
We're Here

"Unforeseen developments are afoot."

High above in the distant firmament, Calder attempted to peer into the secrets of the mortal world, yet a void shrouded the truth in obscurity.

Even he, a higher deity, could only glean bits and pieces of trivial information.

"Calder, are you troubled by something?"

Unable to discern as Calder did, the others were even more at a loss.

After a while, Calder downed his drink in one gulp.

"Enjoy yourselves, my friends," he said, though his eyes briefly darkened with a shadow of concern.



Alex keenly felt the divinity's incredible power.

Just a while ago, his consciousness had already returned to his body, and the wound around his heart had miraculously healed.

Not long after, Alex regained control of his body and could start move little by little.

This familiar sensation confirmed he hadn't died.
