8 Chapter 8

It was finally morning when George arose from his slumber. He saw police lights and went outside to a police officer wearing a full black uniform with a vest under to see what was all the commotion about.

"Hey what's going on?" George said with only pants on showing off his toned body. 

"One of your friends bite a staff member. His name is Robert," the officer said with shades over his eyes.

Later that day Rebbeca told everybody that everything will be alright and there is nothing to worry about.

"Harold I need to talk to you," George said spotting his brother sitting down a foot away from him. 

"What," Harold whispered moving close to his brother. 

"I think I know what happened to Robert. I think he turned into a zombie," George said accidentally acting like a zombie and getting everyone's attention.

"Z runner my office NOW," Officer Rebbeca said grabbing George by the ear and dragging him to her office.
