
Boku no Hero Academia: Rise to Greatness

This is a simple rewrite of the awesome anime series that is My Hero Academia. Unlike the anime, or to make it different from the anime, I have made the personalities of each character different. One for All Izuku.

LOTS_Fiction · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs


Chapter 4: U.A. Sports Festival

It had been only two days since the "U.S.J. Incident" as it was called by U.A. The damage the Hero Society had taken as a result of the attack was not much, thank God and it had made the Hero Society aware that the organized villains were back.

All Might had sustained only minor injuries and so had a majority of the Class 1A students. Deku had undergone treatment because he had damaged his right hand again as a result of the Detroit smash he had used on the "Nomu"; Kacchan had received a few minor burns from his excessive use of explosion and he had gained a bit of wear and tear on his shoulder muscles. Aizawa was the main issue in all this. His entire body had been severely damaged due to being manhandled by the Nomu. Classes had officially resumed and they were back in class.

"Deku," Uraraka said as he walked into the class. She hurriedly went to meet him, accompanied by Iida.

"Uraraka, Iida!" the green haired boy exclaimed as she and the glasses wearing boy came to meet him.

"How's your arm?" she asked.

"I'll live," he said plainly.

Kacchan spoke from his seat where he was talking with Kirishima. "You'd better."

Deku just chuckled. Both he and Kacchan had spent the past day being scolded and praised for their actions. Inko almost broke down as she heard what her son had done.

"So…" Kaminari started as everyone was now present in the class. "Who's going to be taking us on homeroom now that Aizawa-sensei is… you know…"

No one actually had a clue on who was going to be teaching them, as they were all certain that Aizawa was still recovering. No one expected the Pro Hero to just barge into the class, his entire body completely wrapped in bandages.

"Good morning everyone."

"AIZAWA-SENSEI!" That was Mina. "You look like a mummy." The entire class nodded as they all agreed with the logic.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Yaoyorozu asked the Pro Hero.

Aizawa just scoffed as he took his place behind his desk. "Because my well being is irrelevant, it is not logical for me to take the time to rest with such minor injuries… especially now that the U.A. Sports Festival is approaching."

"The Sports Festival?!" Mineta asked as he looked at the mummified Aizawa.

"Isn't it a little too soon after the U.S.J. Incident?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah… villains just attacked U.A. two days ago," Hanta said.

"The school thinks that it is best for us to throw the Sports Festival now because it will show that despite the attack on the school… we are still strong and we can take on any adversities… and as a counter measure, security will be beefed up about five times. No villain will be coming in or going out of the stadium without us knowing. And as bonus, two of the heroes that would be providing security are the number one hero, All Might, and the number two hero, Endeavor."

At the mention of the number two hero's name, Todoroki's eyes gained a darkened expression. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Deku.

"What exactly is the school festival?" it was Hagakure who asked this.

"You haven't seen it before?" Yaoyorozu asked. Apparently Hagakure was the only one in their class who had apparently not seen the U.A. Sports Festival before.

"Hagakure… the U.A. Sports Festival is a nationwide televised event. Every year, U.A. hosts a big sports competition that is split between the first years, second years and the third years. The festival is a way of U.A. announcing their next generation of heroes to the entire world and it is usually from this exam that Agencies begin to scan for students that they would love to join them in their work. As a result of this, there are only three chances that you have to showcase your strength and your power to the entire world."

"U.A. really is the best!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"To make the festival all the more interesting… the rules are changed every year to challenge the students. In the next two weeks before the Festival, you are all going to learn how to control your quirks better and for maximum efficiency. I wouldn't want you going into the festival and failing."

"Finally I get to unload on all these bastards…" Kacchan said very deviously. "… My grenades will be ready to unload on those extras."

"Before I forget," Aizawa said. "The Sports Festival tries to make things fair for all participants involved. And as a result… you wont be using your costumes in the festival, just the gym clothes the school provided. That is all. Homeroom is dismissed."

Classes had gone by and they were all at lunch. Aizawa had told them that after lunch, they would be going to one of the school's training grounds to train better. Deku was seated at a table with Kacchan, Uraraka and Iida and all four of them were having lunch.

"Young Midoriya," a voice said. Deku turned to see All Might in his bulky form.

"All Might?" he asked as the Symbol of Peace smiled as bright as ever.

"Well… I was wondering if you would like to join me for lunch… I-I have something I would like to discuss with you."

He nodded and turned towards the people who were at the table with him and excused himself. As both of them walked away, Mina introduced herself. "I wander what All Might wants to discuss with Midoriya?"

Kacchan just got up and walked away from them.

Deku and All Might were seated in the office of the Pro Hero.

"Young Midoriya… I would like to apologize for not being there when you needed me at the U.S.J."

"I-It really is not a problem." Then it hit Deku. "Why the apology?"

"Your class was attacked by villains that were after me and I couldn't stop them… I feel ashamed."

"It's not your fault All Might… you had used up all your time. It couldn't be helped."

Both of them where silent for a couple of minutes before All Might spoke again.

"You know… my time limit has reduced to a little more than an hour."

"W-What? How?"

'After pushing myself at the U.S.J., I seemed to have shortened the time… but that's enough about me. How are you coping with One for All?"

Deku chose to push the thoughts of All Might's time being reduced and decided to answer the question. "Its… I'm still having trouble accommodating myself to the quirk… you know being quirkless and all that."

"True, true… of course I was also quirkless."

Deku's eyes widened… a little too wide, given his already large eyes. His hero, no scratch that… the number one hero in Japan, and quite possibly… the world, was quirkless. He couldn't believe it, but he knew to trust the man.

"Y-You… were quirkless… like me?"

The Pro just smiled as he took in Deku's expression. "It was my master who gave me One for All," he said with a laugh. "… But more on that later." His face took on a serious expression. "It is about the Sports Festival."

Deku gulped as he turned to All Might with a serious expression.

"I want you to tell the world 'I AM HERE!' I suppose Aizawa has told you about the Festival." Deku nodded.

"Well…" All Might started.

After his talk with All Might, Deku had gone back to his class and had joined them for their lectures. Their quirk control classes where to hold after two pm and it was just about time.

"Whoa!" Hagakure exclaimed as she fell on her butt. Just outside Class 1A, there was a literal crowd of students, and they were blocking the entrance to the class.

"It's just about time for our after-school classes, so let's get going," Iida said as he went to the door. "What's this all about?!" he gave a hand chop to the students. "Explain yourselves! Why are you blocking our paths?"

"How are we supposed to get to class now?" Kirishima asked. Their entire class was quite stoked as to why other students would block their class.

"Those bastards," Kacchan said as he hung his bag and went to the door. "If my guess is right, they're scoping out the competition. I guess this losers want to see the class that tangled with villains at the U.S.J." The entire class now understood this, and it would seem that Class 1A was the biggest challenge at the Sports Festival.

"Get out of my way extras," Kacchan said as he made to leave the class. A couple of students that got a full view of his face cringed at the tone, especially those at the front… well all except for one student with purple hair. He stared Kacchan back as Iida reprimanded the teen.

"Are you trying to make enemies for us? 'cause if you are it's working." It was Kaminari.

"Relax losers. What's a bunch of enemies to me? I'll just blow them all outta the way." Kacchan's face didn't even leave the other students as he responded to Kaminari.

"You may be right in saying that we came to check out the stars of U.A's first year… but it seems to me like you all are a bunch of assholes."

"Eh?" Kacchan let off tiny sparks from his palm but he let them stop as Deku went to address the other students. Kacchan and the purple haired boy were still locked in a death glare of some sort.

"We are kind of late for our after-school class, so if it isn't to-"

"You know I found out that due to the way the Entrance exam was conducted and the best chosen for the Heroics course because of their combat-like quirks, some kids with good quirks still wound up in the General Education department. The Sports Festival is a way for those students to redeem themselves and depending on their performance, they can be transferred to the Heroics sector while the ones in the Heroics sector can be transferred out."

Deku had had enough. "Is that some sort of declaration of war."

"You could take it as whatever the hell you want… I don't care.

"Then I suppose I'll take you seriously then," Kacchan said, shocking the rest of his class. His tone was serious as opposed to his 'I will fucking murder you' tone. "You'd better be ready for hell after your declaration of war. I'd hate for you all to be destroyed in this festival and be used as my stepping stone to the top." He broke of his glare with the boy and walked past the crowd of students.

"That was…"

"… Surprising."

"Come on everyone," Deku started. "We are late for our class."

"Nice to see you all took your time to get here," Aizawa said plainly as they walked into the Training Ground Gamma.

"Apologies Aizawa-sensei," Deku started as he walked up to the Pro. "It's just that we ran into some trouble with some other students."

"Aah… scoping out the competition… I suppose it can't be helped."

"I AM HERE!" All Might said as he sped into the training ground.

"Like I said earlier… you are all here to grasp a little, even the tiniest, incentive on proper quirk control and efficient usage. This class will be held after school for about a week. You all will be in separate areas for this class and Midoriya… you would be paired with All Might as your supervisor."

"Why does he get to be with All Might?" Mineta asked.

"That is because their quirks are similar, as they both involve strength, and also Midoriya always seems to blow up his hands every time he uses it. I also know that some of you are more versed in your quirk usage than others…" He glanced at Todoroki and Katsuki. "…Nevertheless, a little training hurt no one." The Pro took a pause to make sure that all of them had taken the information to heart. "Let's begin."

"Young Midoriya… I think I know how to help you utilize One for All better.

"How's that All Might?"

"I am going to use the method my old mentor…" he cringed and shuddered as he said that, before seemingly regaining his composure as soon as he was past that bit. "…I may not be an experienced teacher, but I'll try my best so that you would be able to use the quirk to its fullest… and that brings us to the first segment… You are trying too hard to use the quirk to its fullest."


"Every time you punch, you like to carry all the power of One for All that you have in you with that punch. You should take baby steps and try to put a limiter on the percentage of power you use."

'Baby steps,' Deku thought to himself as he looked as his hands. He was trying to come up with a way to do it, but was drawing a blank. "How do I do that… baby steps?"

All Might was deep in thought for some seconds and then he remembered something. "Use One for All in your hand."

Deku nodded as he focused on channeling the power. He nodded as his shirt ripped off around his arm and he could see energy-like veins around his arm. Come to think of it, he only ever activated One for All when he was about to punch something or someone.

'Now… I want you to get used to that and let the energy course through your entire being."

He nodded again as he focused more. He was beginning to understand what All Might was leaning towards. The Pro looked like someone that breathed and lived in One for All. A full on ten minutes had passed before Deku could feel the energy coursing through his body. He strained for a while and his body seemingly crackled as lightning-like energy strands pulsated around him.

"Good… now punch me."


"Punch me."


"I need to gauge your power to determine how much you can use without sustaining major injuries… it won't hurt."

Deku steeled himself as he yelled. "Detroit smash!" A small shockwave was felt where Deku's hand made contact with All Might's gut. The Pro Hero didn't even seem fazed by the attack and just shrugged it off.

"That's okay… your power is about five percent now and it is safe enough to say that you would be able to use this five percent without necessarily destroying your body…"

All Might paused as Deku cringed and held his gut. "…Then again, the issue is how long you'll be able to use it… so Young Midoriya what would you like to call it because this is your own."

Deku took some seconds to catch a breather before speaking up. "I think it should be called One for All: Full Cowl."

The Number One Hero smiled. "… Again…"

Two weeks had passed and it was the day for the U.A. Sports Festival. All the classes were in their waiting rooms and without a doubt, they were all anticipating this event.


"I have nothing to say, given the fact that you dragged me here."

A couple of chuckles and laughter were heard amongst the crowd as Eraser Head kept on ranting.

"I am only here to support the students and nothing more."


"You are definitely right about that. This is hero business and the best way to get experience is through facing villains. While the incident at the U.S.J. was uncalled for, it definitely gives Class 1A a kind of upper hand in this festival."

In Class 1A's prep room, all twenty of the students were currently calming themselves at the anticipation of the event.

"Midoriya." Deku turned around as he heard his name.

"Todoroki. What's up?"

The dual haired boy was quiet for a few seconds as he stared down Deku. At this moment, the entire class was watching the showdown.

"You do know I am the son of Endeavor." Deku nodded, intent on hearing what the boy wanted to say. "My dad has been stuck as the number two hero for all his life and he trained me to be someone able of taking his spot."

"Yeah and so what does that have to do with me?"

"… What is your relationship with All Might?..."

Deku cringed at the question. He knew Todoroki was an opponent to be acknowledged, more so than some of his other classmates, but at the moment the boy was giving off something different from his regular coldness or strength. This particular question had attracted the attention of Kacchan who looked up from where he was sitting with killing intent in his eyes.

"What's it to ya?"

"… Nothing really, and not telling me does not stop feeling that your relationship with All Might is on a whole other scale… and at this tournament I am going to prove myself to my dad that without his stupid power… I can beat you, someone who was trained by All Might… this is a declaration of war, nothing personal, but you are in my way."

"Now is not the time to argue. We're all on the same team and-" Deku cut her off. His face was very determined and he was not going to lose to anybody.

"I accept," he said as he frowned. "We may be teammates, but only one is going to be number one and that we must know in case we have to face each other." He was angry but All Might had told him that anger wont do anything. He was trying to lessen the tension that Todoroki had caused. He turned to Todoroki. "I know that you are stronger than me, but that doesn't mean I am going to just give up. I'll fight you with my all."

"WITH CHEERS AND APPLAUSE, LET US WELCOME THE FIRST YEARS!" The crowd roared as they awaited the first years.

"AND THERE YOU HAVE IT," Present Mic said as the doors opened and class 1A began to step onto the field. "EVERYONE'S FAVOURITE TO WIN THIS… CLASS 1A!"

"Wow," Deku muttered as he felt nervous at the sight of those that were here and those that were watching from their homes or wherever.

"This is it guys," Kirishima said. "Who's feeling nervous?" A couple of hands were raised, and he turned to Katsuki. "Bakugo aren't you nervous?"

"The fuck I am," the blond said with a grin. "I'm going to blow this place sky high."

More and more students from the various classes began to troop in, and soon all of them were present.

"AND THE HOST OF THIS GLORIOUS EVENT IS GOING TO BE THE PRO HERO MIDNIGHT!" More cheers were heard from the crowd as the R-rated hero took her spot on a podium. She had a microphone on her and a flogger style whip in her hand.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome once again to the most anticipated event of the year, the U.A. Sports Festival. A festival to showcase our amazing students to the world." She licked her lips. "These are the newest recruits of this prestigious school and they are going to face each other in a fight to the death. I love it when people fight." She muttered, a low sultry tone.

At this point, Mineta was already drooling at the sight of her. "This festival is divided into three events and the first of which is an obstacle course. A near four kilometer race around this field. Only the first forty-two students will make the cut and move unto the next event."

"And to kick off this event with a traditional pledge to fair play, is the young, and handsome man that placed first in the Entrance exam, Katsuki Bakugo."

"Only in the heroics department," one random student said.

"Hey, don't go making more enemies for us," Iida said at the blond teen.

"Fuck off," Kacchan said as he made his way to the steps leading to the microphone. The crowd cheered before becoming quiet, all intent on hearing what he was going to say.

"I pledge… to be the best and become number one." His voice was calm and Deku sighed internally. Apparently this had riled up more of the other classes, as they were all yelling at Class 1A.

"Why did you do that?" Kirishima asked as the boy came to join his class.

"There's no room for the weak in spirit in U.A., only room for the best."

"Alright!" Midnight said. "As long as you are on the course, it doesn't matter what you do. All classes to the starting line."

Every member of each class made their way to the starting line for the event.

"No holding back," Kirishima said as he looked back at his classmates.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Shoji said.

"On your marks…"

All the students began to take their spots at the start line. Deku raised his head to scan the crowd. He soon noticed All Might looking at him with a smile on his face. He smiled back at the pro and held up a peace sign.

"…Get set…"

Everyone was now pretty much readying their quirks. Kacchan was letting off small explosions from his palm and Deku was already focusing himself to use full cowl.

"… Start!" Midnight said as she lashed her whip.

Todoroki immediately sped up as he used his ice to skate across the ground. He turned back and froze the ground to kind of prevent anyone from following him. Many of the students are trapped in ice, but none from class 1A.

"As expected," the boy muttered as he continued to skid on the ice.


"You bastard," Katsuki said as he begins to rocket himself on his explosions. All of a sudden, villain bots appear and some were the size of the one that Deku had defeated in the entrance exam.

Todoroki, unfazed by this uses his ice to freeze the villain bots in place as he goes through them. The bots soon come crashing down as they block some of the students from going through to reach him.


Kacchan instantly blew up a villain bot as he continued his pursuit of Todoroki. Kirishima suddenly burst out from under one of the villain bots as he was saved by his quirk. Most of 1A had made it past the robots but were stuck with the larger ones. Hanta used his tape to scale to the top of one of the villains, but before he could go further, Deku shot past him.

Name: Hanta Sero

Quirk: Tape

Deku rocketed past the villain bots as he maneuvered his way past all of them. He soon reached the last one and was met with a metal fist. Reacting on instinct, he jumped over the arm and smashed the villain with his five percent Detroit smash. The bot exploded and Deku grabbed a large part of the bot and attached it to himself.

'Something tells me that this will come in handy.'


Name: Fumikage Tokoyami

Quirk: Dark Shadow

Deku had approached the next obstacle course, which was called the Fall. It was a canyon that could only be traversed by walking on ropes, or so it was meant to be. Todoroki skated across the canyon with ice by freezing the ropes. He had just about made his way across when he heard Bakugo's call.

"I'm coming for you, you Half and Half bastard!" Todoroki ignored him and continued to skate across the rope.

Deku on seeing the ropes increased his speed and used proceeded to slide on it with the metal part he had taken from the robot. He almost slipped on the third rope, but he was able to catch himself and continue.

Todoroki had already made his way to the last and final obstacle; the Land Mine Field. He thought about freezing the field but decided against it as the other students would be able to catch up to him. He begins to carefully traverse the field as fast as he can. He hears the footsteps and the shouts of the students as his lead diminishes.


"I'm gonna kill you," Kacchan yelled as he continued to propel himself and closing the lead on Todoroki and then proceeds to scuffle with him using his quirk, the introvert responding back with vigor.


"Apparently… they're letting their personal issues get in the way of the race… something that would definitely cost them first place."

Deku spot both of them as he stopped his pursuit for a moment to think. With One for All he could definitely traverse the entire area with ease, but one wrong move and he would be blasted away. 'Just like Kacchan.' The green-haired teen smirked as an idea popped in his head.

He takes hold of the metal part he had used to cross the fall and digs up a couple of mines, about seven of them. He places the chunk of metal on the mine and then runs back and then forward, One for All welling through his legs as he approaches the metal. As soon as he stepped on it, he jumped with all of One for All in the five percent that he can use, the blast from the mines propelling him into first place.


Both boys stopped their fight and turned their attentions to passing Deku. The green haired boy had just crashed into the ground from the blast, having scaled the entire mine field. He began to run with all his power as both boys approached him, intent on passing him. Todoroki decides to use his ice to skate across the mine field, freezing all the mines beneath his feet.

Deku continues to run as he sees both Todoroki and Kacchan hot on his trail, not even pausing for a second, lest he faces the risk of One for All deactivating mid race. It did not take long before he felt his hold on One for All diminishing and jumped with what little juice he had left…


At the news from Present Mic, everyone in the stadium roared in cheers at the development in the race. All Might was clapping loudly as he smiled brightly. Todoroki and Bakugo cringed at the news and became even more determined to take the second place.

Thanks to a little slip up from Katsuki, Todoroki placed second in the Obstacle Race and Bakugo came in third. Soon the other students crossed the finish line. Even Mineta had place in the top forty-two by attaching himself to Yaoyorozu and letting her carry him until he crossed the finish line.

Deku was crying tears of joy as he looked up at the cheering crowd, particularly at All Might. He mouthed the words "I did it!" and the Pro responded with a "congratulations". He glanced at his friend/rival.

"Looks like I'm in the lead."

"Whatever," Kacchan said as he sneered at Todoroki. He hated losing more than anything. All Might never lost, so why should he. And not only that, he couldn't even come in second because of that useless half and half bastard. Only first place would satisfy him.

Todoroki was breathing heavily. 'I let my guard down when I was fighting with Bakugo… I let him steal first place. It won't happen again.' He glanced at the crowds and noticed his father, Endeavor, looking at him. His face morphed into a frown as his eyes met his father's.

"The top forty-two students that will be moving on have been determined. If you didn't make the cut, you should leave the field…" Midnight waited until the students who didn't make it to the top forty-two left the field. "…And now for our second event which will be…" there was a dramatic pause. "…A Cavalry Battle!"

All the students gasped. The second round was going to be one requiring teamwork.

"Each one of you is expected to form a team of two-to-four members. The goal of this event is for you to earn as many points that you can as a team by stealing the points of other teams. Every one of you has been awarded a number of teams that increases by fifty from the bottom up… except, this is not the case throughout."

'Throughout… what does she mean by that?'

"The forty second person has a point total of fifty, the forty first, a point total of one-hundred and it increases by fifty, meaning that third place has two thousand points and that second place is worth two thousand and fifty points and that first place should be worth two thousand one hundred points…"

"What does she mean 'should'?" Todoroki asked himself.

"…The winner of the Obstacle course, Izuku Midoriya, is the only exception to this rule as he is worth a total of ten million points!"


Complete and total silence. All eyes were on Deku, heck even his own eyes were on him but he couldn't tell since he was frozen with shock.

You know that feeling you get when you answer a question the whole class was not able to answer and you indirectly end up ridiculing the entire class. That was what Deku felt right now but unlike the class scenario where you had twenty-to-thirty at best eyes on you, Deku felt the eyes of every single person watching the Sports Festival. The entire silence was broken by Kacchan who burst out laughing. This also caused Deku to regain himself.

"Shit," he cursed under his breath.

"The cavalry battle will last a total of fifteen minutes. The point value of each teammate will be accumulated into one headband that can only be worn by the rider of the cavalry. The headband can only be worn on the head or on the neck. If your team loses a headband or crumbles, they are not out of the game… you all have fifteen minutes to form a team. Good luck."

"IIIZUUKU!" Inko wailed as she saw that her son had placed first in the Obstacle course. She was crying tears of joy and Mitsuki was by her side trying to keep her from possibly jumping out through the window.

"Calm down Inko," she said as she held her best friend. "I'm glad Izuku won the first event as much as you, but please don't shatter my eardrums."

"Poor Katsuki, he ended up coming in third place."

"Hah! Serves him right."

"Aren't you upset that he came in third place?"

"Not exactly… but that is not the main issue here. Did you see the green electricity that was sparking off of Izuku."

Inko became silent as she began to think. She had not actually taken time to focus on that green electricity that lanced off her son's body. Only one other man had that quirk… and he was long dead.

"I don't know… it could be possible."

Eight minutes had gone by and Deku was on the verge of panic. He had not found anyone that was willing to join his team… and he blamed Midnight, or even U.A. They just had to go ahead and make him a target of this insane battle.

"Huh?" Deku said as he felt a finger poke his shoulder. He turned around and saw the face of Uraraka. "Uraraka… what's up?"

"Nothing really… hey how's picking a team going for you?"

Deku's face turned into a frown. "Sadly no, and it is all thanks to Midnight placing a target on my head. Ten million points my foot… the points would be useless if I can't get anyone to form a team with me." His hands fell to his side.

"Why don't we form a team together?" Uraraka asked. Deku whipped his head up in an instant as he held her shoulders.

"You mean it?" she nodded.

"You're a life saver Uraraka," Deku said as his face became a squeezed mess. "Thank you."

His face became serious as he thought of a strategy that could utilize Uraraka's Zero gravity. He looked around and spotted the person that was on his mind.


"Yes Midoriya?"

"I'd like you to join my team… I already have a plan that involves you, and Uraraka and –"

"As expected of you Midoriya… you already have a plan in that mind of yours, but sadly I must decline. I would love to stand out in this festival… and being in the team of the boy with ten million points… it won't work. I hope you understand."

"Yeah I do… I was the one who said we should be ready to face each other."

"Thanks for understanding," Iida said as he walked away. Deku turned around with a frown; that had placed a dent in his plans. He was basically the target of the entire cavalry, and he needed someone with mobility to avoid the general onslaught of the festival.

"What did Iida say?"

"He said no… and that means I'm kind of handicapped here and-"

"Oh Mr. Ten Million," a voice said… a bit too close for comfort.

Deku whirled around, only to smack into a girl about his age. "H-Hello," he said, a bit taken aback by her energetic look.

"My name is Mei Hatsume of the Support Course, and I insist upon an alliance. I don't know you but I believe you are the best bet for my babies to get attention in this tournament… you know being the one that everybody is looking at. You are perfect to help me promote my babies to the big companies."

Deku did not know whether to be upset or just… he didn't know. The girl was downright straightforward… a trait he usually loved in people, but she was a bit too upfront as she was getting in his face.

"What do you-"

"The Support Course develops the gadgets and gizmos that the heroes use on the job. Gadgets that take advantage of, or enhance the quirks of individuals, and I have a ton of them."

'She has no interest in me.'

Deku's eyes widened at Hatsume's last bit of info. He flashed back to during the training session his class was having at the end of class in preparation for the Sports Festival.

"Alright young Midoriya… let's go."

Deku nodded. "One for All: Full Cowl." He tensed his body as he caused One for All to surge through his being. The red veins spread throughout his body before extending into green lllightning. The boy stopped haven succeeded with the transformation.

"All Might… what is this green electricity? Did it ever happen to you?"

"No… It started when you first developed the technique. I can't actually explain it because I didn't have much trouble with One for All. Let's see what it can do."

Deku examined the electricity for a couple of seconds before he began to rub his hands together. He felt something akin to a spark, but he wasn't very sure about it. He continued the act and then he touched All Might.

"Did you feel that?"

"A small spark of electricity coursed through my body… it was small but it traveled everywhere around my body. I guess we can't just overlook that fact… focus mostly on maintaining this form for extended periods and then occasionally, if you can, work on that electricity…"

Oh here, that electricity based aspect of One for All… he wasn't even sure because All Might didn't even have it. He turned to Hatsume.

"Do you have anything that can amplify electricity? – to be specific a rod, and we could also use something that can shoot water." The girl nodded as she began to tinker with some gadgets.

Todoroki looked over the members of his team, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu and Iida as he went over the strategy of the battle.

"We are going after the ten million points as soon as the game starts. Iida you will provide mobility for the team. Kaminari will be our attack, but please don't go short circuiting yourself. Yaoyorozu… you know what to do." She nodded and they began to run over their plan of attack.

"Alright… here's how it is going down. We are not going after Deku and his 'ten million points'," he made air quotes as he said that.

"Why?" Mina asked.

"Everyone is most likely going for that headband, and while they do so they won't be able to prevent us from stealing their headbands. We are going to freakin' rain chaos down on this field and besides, Deku is the most effective strategist I have ever seen and he is probably going to have a crazy plan to safeguard it."

"That is a pretty effective plan," Sero said as he looked at his team leader.

"Yeah. And I thought that the only thing he was good at was blowing up people," Kirishima said with a laugh.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Bakugo said irritated.


The Pro woke up and looked at each of the cavalries with critical eyes. "… That's quite the interesting lineup from Class A," he said through his microphone.


Deku smirked from atop his cavalry… the abrasive feeling of battle taking over him. "Is everyone ready?"

"Roger!" Uraraka replied.

"Time for my babies to shine!"

"Understood," Tokoyami said… Dark Shadow also agreeing with him.





All the teams immediately went after Deku's, all going for gold. "Now!"

Uraraka touched Deku with all her fingers as she activated her quirk. The boy was kept from floating away by the hold of his teammates. "Tokoyami, Dark Shadow!"

Tokoyami nodded as he tossed a ball on the ground and it exploded unleashing smoke that covered Deku's side of the arena.


"He is looking to protect the ten million points from being stolen… that's a smart move."

"Hatsume… don't take your eyes off of Todoroki."

She nodded and activated her zoom quirk. "Uraraka!"

The girl pressed a button on the backpack on Deku as it began to douse the field in water. He extended his hands to his back as he took a pair of metal staffs from his back. His hand sparked and they seemed to travel to only the tip of the staffs. "Let's get this party started!"

Dark Shadow grew to a lot larger than his usual form, but he was kept in check by the light from a surprisingly bright torch on Deku's neck. Tokoyami smirked. 'I only told him about Dark Shadow's issue and he found a way to turn it into an asset.' Dark Shadow had formed a shield around Deku to protect from stray attacks and Deku's electricity. The electricity surged around the ground, halting all cavalries from approaching them.

"See… I told you," Kacchan said as they saw Deku's plan taking effect. "He had too much time to plan and for some crazy reason, he can use electricity."

"I guess you're right," Kirishima said. "Todoroki is already taking the bait."

"Let's go!"

Todoroki was making his way through the smoke with a light that Yaoyorozu had created. They startled as electricity surged in front of them, almost causing them to fall and break apart their formation. This kept on happening every time they made to get closer to Midoriya. Todoroki grit his teeth as he sent a huge ice glacier at them.

"He's making his move," Hatsume said.

"Good... Tokoyami you're up."

The boy nodded as he turned to Dark Shadow. The large shadow carried them and took them out of harm's way as the ice surged past them. Deku smirked as his staff made contact with the ice and electricity surged through it. Todoroki winced at the slight shock he received and mentally sneered at Midoriya.

"Yaoyorozu… blow away this smoke."

The girl nodded and began to create a fan of some sort.


"It looks as if this Cavalry Battle is mainly for Class A…"


"Can't a teacher be proud of his students?"

Bakugo leapt off of his cavalry as he propelled himself with his quirk. "Stun grenade!" he yelled as he momentarily blinded Hagakure's warhorse. Sero released his quirk, wrapping his tape around Bakugo and reeling him in.

"Right," Mina said as they turned to block an explosion with Kirishima's body.

"So these are the Class 1A punks that so happen to be the stars of this Festival. I am so going to love taking you… down."

"Did you just copy my quirk?" Bakugo asked… his tone low.

"Huh? Are you jealous I can use it better than you?"

"There can't be room for two Bakugos in this academy. You can copy whatever the hell you feel like… but nobody messes with me and my quirk."


Team Todoroki had succeeded in blowing away the smoke and revealing Deku's team for everyone to see. A massive wave of ice raced across the field after Deku, but they avoided it by running.

"Recipro burst!" Iida yelled as he used his maximum speed to race over to where Deku was.


"Dark Shadow!"

"Wham," the Shadow said as he came out of Tokoyami's body and sent a huge fist at them. Iida halted as Todoroki threw up a wall of ice. The ice shattered on impact and sent chunks flying everywhere. "Yaoyorozu, I need a cannon."

Deku glanced around the field to see Kacchan decimating an opponent, and then he noticed something. His electricity had not died down yet… he could notice some left over sparks. "Hatsume use the hose again to wet the field around them."

Hatsume nodded as she turned on the hose and was beginning to use wet the area around them.

"Kaminari!" Todoroki yelled.

The blond let loose a massive blast of electricity through the water that Hatsume sprayed. If not for Dark Shadow, they may have been fried by the electricity.


Yaoyorozu's cannon ball sailed through the air before slamming into and taking out Dark Shadow. Deku smirked as Todoroki sent ice their way… all four of them dodging the wave of ice by using one of Hatsume's jetpacks. Uraraka had also made the escape easier by making both her and Hatsume weightless. Deku sent an even bigger bolt of electricity at the wet arena, the electricity dancing around them and shocking them with tiny but effective zaps every now and then.

"Thirty seconds!" Midnight's voice was very clear.

"The hell!" Todoroki said as he sent an insanely huge wave of ice at them. Deku smirked as he gathered five percent of One for All and sent it flying through his fingers… the blast of pressurized wind smashed into the wave of ice and smacked into Todoroki's team, sending them flying.


"Wahh!" Deku wailed at the announcement, he launched streams of tears from his eyes. He had won the Cavalry battle with the help of his team. He thanked all of them, especially Hatsume who left to go tinker with her gadgets.

"WE ARE GOING TO HAVE AN HOUR LONG BREAK AND THEN WE ARE HEADING STRAIGHT FOR THE FINAL EVENT. YO ERAS-"Present Mic wanted to ask his best friend if he was going to grab lunch, but a light snore told him that the Pro had other plans.

"WE WON DEKU!"Uraraka said as she hugged the boy and both began to celebrate.

Tokoyami smiled at their interaction as Dark Shadow had already recovered and it was standing… or whatever, beside Tokoyami. 'Midoriya… you have definitely earned my respect today… you even showed me a new aspect to Dark Shadow that was overlooked by everyone. I never knew that Dark Shadow was a kind of solar panel… except he absorbed the dark and not the light. This gives way to new training opportunities.' The boy turned his eyes to see Todoroki gritting his teeth.

'This won't happen again… I wont lose to you Midoriya… never.'

Deku stopped his… celebration with Uraraka and glanced at Kacchan who was making his way over to them with his team in tow. "I see you didn't lose," Deku said with a smirk.

"Are you fuckin' kidding me? I was the life of this Cavalry battle. You were lucky you didn't get to face me."

"You were lucky you didn't face me," Deku retorted back, both teens glaring at each other.

All Might walked over to the Number Two Hero, Endeavor. "Yo Endeavor!" he said.

The Pro just turned his head to look at All Might with a glare. "What do you want All Might?" his tone was cold.

"Ouch," All Might said as he faked pain. "Your son Todoroki has some massive firepower. I'd like to ask you how you trained him like that… as pathetic it is to say, I am new to this whole teaching business."

"Why should I tell you? Figure it out yourself… Number One Hero!"

All Might's eyes became serious at the tone that Endeavor was using.

"I heard that you've taken a liking to this boy," Endeavor said, pointing at Deku. "- don't look at me like that… you know it is the truth. It's just that I found out that he is the son of Hisashi Midoriya."

"Where are you going with this?"

"That electricity around his body… I noticed that it didn't die down after he cut off power to it… the ones on the field."

"So you saw?"

"Yeah… and there's only one person that has or used to have an electric quirk like that. And since you clarified that he was the son of Hisashi, it all makes sense now."

"You think he has the same quirk as Lancelot?"

"I have always been smarter than you at these things… it is a possibility and if it is true, then the boy should be monitored. It would be a shame if villains come after him because of his quirk… and it also seems that he just awakened it."

"I pity the villain that would try to harm this boy."

"Careful what you wish for… " Endeavor said as he walked away, trailing off.

'Lancelot huh?... But Midoriya is quirkless... A quirk that did not activate until this age... Something is not right here.'

"Inko," Mitsuki said after her best friend had stopped her tears of joy.

"I know," she said as she was deep in thought. "... But how is it possible that they have the same quirk."

"Yeah... Even Hisashi did not possess Lancelot's quirk and he was the only child."

"Lancelot was amongst the top humans in the world... And to think his quirk is in Izuku, tha-"

"We don't know for sure," Mitsuki said to her husband, though she couldn't help but think he was right in what he said.

"I need Hisashi here to help me sought these things out here," Inko said as she began to massage the bridge of her nose. "If Izuku actually turns out to possess Lancelot's quirk, then villains will be after him for his power, or worse, he won't be able to become a hero because of his grandfather's affiliation with villains."

"Don't say that Inko... Izuku and Lancelot are two different people. They won't view him that way... I hope."

"Yeah right. This society's crazy. Let's just hope that U.A. can help Izuku and we can always count on Katsuki to look after him."

Everyone's head turned to the direction of the door at the sound of the doorbell.

"Were you expecting anyone?" Mitsuki asked her best friend.

"No," she said as she eyed the door.

"I'll go check it," Masaru said as he walked to the direction of the front door and opened it.

"You!" Both Mitsuki and Inko heard Masaru exclaim.

"Is anything the matter dear?"

"Everything's fine," he said as he walked up to them. "It's just that she surprised me is all."

Inko was about to ask about who had surprised Masaru, and it also seemed that her best friend had the same thoughts, however they were both silenced by a fluff of green hair, not unlike Izuku's, but similar. A girl with huge green eyes stepped into the living room. She looked about Izuku's age and was quite similar in appearance to the green-haired teen.

Inko was on the verge of tears, but she managed to find her voice. "I-Izuna? Izuna!"

"Mom!" The teen exclaimed as she ran to hug the older woman. Mitsuki and Masaru just smiled at the touching reunion between mother and daughter, wiping away little tears that threatened to flood their eyes also.

That was unexpected right? I know, it kind of took me by surprise when I wrote this way. Anyways, Deku has a quirk and he has a sister, spoiler alert, twin sister. Hisashi's father is mentioned and he was once a big shot before he died. I tried my best to deviate from the anime style of the Obstacle race, hope you all liked it. The Cavalry Battle was something that actually gave me trouble to write, and even now, I am not satisfied with it.

Deku has an electricity quirk that is the pinnacle of all electric quirks... Oops, already said too much. Anyways, the next chapter will mark the beginning of the tournament section of the Sports Festival. I am going to leave you all with two questions. The first is the kind of quirk that Izuna possesses and the second is who actually is Lancelot?

Don't forget to leave a review. I love reading them thanks. Sayonara.

LOTS_Fictioncreators' thoughts