
Levels and Privileges

We really wanted our readers to have fun using our product on top of reading and enjoying the novels:)

Therefore, we are introducing to you our new ranking and experience points system in this version

1.What is this ranking thingy?

We all know that you can't walk in Jianghu without some "position and status". Some say they've been reading web novels for quite a long time, but how can they show their seniority?

In version 2.0 we are introducing our new ranking system! For now, we have opened five levels (Lv.1-Lv.5) for you to show your status as a senior daoist.

2.What is this ranking thingy for?

Apart from being a symbol of status, your rankings can also bring you some real benefits! By inviting friends, daoists at higher levels can gain higher awards. There're also more privileges to be revealed...

The current privileges for every level are shown below:

Current friend invitation reward (1 Energy Stones/Success invite)

Lv1: Receive 1 Energy Stone daily

Lv2: Receive 1 Energy Stone and 1 Power Stone daily

Lv3: Receive 2 Energy Stone and 1 Power Stone daily

Lv4: Receive 2 Energy Stone and 2 Power Stone daily

Lv5: Receive 3 Energy Stone and 2 Power Stone daily

3.How do I level up?

You can level up by collecting experience points. When your experience points reach a certain amount, your level goes up.

The experience points required by every level:

Lv1: 1 exp

Lv2: 100 exp

Lv3: 500 exp

Lv4: 2000 exp

Lv5: 10000 exp

4.Where can I earn the experience points?

You can earn experience points by completing mission.

Here's the guide to our currently available missions:

-Upgrade missions:

Fire a Bulletag: 5 exp 

Complete Profile: 5 exp

Add a book to a library for the first time: 5 exp

Read 3 chapters of a book for the first time: 5 exp

Read 7 chapters of a book for the first time: 5 exp

Activate Premium: 10 exp

-Daily missions:

Check-in: 5 exp

Gift 2 books: 5 exp

Post a review: 5 exp

Post a chapter comment: 5 exp

Post a reply: 5 exp

Grade a Chapter: 5 exp

5. Penalties 

The following types of posts will be deleted by the admin: 

- Spam posts 

- Advertisement posts 

- Posts that contain racial and discriminatory languages

Experience points may be deduced as a penalty.