
Video Advertisements for Free Bonus Chapters

In the past, almost all methods of getting bonus chapters to the novels you love involved donations. However, we understand that sometimes our readers cannot donate, and it's not because they don't want to support our translators but due to many other factors.

1: Why did we introduce this?

So, this is why we introduced this video advertisement model. It allows readers to access the bonus chapters for free by just watching a video. That's right, now you can gain early access to bonus chapters without having to pay a single penny!

2: What to watch out for?

Every time you watch a video, our system will track your user ID so you don't have to watch the video for that chapter ever again. However, this only works if you are logged in; otherwise, our system won't be able to register that you have already watched this video, and you will have to watch it again on your next visit.

3: Where does the money go?

As for the revenue generated from the video advertisements, it will be split between our hard working translator-editor teams and those who worked hard to bring QI's website and APP online!