
Brenner Souka) Space Chicken

Title: Brenner Souka: The Burning Revenge Synopsis: Brenner Souka, a man tormented by a dark past, returns to the city of Zombo with a thirst for revenge. Now known as Brenner Souka, the Zombo Stars, he takes on a new identity, wearing a red shirt and a cowboy hat, with fire powers in his hands. Determined to make the world pay for what was taken, Brenner follows a path of destruction, starting by facing the terrible reaper of women, Gabino, boss of the local mafia. With his unique style and backpack on his back, he becomes a feared figure on the dark streets of Zombo. As Brenner prepares for the final confrontation, the city of Zombo is on alert, knowing that a new terror has emerged. He is willing to do anything to achieve his revenge, putting not only the lives of those around him at risk, but also the city itself. Get ready for a journey of suspense and action, where dark secrets will be revealed and the line between heroes and villains will become blurred. This is the story of Brenner Souka, a man seeking justice, whose fiery revenge can consume everything around him. Get involved in this electrifying webnovel and discover the fate of the city of Zombo in the hands of Brenner Souka, the man who doesn't fear being burned to make the world pay!

Zombieplay_studios · ファンタジー
11 Chs


Chapter 1: The Beginning

Brenner Souka, a name that would be known throughout the country of Zombo. But before he could become this remarkable person, Brenner got off to a rocky start. He was born in BrZombo, a vibrant metropolis pulsing with life, the jewel of the nation. However, for Brenner, this city has always been shrouded in shadows.

The day Brenner came into this world, his mother, a woman of extraordinary beauty and kindness, took her last breath. The joy of the birth of a child was marred by the tragedy of the death of a wife and mother. The Souka family, which had been waiting to celebrate the arrival of a new member, was instead enveloped in a blanket of mourning and despair.

Brenner's father, a once cheerful and full of life man, fell into a deep depression, from which he never recovered. He blamed his newborn son Brenner for his beloved wife's death. In their eyes, Brenner was no longer a symbol of joy and hope, but a constant reminder of the tragedy that befell them.

Brenner also had an older brother, Jokero. Jokero was a case in point, an enigma who cared little about his family or anyone other than himself. He also blamed Brenner for his mother's death, but unlike his father, Jokero simply chose to ignore Brenner's existence. To him, Brenner was nothing more than a ghost, an inconvenience he would rather forget.

And so, Brenner Souka began his life in BrZombo, burdened with the guilt of a tragedy he never caused, ignored by his brother and rejected by his father. However, even in the midst of this adversity, Brenner continued to grow and develop, unaware that his life was about to take an unexpected turn.

(End of Chapter 1)