
Breaking Dao

The Birth of the Cultivator Cannibal. 10 years old -- most boys would just be playing around, completely unaware of everything else. Lucian, however, at the age of 10, was able to create a medicine that would revolutionize the world, or at least that is what should have happened. When the world needed him the most... ...He vanished. And now, 20 years later --- Lucian, the boy genius... was now just a looter? Warning: MC is in the spectrum. Very Unhinged.

Romeru · ファンタジー
60 Chs

Chapter 4: Another Mistake

"You're fired. I have to let you go, Lucian."


If there was perhaps a time when Lucian showed emotion outside of his house, it was now. Everything relied on his job as a looter. If he loses it, then the lives of the people he loved were literally at risk.

"I need this job, Mr. Yang."

"I know, I know you do."

Lucian arrived at the job site, with another large monster carcass left for them to loot, but before he could even pull out his knife, Mr. Yan pulled him to the side of one of the tents to talk to him,

"But it's the Looter Organization's orders. They told me they received numerous complaints about you being overpaid. And Lucian, they reported that you also threatened to kill your fellow Looter," Mr. Yang pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, letting out a groan while shaking his head, "I already explained to them that the quality of the lithums you loot is the best, but they didn't bother listening to me. I'm sorry, Lucian…

…I truly am."

"But I need this job, Mr. Yang," Lucian repeated his words; the tone of his voice once again turning monotonous.

"I know!" Mr. Yang breathed out, "But you're smart, Lucian — I already told you that you could have any job you want. Being a Looter, this is just for people who know nothing else."

"I need this job," Lucian murmured.

"You don't," Mr. Yang finally shook his head, "You're good at numbers, right? I know someone who works as an accountant and she also earns good money. Work in an office and have a real job that—"

"No," Lucian shook his head, "This job has the highest time-to-pay ratio. I need this job."

"Why can't you fucking understand!?" Mr. Yang finally raised his voice as Lucian just repeated himself over and over again, "I am telling you to just leave! If you tell me why you really need this job, then maybe I can actually help you! Tell me, Lucian…

…why the fuck do you need this job!? Because I actually have no idea!"

"I…" Lucian blinked a couple of times as he thought of telling Mr. Yang about his family. But after a few seconds, he just shook his head and started walking away — the Rot is not really something that is welcomed by society. People feel sorry, but they are also disgusted with them and treat them like they were the disease, even fully knowing that the Rot is not contagious at all.

And it will be worse if a Cultivator happens to discover them — their prejudice against those with the Rot are nothing compared to normal humans.

"Thank you for all this time, Mr. Yang."

"Lucian…" Mr. Yang could really only grit his teeth as he just watched Lucian walk away.

Lucian was at a loss as to what to do; his mind that was already not capable of stopping, working even faster as he thought of ways to solve his predicament.

"Pft… Where are you going, you fucking retard!?"

"I heard you're getting laid off!?"

"Just let him go, Gab. It's already fucked up you got him fired when you're the one bothering him."

"Shut the fuck up! Do you also want to lose your job!?"

And before Lucian could walk away from the corpse site, his colleagues—former colleagues all waited for him outside; the smiles and snickers escaping their lips, pretty much confirming that it was them who reported him.

"Come on then, kill me!" The man that Lucian threatened with a knife the other day, Gabriel, approached him, but Lucian just completely ignored all of them and continued walking away while whispering to himself, "You think you can threaten me…? You actually think you could continue working here, you little bitch!? One of my uncles works for the Looter Organization, you—"

"Can you ask him to take me back?"

"What the—!!!"

Gabriel could not help but almost take a step back as Lucian just suddenly appeared right in front of him when he was meters away.

"Can you ask him to take me back? I need the job," Lucian said as he finally looked Gabriel in the eyes, "I will apologize to you and even kneel down. Just please, I need this job."

"You…" Gabriel took in a small gulp, wanting to look away from Lucian's almost bloodshot eyes, which was even more obvious due to his bright blue irises. Gabriel then turned to look at his colleagues, and as soon as he saw them looking at him like he was some sort of coward, Gabriel lightly pushed Lucian away and pointed at his face, "...Then kneel. I will consider—"

And before Gabriel could even finish his words, Lucian kneeled right in front of him.

"I am sorry. I need this job."

"Then…" A small smile started to crawl on Gabriel's face as he looked down on Lucian, "...Lick my boots if you really are sorry."

"Fuck, Gab. This is so fucked up, that's enough."

"You stay put!" Gabriel almost growled as he told the others to stay put, "Lick my boots."

"I can not," Lucian shook his head, "Your boots are filled with bad bacteria, and—"

"Fucking pussy! What do you mean bacteria!? Are you saying my feet are dirty!?" And before Lucian could finish his words, Gabriel suddenly kicked him right in the face. Lucian, however, did not budge at all; his head only swinging to the side ever so slightly, "What… what the fuck… You fuck! Fall down!"

Gabriel once again kicked Lucian in the face, and this time, Lucian went down. And Gabriel did not stop there, he started stomping Lucian's stomach and kicking him.

"What the fuck, Gab!?" His colleagues tried stopping him, but the only thing they could really do was stay put as Gabriel once again threatened them that he would talk to his uncle to fire them, "Fuck, someone get the Boss!"

"Your eyes…" Gabriel gritted his teeth as Lucian just continued to stare at him even though he was already kicking him as hard as he could, "...Are you really looking down on me just because you're a little smarter than me!? Is that it!? You think you're better!? You—"


And before Gabriel could continue beating Lucian, Foreman Yang arrived and pushed him away with ease, almost causing him to roll several times on the ground.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Foreman Yang pointed at Gabriel, "You think that just because you know someone high up you could do this to your fellow looters!?"

"...Tch," Gabriel wanted to rebuke Foreman Yang's words as he was still heated up from beating Lucian, but he just clicked his tongue and left, "...I'll tell my uncle about this."

"Then tell him. I'll also submit a report," Mr. Yang just shook his head before rushing to aid Lucian, "Lucian… are you alright? Fuck…"

"I… believe my ankle is sprained," Lucian weakly answered as blood dripped from his nose.

"Shit, let me call the medic team and—"

"No," Lucian tried getting up, only to almost fall back to the ground if it was not for Mr. Yang catching him, "I… need to go home."

"God damn it, Lucian. You need to get your injuries checked and—"

"I need to go home," Lucian shook his head. Lightly pushing himself away from Mr. Yang before limping away.

"You…" Mr. Yang could not help but just want to strangle someone in frustration. But of course, instead of doing that, he just grabbed Lucian's wrist and helped him walk, "...What's your address? I'll take you home."

"No," Lucian shook his head as he once again tried pushing himself away from Mr. Yang, but was now too weak to do so.

"Look at you, Lucian. You can barely even walk straight. At least let me take you home."


"Damn it! I've known you for 3 years, I am your only friend in this shit hole! Fucking trust me," Mr. Yang tightened his hold on Lucian, "I am either going to take you home, or you are going straight to the hospital. Now tell me…



"You… live in this apartment? What are you doing with all the money you're earning?"

"I am fine here, Mr. Yang. I truly appreciate you for taking me home."

Lucian and Mr. Yang were now in front of the door of Lucian's house, and Mr. Yang could not help but just look at the hallway and overall state of the apartment building where Lucian was staying.

Lucian quickly released himself from Mr. Yang and planted himself on the door so as to not fall.

"Fuck, Lucian. At least let me get you inside — are the missus and daughter home?" Mr. Yang sighed, "You told me you were married and have kids, right?"

"They are not," Lucian shook his head, "Thank you for taking me home, Mr. Yang. Goodbye."


Lucian did not let Foreman Yang finish his words as he quickly opened the door and got inside, quickly closing the door on him after thanking him for the last time.

Foreman Yang could really only smile and shake his head. But after a few seconds, his nose started twitching.

"That smell…" Foreman Yang whispered, "...They need to repair the garbage chute in this place, what the fuck."

And as soon as Lucian heard Foreman Yang walking away, Lucian quickly limped toward the bathroom and once again started scrubbing himself clean; his blood, just flowing down through the floor — Lucian completely ignored the pain, however, as he made sure to sterilize himself.

"Job…" Lucian whispered as soon as he got out and got dressed, "...I need a new job. Maeve, I need to check on Maeve."

Lucian's jumbled thoughts quickly started to calm down as soon as he made his way to his daughter's room. The panicked thoughts and anxiety, just being completely drowned by nothing but gentleness as soon as he saw his daughter's face.

"Hey… baby girl," Lucian smiled as he quickly sat beside Maeve, making sure not to limp just in case Maeve looked at him, "...Daddy's back home early."

"D… daddy?" Maeve tried to smile, but her lips only trembled, "You… you surprised me. He… hehe…"

"Hey…" Lucian gently held his daughter's hand, "Did you miss Daddy?"

"Hm… hm…" Maeve gasped, "I… I always miss Daddy."

"Really?" Lucian chuckled, "By how much?"

"By… by this much."

"Wow. Really? I can't… I can't even see your hand anymore."

"He…hehe…" Maeve's eyes struggled to turn toward Lucian, "I love you, Daddy."

"And I love you. I'm just going to see Mommy, okay? Do you want me to tell Mommy you love her too?"

"Hm, hm… Don't tell Mommy… but I love Daddy more."

"I won't," Lucian kissed Maeve's hand.



"Who… is your friend?"

"Friend…?" Lucian squinted his eyes for a few seconds before he noticed that Maeve was not looking at him anymore. Lucian then slowly looked back…

…only to see Mr. Yang standing there.

"Mr. Yang…?" Lucian's eyes widened as he quickly but weakly stood up and covered Maeve from Mr. Yang's view, "What are you doing here? Please, let us talk outside and—"

Lucian could not finish his words as he noticed something different from Foreman Yang — the air around him… it was distorted and had a different color.


Mr. Yang was emitting Lith…

…something only Cultivators are capable of.

"Lucian…" Mr. Yang whispered out as his eyebrows began to lower, "...I treated you as a friend and trusted you...

...How could you betray me like this?"

As you may have already realized, this is not your typical Cultivation story. Ack, anyone reading though? T_T

Romerucreators' thoughts