
When Boredom Strikes (1)

After Alexandra ate her breakfast at the dining room, she decided to take a stroll around the palace first before she goes to the Diamond Palace and give the gifts to her two other brothers. Carlos was just following behind her all the time and she reached the garden. The sweet scent of the flowers entered through her nostril and she let out a sigh, she looked relaxed and calm as soon as she arrived at the garden. It feels like she was back on her own paradise.

It was warm unlike when you were outside the garden. Her eyes sparkled and twinkled like stars shining in the sky as it was gleaming with joy seeing all of the colorful flowers which surrounded her. Everywhere she laid her eyes on, she could see a beautiful daisy or rose. She let out a satisfied sigh as a wide smile crept up her lips, the expression that was plastered on her face was filled with happiness. It was completely obvious that she was happy when she arrived at the garden, it lifted her mood up. The scent of the flowers was relaxing and comforting along with the atmosphere that surrounded the place. The aura she held was light and bright, Carlos couldn't help but let out a light chuckle seeing how happy Alexandra is.

I can't wait for the flower at my balcony to bloom, she was referring to Daisy and the other two maids gifts to her during the winter star. I wonder what it will bloom first, Alexandra thought to herself as she walked around the garden. I hope it's something rare or something beautiful, she thought to herself. She would be happy if it would be a 'Maria Christine', an attractive and enchanting flower which is completely harmless. It had a sweet and alluring scent and when you buy those flowers in the market, it would be worth than a bag of silver coins since Maria Christine would take a month to bloom but you will not regret waiting for it since it would become a beautiful flower.

Alexandra let out a sigh and just walked around the garden quietly while Carlos followed her behind as always.


Alexandra decided to go to the Diamond Palace after she strolled around her garden filled with roses and daisies. Upon arriving in front of the wooden door of the library, it was opened by Carlos and Alexandra stepped inside as she heads towards the stairs and walked up. She decided to pay a visit to her brother to ask where her other brothers are to give to him. Their footsteps echoed and resonated inside the place and it was the only thing piercing and stabbing through the silence which surrounded them.

"Good morning, Brother Christian," Alexandra said in a gentle voice when she arrived at their usual spot in the library. Christian was on his desk with a book on his hand, reading when she suddenly emerged out of the bookshelves and greeted them. Surprisingly, Gilbert was there sitting on the couch with a book in his hand. "Good morning, Brother Gilbert," Alexandra said and looked at Gilbert who was peacefully reading. He looked away from his book and looked at Alexandra before he nodded and continued reading once again. That's probably he doesn't want to speak or he's too lazy to do so that's why he just nodded, Alexandra thought to herself when she witnessed Gilbert's response.

"Good morning, Alexandra. Did anybody see you while you're on the way here?" Christian asked in his gentle voice but there was a hint of worry tracing his voice. Alexandra showed him a smile before she shook her head, "That would be bad if somebody saw me," Even if Alexandra wears a disguise, she might still be distinguished or they would think that she's interesting and mysterious because the vice-captain of the royal knights was with her instead of training or accompanying the other princes. Aside from that, they might think it's suspicious for her to just walk around and entering the palace's library freely. And probably, the spell to alter someone's appearance had a high tier and would waste so much mana if we do it.

"I see, then what brings you here? Are you going to give them those things again?" Christian asked and Alexandra nodded. "But I don't know where they possibly are, I don't want to wander around because some people might see me along with Carlos," Alexandra explained and let out a sigh right after. "They are probably at the training grounds, courtyard, dining room, or in their own rooms. It would be hard to look for them, I can ask someone to give it to them for you," Christian said, showing Alexandra a smile. Alexandra's eyes sparkled when she heard what he said. "Really? Then, I'm entrusting you this," Alexandra walked towards his direction and gave him the small bag along with a small wooden box with a feather inside which looked colorful, attractive yet old and was giving off this vintage-like feeling.

"No problem," Christian said and smiled at Alexandra. Alexandra hummed before she responded, "Then I'll be taking my leave now!" Alexandra said and bowed at him before she turned around and walked towards Carlos' direction. They head towards the stairs and walked down. They made their way towards the door of the library and when they arrived in front of it, Carlos opened it for her and she smiled at him before she stepped outside. Alexandra stepped aside and waited for Carlos to come out before she began walking.

Well, we might bump into some people here, we need to be careful, Alexandra thought to herself and raised her guard up as she looked around, she was acting like a spy in an undercover mission. She can't help it. Aside from that, she was being wary of her surroundings in case if that creepy guy called Mark Devan would suddenly appear and cause a ruckus or something like that. Carlos noticed Alexandra raising her guard up and being wary of her surroundings, she was being careful and she would keep on turning her head around as if she was looking out for something. "Is there something the matter, miss?" Carlos asked and Alexandra turned her head in his direction, letting her guard down for a moment. "What if we suddenly meet Sir Mark here? I wouldn't want that to happen, so as much as possible, I would like to avoid the path where I will bump into him," Alexandra explained and roamed her eyes once again.

Carlos let out a soft chuckle before he responded. "Well, Sir Mark will not appear in the palace anymore," Carlos simply said and Alexandra stopped from her tracks which caused Carlos to stop too. She turned around and looked at him, a confused expression plastered on her face. She opened her mouth to speak, "What do you mean by that?" As she spoke, her eyebrows became creased. Did they kill him? Was he expelled or banished or something like that? Alexandra started to ask herself some questions which she knows that she can't answer.

"Your expression tells me that you think he was banished or killed. No, he wasn't, he was locked up in the dungeon with guards surrounding him in case if he tries to escape or do something. He has done so many disturbing or creepy things which made some of the knights afraid of him or hate him, we can't tolerate that kind of behavior inside this palace. We can't afford to let him out of our grasp as he proclaimed that he possessed some valuable information and aside from that, he was also a powerful and strong wizard who is also useful despite his attitude or personality. Well, even though we lost a powerful weapon, it's no big deal as we only need the information which he will never tell us," Carlos simply said and Alexandra nodded her head multiple times as her mouth shaped into an 'o'. Silence surrounded them after he spoke and nobody dared to speak as they enjoyed the silence.

The sound of their footsteps echoed and resonated inside the place and it was the only thing heard.

The walk back to the palace was quiet and peaceful, Alexandra was able to observe her surroundings and it was slowly starting to get warmer than before that seems like you were living inside a refrigerator because of the cold but it was still winter. Though it's thanks to the barrier they would put up around her so that she will never get cold. Thankfully, nobody saw her on the way back.

Since Alexandra had nothing to do the whole morning, she just went to her room and read the books she borrowed from the Diamond Palace's library. Since the maids would be pretty busy to play with her because they are preparing for the feast later, she decided to just spend the whole time alone inside her room reading the books.

She decided to finish it all this day or probably until tomorrow, so she can return it early or else she would forget about it. The book that she was currently reading was not about flowers but rather the history of the other countries. Since Ferdinand will return the next few days at the time where Harrison has to go back to the academy, she has to read in case if Ferdinand decided to ask her some things which he probably hasn't discussed to her. Silence engulfed the whole room and the only thing that was heard where the sound of pages being flipped as Alexandra laid down her couch and read.

After half an hour of reading, she decided to stop and placed down the book. She massaged the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes. Reading everything and processing almost all of their information was quite tiring and stressful. She let out a sigh and leaned back her couch as she stared at the white ceiling with a chandelier hanging on the middle, hundreds of thoughts running inside her head which includes about Sir Mark, what were the creepy or disturbing things he did that crept out the other knights aside from how he acted when he saw Alexandra and Carlos together.

Did he also show that expression again? Did he say disturbing things or such? Alexandra started to ask herself some questions as he recalled the creepy and bone-chilling expression the man showed to them. Buggy eyes, a disturbing grin, a high-pitched creepy tone of voice, his dark and ominous aura, and the way he acted, he was like a psychopath who was curious about her and also lusting for blood. It truly looks like he was a dangerous person. A chill went down her spine as she recalled that memory. It was better for him to be locked inside the dungeon but… how will they learn or get the information from him? Aside from that, what was the valuable and important information he was talking about?


"Miss Alexandra," She heard a voice coming from the outside. There were a series of knocks and it grabbed her attention away from the second book she was reading. She sat up and placed down the book as she stretched her arms before she stood up and walked towards the door where the constant knocking can still be heard. She held the cold knob of the door, twisted it, and gently swung the door open. What greeted her sight was Carlos' face with a smile. "Yes?" Alexandra asked.

"It's already time for your lunch, let's go downstairs, shall we? The maids must have been waiting for you along with your food," Carlos said in a gentle voice and Alexandra blinked multiple times before she looked back and checked what time was it. It was already 3 minutes past her lunchtime and she quickly stepped outside her room and closed the door behind her. Alexandra showed Carlos a smile before she nodded and started walking towards the stairs and head down the dining room with him.
