
Goblins Galore

Avril awoke to feel a hard chest pressed against her face. She felt strong arms encircling her, making her feel tiny and delicate. Remembering how she had been crying on Bain when she had fallen asleep, she looked up. Bains ruby eyes were looking at her with something akin to protectiveness. When her golden eyes met his, he flashed a smile that could make nations kneel before his feet. His dimples flashed, as his canines grazed his lower lip. A lock of dark silky red hair dropped into his face. Waking up to this made Avrils tummy feel like it had butterflies fluttering inside it. Her heart thumped hard, and she could feel a blush spread to her cheeks. She tried to push away, knowing it wasn't appropriate what she had done earlier when she fell asleep on him. But she was met with strong arms trapping her against his chest.

"Where are you going little fox?" Bains gravelly deep voice asked as his breath hit her sensitive fox ears. Blushing harder she said in a small voice

"Um I'm sorry Bain, I didn't mean to fall asleep like that..."

" Well, I don't mind. I mean, I just didn't know all foxes were so aggressive when courting people." Bains mischievous tone made Avril feel nervous. Then she felt his canines scratch gently against her fluffy ears.

"Bain, stop it." Avril said in a low tone, as she squirmed around trying to get free.

"Little fox, you didn't have to try to trick me into holding you. All you had to do was ask." Bains breathe brushed against her ears again as his canines continued to tease her. He dipped his head down into the crook of her neck, skimming his sharp fangs along the white, unblemished skin. When he did this Avril doubled her efforts to break free, wiggling around furiously. Bain stopped skimming his fangs along her neck, saying quietly" Little fox, stop moving like that...."

" What?" Avril asked

"I said, stop wiggling." Bain said

"No, I want out." Avril said continuing to try squirming out of his lap. Bain muttered under his breath as she did so. Finally Avril heard him groan, as if in pain. Then simultaneously she was released onto the bench. She then realized why he wanted her to stop moving. She cackled at him as he tried to control himself.

" Well well, that's what you get for holding me hostage." She smirked

" You are not a nice fox." Bain said in a frustrated tone.

"I never claimed to be." She stated matter-of-factly

"Now, lets go find a horde of goblins, we wasted to much time already today." She said looking around. As she slid off the bench, Avril remembered that there had been a reported citing of around 300 goblins by the Wenches Tavern. Wenches Tavern was a seedy pub on the outskirts of town, and the only tavern in town that was run by goblins. Therefore it was the only logical place to look for a horde of goblins. With this thought in mind Avril merrily skipped down a dank dreary ally, like she was skipping through a field. Bain followed behind, looking frustrated and ready to tear heads off.


Bain looked at Avrils back as she skipped down the ally, feeling upset at the fact Avril had escaped his arms. Oh well, its for the best he thought, trying not to remember what just happened. As they walked the buildings began to scrunch up against one and other more and more. The smells wafting out of the gutters would turn anyone's stomach inside out. Bain looked at the way the buildings were ram-shackled hastily together, giving off an air of poverty, and filth. Only lowlifes of society lived here. Bain was shocked to see how comfortable Avril looked. Her movements looked like they were just as fluid and graceful here as anywhere else, if not they looked even more fluid than before. A dirty street urchin fled by Avril, picking her purse out of her pocket with the practiced ease of a thief. Bain was about to grab the little hooligan, only to be shocked at what Avril did. He watched her as she gracefully turned back, leaning over and wrapped her arm around the child. She then thoroughly shook the urchin upside down. She grabbed her purse as it fell from his pants, then deftly spun the kid upright. He noticed as she was spinning him upright, she also stole three other purses from the young lads clothing. She then violently set him down. The stunned child looked up in shock at the woman standing before him.

Suddenly Avril gave the boy a light smack across his face.

"If you ever try that again, I will be far less nice about it." She said in a low, sweet voice. Her mouth formed a graceful smile, but as her lips hooked upwards her fangs peeked out making it look like a display of power. A terrifying look entered her eyes. One that promised retribution tenfold, no matter who you were. The child looked into her eyes and started to shake uncontrollably. He cowered in fear, lowering himself. Avril turned away from the child, continuing to walk towards the tavern. Bain stood there, stunned. Noticing Avril getting farther and farther away, Bain strode forward to catch up.

"Was it necessary to be so hard on a child like that? He's probably just hungry." Bain asked.

"Bain, you don't get it do you? That wasn't just one street urchin, it was a thief. Thief's come in packs. I just warned the entire pack that if they try to make us a target, there will be consequences."

"What? There was only one urchin on that street though?"

"Did you feel the other three that were in the ally? Or what about the six other children on the roof?"

Bain was shocked that Avril had noticed them. He too had felt their presence, but had brushed it off. It wasn't uncommon for there to be other street urchins in the slums.

"We're here." Avril said to Bain.

Bain looked at the tavern before him. It was run down. The sign on the Tavern said

"Wenches Tavern" with a lady with a full bust painted under it. There were cracks along the foundation of the establishment, and there was a dark ally on either side of it, with the smell of feces and vomit emitting from both alleyways.

"Charming." Bain said

Avril nodded, and pushed open the doors. Bain following closely behind. As they walked in three hundred sets of goblin eyes turned towards them.
