as she heard the sickening scream coming from outside the walls. She knew it wasn't her brother, and there was no one else in this house. She wondered if it was the invader. When she felt her mother shakking her shoulders, she realized the sound was coming from her. She tried to close her mouth, but something was fighting the little girls body and struggling for her to even stop the sounds.
The door crashed open and the body of the 14 year old boy landed with a thump. Tall and black shadows filled the room, as the mother was seperated from her child. The blue eye girl eyes were shut yet her screams blocked the sound of blood dripping on the cold marbled floor. Or the thump of the dead mother body falling to the grounds. or the laughters from the incideous monsters that no one in this world could identify. Once it was silent, her mouth was able to close and her body made itself by the quivering body.
"Mama!" Silent sobs escaped the lips of the only 6 year old child. "Mama wake up please don't leave me."
Blood choked out from the lady mouth, and her body struggling for the breath she was about to loose.
She touched her childs chubby red cheeks, leaving a handful of blood to drip from the undamaged cheek.
"My child." She choked. "Love is a blindness to the inner truth."
Confused on the last words her mother said, she didn't know why her mother wasn't waking up. Why she wasn't moving. Her next words broke any human heart as it did even to the cold stoned man standing in the door way.
"Mama wake up! i will clean the house. I will be obidient. I will do everything you asked me to do. I will chop the wood, i will ignore love please...P-please wake up."
Broken by the sight once again...The strange man stepped into the room, and sighed.
"Little girl."