
Chapter 8- Wang Wei's Plan

An unknown amount of time passed.

Wang Wei opened his eyes to find a moon in the sky. He stood up and looked around. This place seemed familiar yet unfamiliar to him.

He touched his head and said, "I have a massive headache. My memory is fuzzy and the last thing I remember is turning around to fight Wang Bo. Since I'm alive, I guess he spared me. Wait..." He took a second to see his body. "How can this be? I knew that Wang Bo would beat me, so how can I be alive without wounds! Yet, my clothes are ripped. Just what happened?"

Thinking that there was nothing he could do, he decided to continue his original goal, to go home. He headed back towards the road, walking through the tall grass, and he stepped on something solid. He looked down, but it was too dark to see much. For some reason, something inside of him told him to figure out whatever it was. This feeling was not curiosity. He took out his only blue profound stone, kneeled down and tried to see what was there using the dim blue light, Profound stones are made with energy, naturally, it would glow. However it is very dim, so during the daytime, it barely is noticed. Using the light, Wang Wei saw a white robe. "Huh? This robe looks similar to the one Wang Bo wore," he thought. He moved the profound stone to the right, and legs appeared in his sight. Startled, Wang Wei had a thought, a bad thought. He quickly moved the profound stone to the left, and his thought became reality. A person was lying on the ground, dead. With a glance, it would be known how it was done. A blow to the back of the neck. Wang Wei was on his knees.

"What is this? How could he possibly be dead? Wasn't he one of the strongest in the village? This should not be possible! Did some expert save me by killing Wang Bo and then healing me?" Wang Wei was on the verge of tears. He had never killed anyone before, and also he has never seen a corpse. His weak mind could not handle this sort of stress.

After a long while, Wang Wei started to calm down. He might not know how this happened, but if word got out, the village would fall into chaos and Wang Wei would be the prime suspect. The only one who knew that Wang Bo was chasing Wang Wei, was Wang Fu. Wang Wei was smart. He knew that Wang Fu had to be silenced, but he couldn't do it.

"Firstly, I should find some way to remove the corpse of this location. but where can I put it? Wang Fu's place?" Wang Wei smiled. "That is actually a great idea. If Wang Fu is the one who reports Wang Bo dead, it would put more investigating on him rather than me. I have to modify the condition of the corpse so that it looks like he died from bleeding, and not a single strike. With this, they should not be able to point their fingers to me so quickly."

In his head, a plan was formulated. He didn't have a knife or anything with a blade, so he decided to make the bleeding internally. Wang Wei punched the ribs of the dead Wang Bo. Then the liver, the lungs, then face. Wang Bo was now filled with bruises and it is no longer so clear the method used to kill him.

Wang Wei was at the 4th stage, so his strength wasn't all that bad. He carried Wang Bo on his back and walked to Wang Fu's house. Wang Fu's house was far from Wang Wei's house, but it was closer to his current location.

After about an hour, Wang Wei arrived. He went through the back to be a bit more careful with his approach. The lights were still on, so Wang Wei had to crouch in order to avoid windows and such.

While Wang Wei's cottage was not big, it was not small either. However, when compared to Wang Fu's and Wang Bo's house, it was nothing. The 'house' was three stories tall with each floor being used for a different purpose. The first floor had a training room, the second floor had personal rooms for those who live there along with one guest room, and the third floor had a meeting hall and treasure vault.

"Wang Fu's room should be on the second floor beside Wang Bo's. I don't want to do this, but I really have no choice. If anyone finds me with Wang Bo dead, I will be blamed, even if I didn't do it!" Wang Wei was determined. He started to climb the wall of the back of the house and peered inside a window that had its lights off. A person that he didn't recognize was sleeping there. "Not this room."

Wang Wei started moving to the left, when suddenly he heard the sound of a door opening and instinctively ducked down, putting a great strain on his arms. Carrying a corpse that is tied to his back and climbing was already bad enough. The sound came from below him.

He looked down and saw Wang Fu outside. He was saying something but Wang Wei was too far to hear anything.

After hesitating for a bit, he decides to go a little faster with his operation. Wang Wei found a new window, peered inside. He smiled. The room had a shiny medal that said "#1 Prodigy -Wang Bo"

Wang Wei finally found Wang Bo's room. He tried to open the window, but it was locked. However, Wang Wei didn't mind. With a punch, the window broke and it made a loud sound. Wang Wei quickly jumped into the room and untied Wang Bo from his back. Then he leaned Wang Bo against the bed and put Wang Bo's arm holding one of his wounds. Wang Wei looked around the room and went through all the drawers. He found a pouch and without looking to see what is in it, he took it. Wang Wei also found some healing pills, and put two of them into Wang Bo's hand while taking the other three for himself. There were some loud footsteps coming his way, so Wang Wei prepared to jump out the window but saw some people outside already.

With little choice, Wang Wei picked up a piece of the broken glass and threw it towards the forest behind the house. As he expected, everyone's gaze went towards the forest, and Wang Wei was able to climb out the window, go around the entire house to the front and escape.

When he landed on the ground, he heard a voice, "Wh- Wh- WHAT IS THIS?!"
